
Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Captain America is deposed.

After hearing the other party talk about replacing Steve Rogers with Gravityium, Carl hesitated. If he could fuse Gravityium, he would be able to control gravity. This is a good super power. , but the fusion of gravity onium is a bit difficult to solve.

"Tony, the gravitonium she talked about is a silver liquid, but if it is fused with the human body, it can control gravity. It is a good super power. You can consider it. At worst, I will destroy Steve Rogers. "Carl looked at Steve Rogers and then said to Tony, and then explained the role of gravity.

Steve Rogers looked at the blond beauty in front of him in disbelief. This person was the same as the one he saw on the hospital bed before. Peggy Carter is not a person at all. Why is she here? Is the Peggy Carter on the hospital bed fake? Countless doubts surround Steve Rogers' mind at this moment..

"good! Then Karl, take action. "After Tony thought for a while, he still chose to let Carl take action. The other party did not say that he wanted Steve Rogers intact, so if Carl crippled him, he would naturally be regarded as Steve Rogers, even if he should be his uncle according to his seniority. Man, Tony no longer has the slightest fondness for him!

"OK."Carl nodded to Tony. If he didn't know where Gravity was, how could he agree to her and just go and grab it? Then Carl threw a golden energy at Steve Rogers, and the energy started Entering Steve Rogers' body, killing his flesh, bones, marrow, and most of the super serum factors inside, it also directly destroyed the regeneration factor of his super serum.

Steve Rogers was wailing in pain as he struggled on the ground. Even Barton couldn't help but avoid it when he saw it. But thinking that Steve Rogers had suffered the same fate, he should be about the same. After giving a wry smile, he didn't look at Steve again. Mr. Rogers, he did not choose to escape. The powerful woman was beaten half to death and was thrown to the ground like a dead dog.

After the golden light disappeared from Steve Rogers' body, Steve Rogers stopped struggling. His body shape did not change much, but there were not many super serum factors left in his body, and it was almost impossible to be the same as before. , he became a stronger ordinary person, and there was even Carl's shadow ninja in his shadow watching him, just to be safe. If he did anything strange, the shadow ninja would kill him immediately..

"You can take him away now. Gravity will send him here by himself. Don't let me find him. And, that's all. "After Carl crippled Steve Rogers, he asked Peggy Carter to take him away. Even if Steve Rogers is taken back now, he is just an ordinary person. He cannot inject any genetic serum. Once his injection is The gene will collapse, causing his immediate death.

"OK, Mr. Carr, the gravity will be here in three days. "Peggy Carter had no expression when she saw Steve Rogers being deposed. Carl felt a little strange when he saw this scene. She actually had no expression, and her expression didn't even change. Didn't she like Steve Rogers before?

However, it is understandable that after waiting for someone for 70 years, how could one still have fluctuations in her heart? In the timeline, Peggy Carter only liked

Steve Rogers, or had a crush on each other, and they were not together. Marriage, not to mention that Peggy Carter might not really wait that long for him after the news of Steve Rogers' death in battle, although in the timeline, Steve Rogers is suspected of finally traveling through time and going back to live with her. .

After that, Peggy Carter walked up to Steve Rogers, picked him up with one hand and walked out of the car she drove. Then she left with Steve Rogers. Carl watched Peggy Carter leave. Looking back, he couldn't help but ponder. Did she also inject the super gene at that time? Was it just done secretly?

After wondering, Carl stopped thinking. He patted Tony on the shoulder and slowly floated into the air again to look at the two. Hulk and Red Tank, who were still fighting, began to be surrounded by blue energy, blasting towards Hulk. After Hulk came into contact with the blue energy, his body immediately began to freeze!


After a while, Hulk was sealed with absolute zero ice by Carl. The angrier Hulk became, the stronger he became, but the temperature of the ice would directly make the anger in his heart disappear, so he could not become stronger at all and could only be frozen by Carl. Not to mention the absolute zero degree of freezing, the red tank also recovered. The red magic in his body began to return to his body, and he walked in the direction of Tony and others.

Turning to look at the remaining people present, the mutants exploded to death one after another. The SHIELD agents had long been killed by the shadow ninjas, but the one who exploded at the same time was Pierce. As for letting him go? Sorry, Carl has never thought about this problem. Looking at Hawkeye Barton, Daredevil Matthew, and Black Panther T'Challa in front of him,.

"Mr. Carl, can you please let Clint Barton go? He did not attack anyone in the manor. I am willing to be loyal to you in exchange for Clint Barton's life. "Natasha suddenly came out and begged Karl, and then even exchanged Clint Barton's life at the expense of herself. It can be

seen from the timeline that both Natasha and Barton regarded each other as their own family. , so after being able to exchange for the soul gem later, Natasha knew that she owed Barton, so she planned to exchange Barton's life at the expense of herself..

"I can testify to this. Hawkeye has indeed been beating Loki. Man, you have to leave some people for me. The earth needs a team to protect it now. I can take over the Avengers directly. What do you think? "Tony suddenly made a sound at this time, and then floated to Karl's side and said to Karl.

"good. "Carl nodded after listening to Tony's words. Anyway, Hawkeye is not a threat to himself and others. He probably just followed Nick Fury's order. Since he only attacked Loki, and Tony interceded for him, Carl also Not intending to embarrass him, Natasha glanced at Tony gratefully after Karl nodded. She knew that it was impossible for her to impress Karl..

"Didn't Gunsou tell you not to come looking for death? Who knew that the famous Daredevil of Hell's Kitchen was actually blind? "Carl looked at Daredevil and said calmly, and then even mocked him directly. In fact, Daredevil Matthew is the disciple of the Holy Society..