
Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Hawkeye Attacks

Because Hawkeye Barton didn't know where everyone was standing, the explosive arrow didn't hit anyone, but the aftermath of the explosion blew them away. Tony The bracelet immediately wrapped Tony's whole body together, so Tony was almost unhurt. Then he began to walk towards the position of his suit. Although the current vibranium nano suit is also good, it lacks attack power. He decided to put on the vibranium armor.

Nick Fury walked towards the command room. Dr. Banner became a little angry after being hit by the explosion. At this moment, Hulk could hardly bear to come out. Natasha happened to be next to him, but was pressed by something. Stopped, she couldn't get away and could only keep comforting Dr. Banner, but she touched the ice card in her pocket. If Banner turned into the Hulk and attacked her, she would use it without hesitation. This is used as a trump card.


Hulk came out anyway. Just when he was about to attack Natasha, luckily Thor arrived and punched Hulk away. Then he removed the thing that was pressing Natasha, and then began to fight with Hulk. He was able to fight hand to hand, but was beaten violently by the Hulk. Fortunately, the Asgardian's physique was unusual, otherwise Thor would probably have to lie in bed for several months.


Thor became anxious and began to summon his own Mjolnir. After taking the hammer, he knocked out the Hulk again with a hammer. He even began to attack the Hulk and even threw the hammer, hitting the Hulk. , the hammer also fell aside.


Hulk looked at the hammer next to him and yelled, and then wanted to pick up Thor's hammer, but after pulling it out twice, he found that he couldn't pull it out, so he had to give up and attack Thor with his bare hands, knocking Thor away with one punch. , hit the wall of the aircraft carrier directly, and Hulk's attack had already arrived before Thor could stand up.


Hawkeye on the other side also landed on the aircraft carrier. Several agents controlled by Loki began to enter the aircraft carrier with weapons in hand and headed towards the destroyed engine. Nick Fury said to Tony that if the engine is not repaired quickly, wait The aircraft carrier would fall directly. In order to prevent the aircraft carrier from falling, Tony and Steve started to go to the engine, preparing to repair one of the engines to maintain the aircraft carrier's flight capability.


Hawkeye came to the command room alone and shot an arrow at a socket. After the hit, all the computers in the command room were paralyzed, and even the engines were shut down. When Nick Fury saw this scene, he immediately drew his gun and pointed it at Hawkeye. He shot, but missed, and reported the location of Hawkeye in the communication channel, and Natasha said she would deal with it herself!

Coulson on the other side found that Loki had escaped, and even got his own scepter. He aimed an energy weapon at Loki, but was directly deceived by Loki's illusion. Loki used his power to The tip of the staff pierced Coulson's chest and penetrated directly through his body.

Thor on the other side angered Hulk and made him rush towards him. He dodged directly. After that, Hulk fell directly off the aircraft carrier and fell to the ground. Afterwards, Thor saw Loki running out and rushed immediately. Af

ter passing by, he was tricked again into the jar that was originally prepared for Hulk but locked up with Loki. Loki even laughed at Thor for being so easily deceived. Then he pressed the button on the side, and the whole jar was filled with ropes. I fell directly.

Tony and Steve on the other side of the aircraft carrier also reluctantly repaired an engine. Natasha sneak attacked Hawkeye and subdued him. Loki, led by the agents he controlled, walked onto the previous Queens fighter and headed towards The location of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube flew away.

Nick Fury on the other side gathered everyone together, took out the bloody Captain America collection card, and then told everyone about Coulson's death. Everyone was silent except for Tony. Looking at Nick Fury, he looked like you're going to continue to act for me. The card Coulson showed off to him was not from Coulson at all, but was placed in his locker.

Although Coulson is dead, it was Nick Fury himself who caused this result, and now he actually comes out with the cards that others put in the cabinet to gain everyone's favor, or to inspire everyone, making Tony even more I hated this one-eyed nigger. Not long after, the spectrometer also detected the location of the Cosmic Cube, which was actually in the Stark Tower in New York.

Tony immediately put on his own suit and flew to New York without any intention of paying attention to the others. On the way, he directly called Pepper's phone number. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that she was now at Carl's manor, and began to speed towards him. of Stark Tower.

Through the mirror space, Carl saw Eric Segwell arranging the Cosmic Cube and preparing to open the remote portal. He also saw Loki descending from the Queens fighter plane with his scepter. Carl did not make any move, just so quiet. Watching quietly.

But he went to inform his father-in-law, and he quickly brought Helen Stacy to the manor, and also told them what was going to happen. Even George Stacy was silent after hearing about the interstellar invasion. However, he was still prepared to go out to protect the people. Karl didn't say anything about this. He could just go if he wanted to.

Tony then rushed back to Stark Tower and fired a palm cannon at the device but it had no effect. Jarvis analyzed it and found that it couldn't be broken. Tony saw Loki in his building, wearing a vibranium suit. Yi came to him and launched an attack on him, but it was an illusion, and then Loki disappeared.


The instrument on the roof of Stark Tower shot a beam of blue energy into the sky, and a huge blue portal appeared. The Kirita soldiers inside began to enter the earth from the portal at the other end. Tony saw this and activated his other portal. A suit of armor, a red and gold device flew out of the Stark Tower and began to be assembled on top of Tony's original suit. It was a bit like the Hulkbuster armor, but the material was all made of vibranium.

Afterwards, Tony turned into a little giant and began to attack the Kirita soldiers in the sky. Steve Rogers of the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier took the recovered Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow Natasha to fly the Quince fighter Coming to New York, Banner also woke up from a factory. With the help of an old man, he got a set of clothes and an old-fashioned motorcycle and headed for New York..