
Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Capture Gwen

"I….I don't…I….Well——!"Gwen was a little anxious and wanted to explain something to Karl, but Karl kissed her on the lips. Gwen's beautiful eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe this scene. She was actually kissed by Karl, but she didn't Not disgusted.

After kissing for about two minutes, Karl broke away from Gwen's lips, and casually pulled Gwen, who was wearing a golden dress, into his arms. Because dresses were generally thin, Karl could easily feel Gwen's softness. , making him a little distracted at the moment.

"Why are you embarrassed? You don't care that I have two lovers? "Karl said with a smirk to Gwen who buried her head in his arms, and even asked her bluntly if she didn't care that he had two wives. No matter what the reason, you still have to ask..

"I….I cared before, but I can't help but miss you, so I don't have to care, but I really like you so much! ! "Gwen buried herself in Carl's arms and said to Carl. Although her voice was a little quiet, Carl heard everything. Carl

hugged Gwen and walked out of the ballroom, and then came to the presidential suite. Along the way, Gwen She also knew what would happen, but she did not refuse, and even looked forward to it. Karl attracted her like poison..

"Have you really thought about it? "Carl took Gwen to the door of the presidential suite and said to Gwen. This also gave Gwen a chance to regret, but Gwen nodded vigorously, and Carl took her into the presidential suite..

"From now on, you are my property, do you understand? "

Carl took Gwen into the presidential suite and then closed the door and pressed her on the door. Gwen and Carl looked at each other. At this moment, Carl's temperament completely changed, like a devil's eyes exuding an evil aura, and even more He was violating Gwen's body with his eyes unscrupulously. After feeling Karl's fiery gaze, Gwen's expectation reached its peak, and then she nodded fiercely towards Karl again. Well


With an expression of desire, possessiveness, and greed for Gwen in his eyes, Karl kissed her seductive little cherry mouth. Gwen also put her hand on Karl's neck and began to respond to Karl awkwardly, Then the dress on her body was ripped open directly by Karl.


Not long after, there was a different sound in the room. Gwen was immersed in Carl's heat that whole night, and there were countless clothes scattered on the floor. Carl got up when he thought of Carl's school uniform...So he prepared a lot in the system space. In the evening, Gwen even changed into a school uniform, which greatly satisfied Karl.

Because Gwen had already told her family that she would not come home at night, her father George was originally strongly opposed to it, but her mother Helen Stacy seemed to know something and agreed to Gwen spending the night outside. The woman's thoughts were natural More delicate than a man's, Helen Stacy could see Gwen's absent-mindedness and the way Karl came to the house for dinner these days, and she also guessed that her daughter might have fallen in love with Karl.

But it feels quite normal. Carl looks handsome and handsome, and is the youngest billionaire. He even has the same special abilities as Gwen. He has a mysterious and charming temperament. Gwen has nothing. It's strange that the little girl who has experienced this doesn't like Karl. In addition, she had a good impression of Karl when she met him before. At the same time, she al

so knew that even if she stopped Gwen this time, could they stop her every time? It's better to let go. Let her go.

In the United States, it is actually very early to mature. Some families even prepare contraceptive measures for their children in advance. In their country, premature love can even be brought up to the age of eleven or twelve. Even parents think it is normal for people to have sex in junior high school, and they even teach them Some tricks, Gwen never fell in love until she was eighteen years old. This was also because George didn't like the boys in school at all, and Gwen herself was more focused on her studies, so she didn't think about it that way.

On the big bed in the presidential suite, Carl opened his eyes first and looked at the blond beauty next to him. Thinking of the madness last night, he couldn't help but smile. Not to mention the look of Gwen in her little uniform, which simply took away Carl's soul. Hooked away.

At this time, Gwen also slowly opened her eyes and saw Karl looking at her. She blushed and got into Karl's arms. She found a comfortable position and continued to sleep. She was too tired last night. Even though her body was different from Ordinary people can't bear Karl's passion and madness for one night.

After Carl kissed Gwen on the forehead, he continued to sleep with Gwen in his arms, but at this time:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a chance to sign in. Do you want to sign in now?]

"Yes, sign in now! "After Carl heard the voice of the system, he thought to himself. Sure enough, what he guessed before was correct. After he has a woman, he will have a chance to sign in! [Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations on getting: Telepathy Crystal x1,

La Zuo Mask x1, Horse Talisman x1, Thread Fruit x1!]

[Telepathy crystal: After using the crystal, telepathy powers can be awakened. The stronger the user's mental power, the stronger the telepathy power, and vice versa!

Razor Mask: A unique mask from "The Adventures of Jackie Chan". Possessing this mask can summon the Blade Corps. Their hands and feet are sharp blades, and their attacks and speeds are extremely fast. Having the mask will slowly strengthen the user's body and will not Demonized by the mask, if you collect all ten shadow masks, you will get the world of shadow!

Horse Talisman: A unique talisman from the Fire Demon Lord, one of the eight demons in "The Adventures of Jackie Chan". The Horse Talisman, one of the twelve effective talismans, can cure all diseases and injuries!

Thread Fruit: A unique fruit from "One Piece". After eating, transparent silk threads can be released, and the threads can even be connected to clouds. However, they will be cursed by the sea and will lose their power when encountering sea water! ]

Carl looked at the things in the system space and couldn't help but touch his chin. It wasn't very good, but it was pretty good. He couldn't use the telepathy crystal, but it could be used by little Peter. Wanda and Pilot both had it. He didn't have superpowers. Although he didn't say it out loud, he would feel disappointed and uncomfortable after all. Since he signed the telepathy crystal, he could just awaken a telepathy for Peter. Not to mention that telepathy requires a lot of mental power.

But telekinesis is like a panacea among supernatural powers. Everything can be controlled through telekinesis. It's not too strong, but it won't be weak if it's well developed!