
Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Tony's Revenge

Tony's heart is now filled with anger and self-blame, but even more so is anger. He always thought that his parents were killed in a car accident! But now someone told him that it wasn't, but that someone had killed his parents. He actually didn't know until now, and he didn't even know who the enemy was. His son really failed.

At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that no matter who it was, he would kill the person who killed his parents! Even if he can't do it, he still has Karl. As long as he asks, Karl will definitely help him! So Tony is now eager to know the murderer of his parents. Pepper from the Shadow World couldn't help but blush when she saw this scene. She has been Tony's assistant for so long, so she naturally knows that Tony has always been interested in her. The death of his parents still haunts him.

He didn't even say "I love you" to them even when they died, but now he found out that his parents didn't die accidentally, but someone assassinated his parents. It's impossible for him not to go crazy! Steve Rogers on the other side looked a little uncomfortable after hearing Pierce's words..

"I can tell you, but you have to ask Karl to let me go, otherwise I won't tell you even if I die! ! "Pierce, who was grabbed by Tony's collar, said to Tony. He said this just to save his life, so he would naturally put forward conditions. Tony looked in the direction of Carl with red eyes, and Carl nodded to him to express his agreement..

"It's Bucky Barnes! Back then, the organization was looking for the super serum in the hands of Howard Stark, so it sent Bucky, the Winter Soldier, to get the serum back, but he didn't expect that he would kill both Howard and his wife! ! "Pierce saw Karl nodding and said slowly to Tony..

"impossible! Bucky wouldn't do such a thing! ! " Steve Rogers stepped forward and said to Pierce. Carl just glanced at Steve Rogers and did not speak. Howard Stark respected him so much, but he chose after knowing the truth about Howard's death. Hiding it, just because the other party is Bucky, so even in the movie Carl feels worthless for Tony!

"I have the video! I have a video of Howard Stark and his wife being killed by Bucky, please wait for me! ! Pierce explained immediately after hearing what Steve Rogers said, and even took out his phone to show Tony, but Steve Rogers suddenly prepared to step forward, but a coercion suddenly fell on Steve. Rogers' body, even though he was injected with the super serum, was still pressed to the ground by the Father-level pressure! Of course Carl

knew what Steve Rogers wanted to do, but how could Carl let him get his wish, even if he could Knowing that Tony's parents were killed, he originally thought that he could wait until the civil war was revealed. It seemed that the chain reaction caused by his butterfly was too great, so let Tony know here. This time he has his own existence, and Tony can tell anyone Revenge!

"Look! ! "After Pierce took out his mobile phone and logged into a secret account, he searched inside. After a while, he pulled up a surveillance video and handed it to Tony to see. Tony took Pierce's mobile phone and looked at the video inside. He saw Bucky putting himself His father was beaten to death and his mother was strangled to death. Veins popped up on Tony's forehead. He threw away his cell phone and came to Bucky who was controlled by Carl. He pointed the palm cannon at his face..

"No, Tony! He is

innocent! He is just controlled by Hydra, this is not something he can control! ! Steve Rogers was forced to the ground by Carl and struggled to say to Tony. He frantically explained to Bucky, hoping that Tony would let him go for this..

"It seems you know? It's so ironic that my father still admires you so much, hahahahaha! "After hearing what Steve Rogers said, Tony turned his head and said to Steve Rogers, feeling unworthy for his father, and then concentrated the palm cannon and blasted in Bucky's direction! Boom


"No——————!"Steve Rogers shouted desperately in the direction of Tony and Bucky. Carl looked at this scene indifferently, watching Bucky being directly bombarded to death by Tony's palm cannon. He didn't think Bucky was innocent. How could he be so innocent? How innocent. Since you kill someone, you have to be prepared to be killed. You can only blame yourself for not being strong enough. Even if you are controlled, if you are controlled, you are innocent. According to this theory, it does not matter if you are controlled. kill?

After Tony killed Bucky, he stood there blankly. Carl saw a flash of murderous intent in Steve Rogers's eyes. This murderous intent was undoubtedly directed only at Tony. Carl was also about to see this at the moment. Don't kill Steve Rogers here.


Carl used his telekinesis to grab Steve Rogers and threw him directly in front of Tony. He planned to let Tony decide for himself. Since the murderous intention was released against Tony, it should be up to Tony to decide whether to kill him or not. Since he and Nick… If Fury attacks him together, his end won't be much better!

"He just flashed a trace of murderous intent towards you, Tony. Think carefully about whether to keep him. Since he came to deal with me with Nick Fury, even if you don't take action against him, his fate will not be much better. I think Miss Pepper, don't let yourself regret it when the time comes." Afterwards, Carl said calmly to Tony who stayed where he was..

"I get it, thank you, Carl. "Tony took a deep breath and looked at Steve Rogers and said to Carl. It was obvious that after listening to Carl's words, Tony was not going to let Steve Rogers go! Tony was once again ready to attack Steve Rogers. when.

"Wait, can you let him go? "A blond beauty with big waves in a suit drove a black car to the front of the ruins of the manor. After getting out of the car, she said in the direction of Tony and Carl. Almost everyone present followed the sound and looked towards that place.

But when Carl saw the appearance of that woman, he was very surprised. The other person was actually Peggy Carter! The woman who should have been lying on the bed when she was old, now looked like she was when she was young. Carl couldn't help but doubt himself. Have you traveled to the wrong Marvel?

"Peggy Carter, why are you here, and why do you ask us to let him go?" "Carl said calmly to Peggy Carter. Although he was confused as to why she appeared here like this, he didn't think much about it. Besides, even Spider-Woman appeared..

"I didn't expect Mr. Carl to know me. It's such an honor. I am willing to use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s 084 item: Gravityium to exchange Steve Rogers with Mr. Carl. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. "Peggy Carter said to Carl, a little surprised in her words. After all, she was also from the era of Captain America, but she didn't expect that Carl would actually know her..