
Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Kirita Invasion

Because this place is not very far from New York, even Banner can see the blue beams and blue portals emitted from the Stark Tower. Afterwards, Dr. Banner rides Driving that old-fashioned motorcycle toward New York, Thor broke through the jar and flew out when it was about to hit the ground. Then he used Thor's hammer to mobilize lightning, transformed his suit, and then turned the hammer and flew to New York!



Tony struggled alone to attack the alien creatures that came out of the portal, but there were still fish that slipped through the net and flew around. They even directly attacked people and shops on the ground. No matter what they saw, as long as it was a creature, they would attack it. Will attack, until Steve Rogers and others arrived after a while, Natasha drove the Queens fighter plane to attack these alien creatures, but it was still a drop in the bucket, and even the Queens fighter plane was hit, and she immediately attacked crashed.


When it crashed, Steve and others jumped off the fighter plane and began to attack the Kirita soldiers on the ground. Hawkeye shot one arrow at a time, almost hitting every target! Karl watched this scene quietly in the mirror space. He was actually quite curious whether someone would travel across the world again and come to this time point. Many things have been changed by Karl now, and the future should also be affected by the present. Maybe not. Have people traveled back in time?

Later, Steve and others were a little surprised when they saw Tony wearing a huge armor and wildly killing various Kirita soldiers. They didn't expect that Tony's armor was so advanced that it was not even damaged until now. Tony is on full fire.

Originally there were four new element reactors on the steel suit, and now there are six on this huge suit. Tony's suit now has a full 10 new element reactors on it to provide him with energy, plus The material of vibranium can be said to be a direct kill for Tony this time!


A giant Kirita beast came out of the portal. This time Tony did not let the Hulk come out like in the timeline, but rushed forward himself. The armor began to deform, and sharp blades made of vibranium appeared around it. Tony rushed into the mouth of the Kirita beast at full speed, and then passed out from its back. Then the entire Kirita beast fell directly to the ground. Steve and others looked in the direction of Tony in disbelief.


After Banner, who was riding a motorcycle, came to Steve's side, he began to walk forward at Steve's suggestion. His skin slowly turned green, and soon he turned into the Hulk, jumping forward. He rushed forward and started smashing crazily at the Kirita soldiers he saw!

After that, Steve and others also started to clean up the Kirita soldiers everywhere, and the large Kirita beast was left to Tony and Hulk to deal with! The World Security Council also saw this scene through satellite. At this moment, a figure appeared on the battlefield carrying thunderstorms and lightning!


It was Thor who arrived. Thor's hammer triggered the thunder and killed all the Kirita soldiers in the air. He even blocked the door of the portal by himself and continued to release lightning, which relieved a lot of the burden on Tony and others below. Shi Tiv and others also began to rescue people trapped everywhere.

When Hawkeye saw Loki, he shot an arrow directly at him, but

Loki grabbed him and showed a proud smile. But after all, Hawkeye had been his subordinate for several hours. Didn't he know Hawkeye's Will the arrow explode?


Then Loki was gloriously blown away together with the aircraft he drove, but he landed on top of Stark Tower. After seeing this, Thor came down from the top and landed next to Loki and asked him to close the portal. , and then was tricked by Loki again, and this time he was stabbed in the abdomen with the third princess's knife.

Carl looked at this familiar scene in the mirror space. Either Thor was really stupid, or he had true love for Loki. Thor had been tricked and tricked so many times, but he still didn't change. Maybe it should be true love. No matter how stupid you are, you should change.

At the same time, he was also observing whether Tony from other timelines appeared on the battlefield. In fact, in the timeline, Tony and others traveled back and thought that no one had discovered them. In fact, there were two known people who discovered them. The first one was The Sorcerer Supreme who slapped Banner's soul out of Hulk's body: the Ancient One, and the other was Jarvis who Tony entered his own Stark Tower, and even said a word to Tony later.

Jarvis is the artificial intelligence of Stark Tower. His boss is fighting outside. Another boss appears here. He even looks exactly like the boss and has the same body shape, but he looks older than the one fighting outside. The boss was bigger. Jarvis deduced and easily concluded that the opponent was the boss from the future, but it did not announce it, and did not even choose to ask out loud, nor did it tell Tony who was fighting.

Later, when Tony left Stark Tower in the future, he said something, but Tony did not hear it. As for what was in the dark, it was unclear. The Marvel world was a mixed bag, with countless big bosses, and even the Universe Observer. kind of character, so Karl doesn't know either.

While Tony and others were fighting the enemy bravely, Nick Fury on the other side received a message from the World Security Council about launching a nuclear bomb. After Nick Fury refused, he directly exceeded his authority and gave the order to the pilot. After that, Nick Fury He immediately ran to the aircraft carrier deck, holding a rocket launcher. After arriving on the deck, he fired a rocket at the fighter plane that was about to take off. The rocket directly hit the tail of the fighter plane, causing the fighter plane to be damaged and unable to take off.


"Fuck of the horse! ! "Just after Nick Fury hit a fighter plane, a fighter plane on the other side still took off, and even carried a nuclear bomb to New York. As for whether the World Security Council wants to destroy the Kirita soldiers or Tony and Hulk , Thor and others are unknown, but Nick Fury knows the seriousness of the matter.

Let alone Tony and others, you must know that that person lives in New York. If a nuclear bomb is detonated in New York, maybe he really needs to be called Ka Rohr is back, not to mention the prince of Asgard. If he is killed by a nuclear bomb, the earth will bear far more than Kirita's attack. Even Carl will go crazy. Tony is his good friend! "Tony

! Tony! There is a fighter plane carrying a nuclear bomb heading towards you. Think of a way quickly. If it doesn't work, just call him! Otherwise, everything will be over! ! "Nick Fury immediately connected to Tony's communication and said to him.