
Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Peter awakens his telekinesis.

It was not until the afternoon that Carl took Gwen back to his manor. On the way, Gwen received a call from his mother, Helen Stacy, and with Carl's encouragement, she told him directly. Mother and Carl were together, and even went to bed last night. After hearing this, Helen Stacy asked Gwen to take Carl back at night. She would tell her father, George Stacy, about this. After that, the two chatted for a few words and then hung up.

After returning to the manor, Mei saw Gwen's walking posture until Carl ate Gwen. She immediately stepped forward to support Gwen together, and then gave Carl a look. In fact, Carl could use the horse charm to help Gwen recover. But she refused. Maybe it meant something to the first time, so Karl could only let her go..

"Pirot, bring Peter down! "Karl said to Pilot who was playing around on the third floor. He was now going to give the telepathy crystal to Peter. Of course, he had to ask May for her opinion. Soon after, Wanda, Pilot, and Peter all came down. Wanda got into Carl's arms as usual.

"Well, I have a telepathy crystal here, which can give a person the power of telepathy. Wanda and Pilot have their own powers, so Peter, do you want this telepathy crystal? "Karl looked at everyone's confused eyes and said slowly, and at the same time told them the reason why Karl asked Pilot to bring Peter down..

"I….I want! "Peter was silent for a while after hearing what Karl said. He looked at Pilot next to him and said firmly to Karl. Karl also showed a smile after hearing what Peter said. If he didn't want Karl, he wouldn't force him to absorb it. Telepathy crystal, then Carl looked in the direction of Mei.

"Mei, don't worry. There is no danger in absorbing this, but it will be very uncomfortable. Can you hold on, little Peter? "Karl first told Mei that there would be no danger in absorbing the telepathy crystal, but it would be very uncomfortable. He even asked Peter.

"I can! ! "Peter still said firmly to Karl. Mei on the other side saw Peter's look and nodded in agreement. Then a blue crystal appeared in Karl's hand. Karl put it on Peter's forehead and mobilized A little energy was added to help Peter absorb it.

After the blue crystal disappeared on Peter's forehead, Peter's expression began to change from expectant to ferocious. Then he grabbed his head with both hands. Carl saw that Peter looked like he couldn't stand it. It seemed that he could only inject a little freezing energy into Peter to reduce his pain. As for his mind, Karl did not dare to test it casually. If Karl tried to test something as complicated as his mind, Peter would have problems playing Dafa.

Although he has a horse charm that can repair his wounds, if his telepathy is not awakened successfully because of Carl's temptation, Peter will probably not be happy even if he gets better, because there is only one telepathy crystal, and Carl has nothing to do. Mei looked

worried She looked at Peter. Although Karl said nothing would happen, Peter's uncomfortable look still made her feel distressed. Pirot also looked at Peter nervously. The two of them often played together, so they had a very good relationship. Pilot was naturally very worried when his little friend felt so uncomfortable.

The telepathy crystal turned into blue energy and helped him develop telepathy in

Peter's mind. This process lasted for ten minutes, and Peter was already sweating profusely. , even his clothes were soaked with sweat, Peter collapsed on the sofa and gasped, and then he used telekinesis on an apple on the table, and saw the apple rising slowly, probably because Peter's first time Due to the use, the apple was shaky and did not last long before falling..

"Yes, you have successfully awakened your telekinesis. Your telekinesis is formed based on your mental power. You will have to exercise your ability regularly in the future, and it will become more powerful. Okay, Pirot, take Peter upstairs to take a shower. Take a bath. "Karl explained to Peter, and then asked Pilot to take Peter upstairs..

"Thank you, Carl! "Peter said to Karl as he followed Pilot, and then the two little guys ran upstairs. Karl just smiled, and then Yelena told Karl through the bracelet that the previous Mrs. Gao was here again. Karl

called After Yelena took her to the living room on the first floor, she quickly went down. After coaxing little Wanda, she was willing to let Karl go to the first floor. She used the red energy to fly to the third floor alone. Wanda It can be said that he is the person who trains his abilities the most diligently. Pirot likes to be lazy from time to time.

After arriving on the first floor, Yelena was already waiting in the lobby with Mrs. Gao. Mrs. Gao immediately stood up from the sofa when she saw Karl's arrival. He got up and sat down after Karl sat down. Karl couldn't help but sigh, this Mrs. Gao is very particular, much more particular than the people in the Holy Society..

"How much does it cost this time? "Karl sat on the sofa and asked Mrs. Gao opposite. She came to him just because she wanted to trade keels. He couldn't think of anything else except this! "We want a thousand kilograms of keels. Do you think you can do it here

? There are so many? "Mrs. Gao hesitated for a moment before reporting a number, and even asked Karl if there were that many here..

"Okay, I only have about a thousand kilograms left in the end. I can give it all to you, but do you have that much money? This is a trillion dollars! "Karl said to Mrs. Gao after hearing what she said, and even said that he only had about one thousand catties left, because he felt that after this time, Shouhehui would not be able to afford one billion US dollars per catty. One thousand catties is one trillion U.S. dollars. He doesn't really believe that Shouhe will be able to come up with one trillion U.S. dollars..

"We have got an artifact from the ancient East. We plan to use it to pay for half of the price. You can take a look. Legend has it that it is the golden cudgel of the Monkey King in Eastern myths and legends! "After hearing Karl's words, Mrs. Gao took out a box of about 1.75 meters from the side without changing her expression. She placed it on the table and slowly opened it, revealing a dark metal stick with crooked Chinese writing in the middle. There are four words in the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Karl only took one look and determined that even if this thing is not the real Ruyi Golden Cudgel, it is still a very powerful weapon! Because it contains huge energy, but Mrs. Gao and Shouhe will Naturally, they wouldn't be so stupid as to trade things to him like this. There must be something wrong with this thing..