
Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Conflict and Quarrel

Then Tony and Banner began to go to the laboratory to debug the spectrometer to detect gamma rays, because the Universe Cube will continue to emit gamma rays. As long as they find the frequency of gamma ray fluctuations and S.H.I.E.L.D. The recorded information is the same, so where is the Cosmic Cube! Before Tony left, he plugged something into the computer in the aircraft carrier control center, because Tony didn't believe Nick Fury's talk about developing unlimited energy.


"Hey, ow!"

"I thought you would just transform, into that big green guy. "Tony stimulated Dr. Banner with an electric pen and then teased him carelessly, but Dr. Banner just smiled and waited for him to say something..

"Tony, I think you should be serious, if it comes out someone is going to get hurt. "Steve Rogers walked in with his shield, and happened to see the scene where Tony used the electric pen to stimulate Dr. Banner, and then warned Tony that if the Hulk really came out, it would be bad, and there would be people who said that The hurt one was actually said to Tony..

"Hey, look, it's okay. I think I'll get the results soon, what do you think, Dr. Banner? "After Tony said it to Steve Rogers indifferently, he said to Banner, and started operating on the computer..

"what do you know? " Steve Rogers asked Tony and Banner doubtfully. Although he expressed doubts about Nick Fury's words, he did not take any specific action, unlike Tony who directly started to invade the aircraft carrier's firewall and prepared to take a look at Nick Fury's words. What the hell is Rui doing?.

"We are looking at what Nick Fury is doing. I don't believe in infinite energy. He creates infinite energy and doesn't come to me? I am an expert in energy, and I will not invite Dr. Banner. He is an expert in gamma rays, which is hard not to make people suspicious. Moreover, he is the king of agents. He cannot tell us everything, so I plan to find it myself. Answer. "Tony explained to Steve Rogers, almost making it clear that he didn't trust Nick Fury..

"Are you hacking into SHIELD's network database? Hey! How can you do this? " Steve Rogers also intensified his doubts after hearing Tony's words, but he still asked Tony. Tony just shrugged and did not answer him, and then Steve Rogers left on his own. Soon after, the aircraft

carrier The control center showed that it had been invaded, and even the firewall had been breached. Nick Fury immediately thought of Tony, and then walked to the laboratory of Tony and Dr. Banner..

"Tony Stark, you can't do this, stop what you're doing! "Nick Fury said to Tony after walking into their laboratory, and seeing the computer screen he was operating confirmed this even more..

"OK OK, then tell me what is the second stage? Don't tell me what infinite energy is, you're just lying to a three-year-old child! "Tony stopped operating the computer and then asked Nick Fury, and Dr. Banner also looked at Nick Fury with Tony to see what he could say..

"This is the second stage, sorry, the computer is too slow for me. "Steve Rogers came in with a black weapon, put it on the ta

ble and said to Tony and Dr. Banner, and then looked at Nick Fury with Tony and Banner. At this time Nata Sa and Sol just walked in.

"OK OK, I tell you why, because of him! Some time ago, an alien came to Earth and fought with a superpower, causing a small town to be razed to the ground! Let us know that humans on the earth are not alone, so we need more powerful weapons to protect the earth! "Nick Fury saw everyone questioning him, then pointed directly at Thor and said, and put all the responsibility on Thor and others..

"Walter? Precisely because you study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the frequency it emits is equivalent to telling the universe that you are ready for advanced war! "When Thor heard Nick Fury pointing at him, he even wanted to put the pot on his head. He refused to admit it and immediately retorted to Nick Fury and immediately returned the pot to him..


After that, everyone started quarreling. The Mind Stone on the table kept flashing. The reason why they were quarreling was actually the influence of the Mind Stone. On the other side, Carl's bracelet also received information about Tony's physical condition. He was a little confused, but thinking about the Soul Stone, The scepter didn't care after that, because he guessed that Tony had a quarrel with them..

"Who are you without your armor? You have never been one to sacrifice yourself for your comrades! " Steve Rogers taunted Tony, as if Tony was nothing in his eyes without the suit..

"Super genius, philanthropist, billionaire, what do you think? Shouldn't it be like you? You are just a product in a jar. That's because my comrades are strong enough, at least better than you. "Tony also said to Steve Rogers mercilessly, and even refuted his words and then mocked him. After that, everyone looked at

Tony, and Natasha shrugged, because she knew What Tony said was true. His comrades were not talking about this group of people, but the people in Carl's family, and even more so Carl. Although there was no comparison, the video of his previous battle with the Destroyer showed how powerful he was..

"So why on earth are you looking for me? Do you think I want to come? I lived like a monster all day long, and I was also in pain. Do you know, I even broke down and committed suicide, but I couldn't die because Hulk would spit out bullets again. "Dr. Banner collapsed and said emotionally to everyone, and even held the spiritual scepter directly..

"Hey! Dr. Banner, put down what you are holding first! "Tony and others looked at Dr. Banner cautiously. Tony said to Banner. Banner saw the spiritual scepter in his hand and then put it back on the table.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the aircraft carrier A Queens fighter jet came outside. Hawkeye Patton used his bow and arrow to shoot at an engine of the aircraft carrier. When the arrow hit the engine, it exploded


Because of the explosion of an engine, the aircraft carrier shifted a little, and the laboratory where everyone gathered also tilted. Hawkeye shot another arrow at the people in the laboratory, and the arrow shot into the laboratory.
