
Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Ruyi Golden Cudgel

"Even if this thing is the Ruyi Golden Cudgel of Monkey King, as you said, you should not be able to use it, and you don't know how to use it. In this case It is no different from a stick, half is too much." Karl said calmly to Mrs. Gao, directly telling his guess about the stick, and even bluntly saying that the value he wanted to deduct was much more.

"Indeed, please set a price. "When Mrs. Gao saw this, she knew that Karl would not let go so easily, so she had to let Karl set the price himself. How could the hand be worth a trillion U.S. dollars? They had not accumulated so much wealth in hundreds of years, so they could barely make it. It's just hundreds of billions of dollars. It would be possible if they had been doing business, but they were always looking for traces of the keel!

Karl took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the box and looked at it with a systematic test:

[Ruyi Golden Cudgel Stick: a weapon from the Monkey King, the Monkey King, in the mythological system of the ancient country in the east of the earth in the Marvel world. In ancient times, the Celestial Gods attacked the earth. The immortals in the East fought with the Celestial Gods. A large number of gods and gods fell. The Monkey King holds the Ruyi Gold. The cudgel fought with a member of the God Group for ten days and died together with him. After that, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel was sealed on its own, waiting for the summons of the destined person. The conditions for unsealing: injecting the power of rules into it to unseal it!] Carl saw the system's annotation

. Then I was shocked. I didn't expect that this was actually the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. But it was just the Ruyi Golden Cudgel of this world, not the Ruyi Golden Cudgel of the Great Sage Monkey King in the prehistoric world! But it should be comparable to Odin. It is comparable to the weapons of the Gods. After all, Sun Wukong killed a member of the Gods group. The members of the Gods group are set at the level of a single universe. Sun Wukong can die with a member of the Gods group. In any case, it has reached the level of a single body. With the strength of the universe, how can his weapons be inferior?

"It can only be worth 300 billion U.S. dollars at most, or depending on the extent to which it can be unblocked and used, there are still 700 billion. Transfer it now?" "Karl said to Mrs. Gao without changing his expression. He himself didn't expect this Ruyi Golden Cudgel to be so awesome!

"This….Okay, I'll let them transfer the money right now! "After that, Mrs. Gao picked up her mobile phone and dialed a number. Soon after, Carl's bank account had an extra 700 billion US dollars. Mei, who was upstairs, looked at the computer and counted the zeros on it with Gwen. She was almost stupid..

"Come on, you should bring the truck over and I'll help you put it on top. "Then Carl and Mrs. Gao walked to the outside of the manor together. There happened to be a modified Carl parked outside. Carl put more than a thousand kilograms of keel bones on it. He cut them based on his own feeling. It must not be very accurate, so he just treated it as a gift. Mrs. Gao said goodbye to Karl and got into the truck and left. Karl looked at the wall of a villa not far away, smiled and walked back to the manor. Hidden behind there

was Karl didn't intend to care about Gunsou and the others. As long as they didn't come over to provoke him, it didn't matter. Whether Mrs. Gao could take the dragon bone back was a question. Maybe someone came to meet her on the way. She suddenly thought of something,

and then took a piece of paper and wrote it. After a line of writing, a shadow ninja suddenly appeared next to him. Karl handed the paper to him and then disappeared.

He liked to deal with people who were particular about it, so if someone gave him such an artifact, he had to give him some special treatment.

On the other side, Mrs. Gao sat on the truck and rushed to the base where she and others were. At this moment, a black ninja appeared in the dark place next to her, handed her a piece of paper, and then disappeared. She knew that this black ninja belonged to Karl. The subordinates did not launch an attack immediately. After the black ninja disappeared, she opened the piece of paper and immediately made a phone call after reading it.

The piece of paper said: Sheng Sheng will be behind you! The one Mrs. Gao hit The phone call should have been a call for reinforcements. Karl didn't know what happened next. Looking at the Ruyi Golden Cudgel on the table, he couldn't help but laugh. The power of rules can be unsealed, so as the six singularities of the universe, Liu Is an infinite gem the incarnation of the power of rules? Of course it does. Then as long as the energy in the gem is injected into the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, it can be lifted, and he will obtain a weapon comparable to Gangnir

! The box of the Golden Cudgel was closed, and then the entire box and the Golden Cudgel were stored in the system space. According to the timeline, Loki will come to the earth with Kirita's army soon, so at that time, Carl will get two When he found a gem, it was also the time when Carl could unseal the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

After Carl walked up to the second floor, Mei, Raven, Gwen, and others all looked at Carl.

"What's wrong, babies? There's something wrong with my face? Carl laughed and teased them when he saw this scene, and then walked to sit between Raven and Gwen. Raven had just come here after exercising her abilities..

"Karl, did you know that there was a full 700 billion in your bank account just now? 700 billion! "Mei looked at Carl in disbelief. Even Gwen and Raven looked at Carl in disbelief. That's 700 billion! How old is Carl now? He is already a billionaire! "This is what I just earned

. Yes, when I went down just now, it was actually one trillion U.S. dollars at the beginning, but then one item was deducted from 300 billion U.S. dollars. "Carl held Gwen and Raven in his arms and slowly said to them..

"My law? Just now? It was still a trillion dollars in the beginning! ! What did you do? Arms don't make that much money, right? "Mei almost fainted after hearing what Carl said. She felt that hundreds of billions were the same as thousands of dollars in Carl's eyes..

"Arms don't make as much money as me. I sold a thousand kilograms of things that can increase life span. What do you think? There is at least two thousand years of life in it. How much do you still think of seven hundred billion? Carl said to May while still holding Gwen and Raven with a smile on his face..

"What! 2000 years of life! ! This, this, this…..!"Mei started to stutter when she heard about the life span of two thousand years. That is two thousand years, a full 20 lifetimes! But if you think about it, maybe 700 billion is really not that much..

"Well, you don't have to be surprised. After you are with me, I will not let your lifespan be cut off. Even if one of you dies, I will resurrect you. How about we be together forever? "Carl said affectionately to Gwen, Raven, and Mei. The three of them almost cried when they heard Carl's affectionate confession..