
Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Gwen's Birthday

Boom !

Carl drove the Lamborghini to the address Gwen gave him, which was a star hotel. She and her classmates and friends were having a birthday party there. What he didn't know at this moment was that Gwen was waiting at the door of the hotel in a golden dress. As Karl arrived, her friends were beside her. They were all curious about who Gwen was waiting for. At the same time, they were also curious about who the school's top student and the school's beauty had been taken down right after graduation. They were also curious about who was who.

There was a roar not far away, and Gwen's eyes immediately lit up. Looking in the direction of the roar, he saw a black supercar driving towards this side, and he could barely see the black man in the driving position. A man with blue eyes.

When Gwen saw this scene, she couldn't help but reveal a smile. After that, Carl drove to the door of the hotel, which was in front of Gwen and others. After stopping the car, he opened the door and walked out. He was wearing a black suit with a strong and slender figure. With his body, blue pupils and black hair, a mysterious aura came over his face, making people couldn't help but look at Karl, as if they wanted to dig out his secrets, plus that handsome face.

After many of Gwen's classmates saw the appearance of such a rich, handsome and mysterious handsome man, their eyes began to light up, and they wished they could just throw themselves into the arms of this man. Just when they were imagining the beautiful life in the future, Gwen walked up to In front of him, Carl naturally bent his arm, and Gwen put her hand into Carl's bent arm. The two walked into the hotel together, which surprised her classmates and friends. Unexpectedly, Gwen was waiting for he!

After that, the Lamborghini started automatically and parked in the garage. To put it bluntly, it was driving by itself at top speed. Then Gwen's friends and classmates also entered the hotel, and then started a birthday party in the hotel's ballroom. It was not a carnival like the East, but Everyone is wearing suits and gorgeous dresses. There are many kinds of parties in the United States. It mainly depends on the mood of the organizer. In fact, the dresses and suits in the United States can be rented!

Carl and Gwen did not go to play with them. The two walked to a place and sat down. Carl looked at Gwen lightly, who was wearing a golden dress at the moment. Although her figure was not as plump as Mei and Raven, it was just right. The golden dress matches her fair skin, her slender thighs, and her golden hair. The whole person looks a little mature, and she looks very beautiful and attractive..

"You are beautiful today, and by the way, this is a birthday gift for you! "Karl praised Gwen who was sitting next to him. Then a gift box appeared in his hand. Karl slowly opened it and handed it to Gwen. It was a bracelet, the kind with three connected together, pure gold. The bracelet is inlaid with precious stones.

"Thank you, I bought it! this…..It's too valuable for me to accept. "When Gwen heard Karl praising her, her heart felt as sweet as honey. Then she was surprised when she saw the birthday gift Karl brought out, and then refused it. This bracelet looked very expensive, even if she didn't have to look at her seriously. Everyone knows that

this is pure gold and the ones on it are precious gems. After all, how could Karl, a shareholder of Stark Industries, give something gold-plated?.

"Okay, don't refuse, I'll help you put it on, and now it just matches your gift. "Karl smiled at Gwen, then picked up her delicate, boneless white hand and said, took the bracelet out of the gift box and put it on Gwen's left hand..

"Wow, it looks really good, thank you, I love it! "Gwen's cheeks turned a little red when she saw Karl holding her hand. After that, she had no choice but to accept the golden bracelet put on by Karl himself, but she liked the bracelet very much in her heart, not just because it was given by Karl. , and it is indeed very beautiful!

"Do you like it more, or me more?" ! "Carl asked in a calm tone to Gwen who was admiring the bracelet on her left hand..

"Of course I like you…..ah! you..."Gwen didn't notice Karl's question trap, so she fell directly and told her true thoughts. When she came back to her senses, she saw Karl's smiling face looking at her..

"Hey, this person's identity is not simple. He is actually a shareholder of Stark Industries and a good friend of Iron Man: Tony Stark. Look. "A girl in a black dress said to another girl with a mobile phone, and handed her mobile phone to the other girl, gesturing for her to watch. It contained some news about Karl..

"My law? It's actually true, he is a shareholder of Stark Industries and the youngest billionaire! Oh my gosh, I didn't expect Gwen to invite him over, and the relationship between the two of them seems to be unusual. "The black-haired girl who took the phone said to the girl just now,

"Walter? what are you guys saying? Did you see that kid next to Gwen? I'm going to teach him a lesson! "A tall boy walked up to the two of them and said to them, and looked fiercely in the direction of Carl and Gwen, with jealousy flashing in his eyes! "No, no, no, I advise you not to do that

. Let's not talk about whether you can teach him a lesson, but if you teach him a lesson, you will go to jail the next day, and even your parents' company will go bankrupt because of his words. "The girl in the black dress at the beginning dissuaded him, and then brought up the screen of Karl's information that she had just found to show him..

"my law...?"After the boy saw Karl's message above, he didn't know what to say. Although he was Gwen's suitor, the other party ignored him at all, just because he saw her chatting with other men. I was just laughing at jealousy. I wanted to go up and teach him a lesson, but I didn't expect that the other person's status was so big.���Although his family also owns a small company and his life is pretty good, but if he offends the shareholders of Stark Industries.

The company will go bankrupt the next day. If he really rushes to attack that man, he will definitely be imprisoned or even imprisoned....Although he was young and vigorous, he also knew who he couldn't afford to offend. After returning the phone to the girl in the black dress, he thanked her and found a corner to start drinking.

The two girls glanced at the boy who left, shrugged and continued to play. Afterwards, the hotel owner even personally sent a few bottles of wine over. However, seeing Karl chatting with a girl, he did not choose to interrupt. After putting it down, he left.