
Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Vibranium Suit Bracelet

After Carl returned to his home from Tony's mansion, Wanda saw Carl coming back and pounced on her, but Carl had no choice but to hug Wanda again, and then put her A red bracelet is worn on Wanda's pink little hand.

"What is this, a gift? "Wanda tilted her little head and said to Karl in confusion, because when Karl left before, he said he would give her a gift when he came back..

"Yes, this is a gift for you. If you press the bracelet three times, it will turn into a vibranium suit to wear on you, which can protect your safety. Come and try it. "Carl explained gently to Wanda, then put her on the ground and motioned for her to try.

Wanda clicked the bracelet on her left hand three times, and then a large number of micro-vibranium robots poured out of the bracelet, and the Wanda's whole body was covered and turned into a battle suit. The overall appearance can only be said to be not ugly, but the defense should be strong. Afterwards, Carl

asked Wanda to play alone first, and he used the vibranium to fight I gave the bracelets to Mei, Raven, Pilot, Peter, and Yelena, and told them not to take them off, and then came to Speedy..

"Jiji, please test the bracelet Tony gave you to see if there are any problems. If there are any problems, tell me, then clean them up and upgrade the smart system based on the original ones. "Karl came to Jisu's large warehouse and handed his bracelet to Jisu. One can detect all of them, and you don't have to take them all. Those bracelets are all connected to Carl's bracelet, just like Carl is the switchboard. Same!

"Okay, boss!" "Quickly took the bracelet and turned around to start testing. The earth technology he learned during this period plus the technological knowledge of Cybertron, its research ability is not low. It is still simple to detect this thing. As for why it tested the bracelet given by Tony. , this kind of portable thing naturally needs to be tested, lest Tony install any monitoring things on it, and with Tony's character and Carl's strength, it is very likely that he will install something on it..

"Boss, nothing else was detected. Whether it was network data or hardware, the intelligent system above also belonged to auxiliary suits and some other functions. Nothing else was found. "Zhisu said to Karl next to him after a while, and told him the answer at the same time..

"Okay, you upgrade that smart system first. "Karl heard that there was nothing else in the bracelet, and even the data was not leaked. This made Karl a little worried. Then he took all the bracelets over and had them tested quickly. The results were still not found, so Karl had to take his hands. The ring was returned.

After the smart system of the bracelet was upgraded, Karl put it on his left hand, then clicked three times on the bracelet, and began to���He found a miniature vibranium robot that covered his entire body. This suit was not much different from Tony's suit. The only difference was that it was silver. After trying it on for a while, he took the suit back. .

Then I thought about whether I had just checked whether Tony had installed anything else on the bracelet, but found that there was nothing. Maybe I was overthinking it, but in the timeline, Tony dared to create a super

artificial intelligence to protect the earth. It is difficult to be sure about him. Are you going to get something in your bracelet?

After the stickman on the other side returned to his home, he began to investigate Carl's manor. If he didn't investigate, he wouldn't know. When he investigated, he was shocked. Stark Industries shareholder, Iron Man: Tony Stark's friend, had destroyed several gangs. Thousands of people were beaten into the Mutant Academy and escaped unharmed, etc. Stickman couldn't help but feel lucky that he had saved a life. Although the other party said that he was not a murderer, he actually wanted to sneak into the other party's home! It's good that he came back alive..


"Hello, who is this? "Karl hugged Mei and sat on the sofa, answered the phone that just rang, and casually asked the person on the other side of the phone..

"Hello Mr. Carl, I am Gwen, can you come to my birthday party tonight? "Gwen's voice came from the phone, and she said to Carl with a slightly shy tone..

"OK, is it at your home or somewhere? You can send me the address later. "Karl agreed casually. He remembered that Gwen had said to him before that there was nothing going on right now, so it didn't matter if he went there..

"OK Mr. Carl, I'm here…."After Gwen heard that Karl promised her to come back for his birthday party, she happily told Karl the location of the birthday party, and then hurriedly hung up, and Karl just smiled..

"Be gentle with her at night, she is still young, not like us, remember to bring her home tomorrow, don't be embarrassed to be there alone. "Mei, who was leaning in Karl's arms at this time, raised her head and said to Karl, but it was more like a sincere instruction..

"Walter? Mei, what are you talking about? Be gentle to her and take her home. Am I that kind of person? "Karl was confused after knowing what Mei meant, and said to Mei with a slightly helpless tone..

"Gwen likes you. She has been asking about you before coming here. When you come back, her eyes will be on you. Her eyes will not lie, so I can conclude that Gwen just likes you, so You are very likely to be successful today, so let me bring her back. "After hearing what Karl said, Mei rolled her eyes at him, explained to him, and even told Karl what she had discovered..

"Walter? I really didn't feel it at all, not to mention that I have a wife, can she accept it? Hahahahahaha. "Karl was a little surprised after hearing Mei's analysis, and said to Mei with a smile..

"If she had minded, she wouldn't have invited you to the birthday party. She must have struggled a lot. Who made you so charming? A little girl like her who has never experienced anything has no resistance to you! "Mei shrank into Karl's arms and explained to Karl..

"Wouldn't that also make you and Rui Wen obsessed? I actually have a good impression of Gwen. "Karl said to Mei with a wicked smile, and then explained his feelings for Gwen. Inexplicably, he remembered the time when Gwen was wearing a student uniform, and the thought caused him to have physical symptoms...Mei rolled her eyes at Karl and squatted down.

In the evening, Carl changed into a suit and prepared to go to Gwen's birthday party. If it was true as Mei said, it would be good to accept Gwen..