
Chapter 136

Chapter 136: The Surrender of Wakanda.

Other members of the Holy Society on the other side pulled the stickman frantically, preventing him from going to where Matthew was. Although they did not have satellites, the battle between Carl and the woman before The fluctuations could be seen in the entire sky, but Matthew went to deal with others. The news now is that the woman was defeated and was thrown to the ground covered in blood. Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, is The initiator of this battle was left dead, and Steve Rogers was crippled and taken away at a huge cost.

If you let Gunsou go now, you let him die! How could they let him go? Even if they also knew Matthew, Karl and the Holy Society really couldn't afford to offend him. They had to kneel even if Iron Fist was there! The battle between him and that woman has gone into the universe. How could they be opponents? No matter how good the relationship with Matthew is, it is impossible for the entire Holy Society to die just because of him!

Daredevil: Matthew faced Carl without saying a word. After Carl chuckled, Matthew exploded and died. Then he looked at the Black Panther wearing a vibranium suit. He didn't expect Val. Kanda actually dared to attack him, so don't blame him.

"You should be T'Challa. T'Chaka doesn't have the guts to attack me again. Now I officially congratulate you for bringing Wakanda to hell. Don't worry, hundreds of thousands of you people in Wakanda will come later. Accompany you. "Karl looked at the black panther wearing the vibranium suit below and said slowly, and even said bluntly���He will destroy Wakanda himself!

"No! You can't do this. I'm here on my own behalf! You can't do this! You can kill me. I just ask you not to do anything to Wakanda!!" Black Panther took off his helmet and shouted at Carl. shouted, and then knelt on the ground and said to Carl for Wakanda..

"Haha, do you think it's possible? Remember what I said before? And next time, Wakanda will be destroyed! The king of Wakanda comes to attack me and you tell me you only represent yourself? You must have lost your mind. "Karl sneered and said to T'Challa who was kneeling on his knees, while Tony and others looked at Karl in confusion.


"Mr. Carl, if you want to vent your anger, just kill me. I am willing to use Wakanda's vibranium mine and my life in exchange for you to let the people of Wakanda go! "At this time, a vibranium fighter plane suddenly flew from a distance in front of Karl and others at high speed, and stopped directly on the ground. The cabin slowly opened, and a black-skinned man came down and said to Karl..

"not enough. "Carl looked at the pleading T'Chaka calmly, and uttered two words coldly. T'Chaka came here just to prevent him from doing anything to Wakanda. The vibranium mine is easily accessible to Carl now, and he will die. The previous king was not enough.


"Wakanda is willing to surrender to Mr. Carl! At Mr. Carl's command! ! "After hearing Karl's words, T'Chaka closed his eyes in pain, then removed T'Challa's vibranium suit, cut off his entire right hand, and then knelt on the ground to face Karl. He offered his allegiance to Wakanda!

T'Challa had an arm cut off by his father without saying a word. He knew that his father was protecting him, otherwise their fate and that of Wakanda would be destruction. Naturally, he felt infinite regret at this moment. , why didn't he listen to his father's wor

ds? T'Challa knelt on the ground without speaking, and closed his eyes in pain..

"However, I don't want to hear Wakanda's objections. I will do as you say after I finish it, and I don't want to do it myself. "After Carl heard T'Chaka's conditions and actions, he felt something interesting. At the same time, he couldn't help feeling that he was worthy of being a king. He was so cruel to his own son. He directly cut off the entire arm! At the same time, he couldn't help but be surprised. Chaka's mind is so meticulous that he can accurately capture what he is interested in.

In fact, there is another reason why Karl agreed, that is, T'Challa's sister is also a genius who is not familiar with Tony, so she can naturally be used by him. Better, if not then she would just go see Mephisto.

"T'Chaka has met his master! I understand that I will do this in three days, and then I will kill myself in Wakanda. "After T'Chaka finished speaking, he helped T'Challa, who had cut off one of his arms, and walked towards the vibranium fighter. As for T'Challa's chopped off arm, they did not pick it up. After a while, the vibranium fighter took off and headed towards them

. When their own country, Wakanda, flies away, perhaps it shouldn't be said to be their country. It should be said to be Carl's country. As for whether the people inside agree with it or not, it's not Carl's business, it's T'Chaka's business. If He was not satisfied that he could only use blood to teach them what surrender was, not to mention that he couldn't mine vibranium mines by himself. Afterwards,

Carl slowly looked at Loki aside, and Loki smiled at Carl. , this is a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. Although Loki is cunning and deceitful, he does not dare to be presumptuous in front of a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse..

"Loki, although it is said that Thor made a deal with you this time, in the future you will know how lucky you will be to take action this time. This time you will save the person you love most. "Karl said slowly to Loki, but Loki was a little confused when he heard it. The most beloved person? He thought about it and locked Frigga's name, but she is the queen and is protected by Odin. , how could it be dangerous?

"I'm honored to be able to help you. Although I didn't understand what you said, thank you. "Loki spoke slowly after listening to Karl's words, and then performed a mage's etiquette to Karl, because the words of a strong man are never groundless, and there is no need for the other party to lie to him. He attaches great importance to matters involving his mother, so Only then will he perform a mage etiquette on Karl.

"Well, Thor, thank you for your support. If you need anything, please contact me directly. "Karl then made his promise to Thor. Others may not be able to feel that Carol is a powerful heavenly father, but Thor and Loki must be able to. After all, they followed Odin every day when they were young. How could the person behind the butt not know the fluctuations of Heavenly Father-level energy, but Thor still chose to help him, and even pulled Loki over.

"Hahahahaha, you're welcome, I haven't thanked you properly for helping me so much before. If we have the chance, we must have a good meal in Asgard! "Thor said to Karl carelessly. Odin, who was watching Asgard here, also showed a smile after hearing Karl's words, but he fell into deep thought after thinking about what Karl and Loki said just now..