
Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Zhao Helen's misunderstanding

"Who are you, and why do you know my name!" When Gunsou saw the other party looking at him and said his name, he couldn't help but be wary, and even regretted why. He broke in without investigating first, and he didn't expect this woman to be so strong, and she knocked him down in just a few seconds!

"Haha, I don't want to care about the mess you and Shohe will do, so you, the Holy Society, had better not come to provoke me. You probably haven't investigated who lives here. Next time I will uproot the entire Holy Society! "Karl said to the stick man calmly, surrounded by blue icy mist, which looked particularly scary.

After that, he asked Yelena to throw him out and then went back. At this moment, when Wanda saw Karl coming back, she immediately nestled into Karl's arms. Karl also picked up Wanda. Wanda liked to stick to Karl at all times. , Karl naturally also likes this blond-haired little loli.

At this time, Carl's cell phone rang – order – order!

"Carl, come over here quickly. The vibranium suits you want are ready. That's it, hang up!" After Carl connected, he heard Tony's voice coming out. After he finished speaking, he hung up. Karl didn't react yet, but he just smiled, put Wanda on the sofa, comforted her and said she would be back soon, and prepared a gift for her!

Wanda had no choice but to agree to sit on the sofa and wait for Carl. Carl disappeared in front of Wanda the next moment. Wanda opened her little hands, and red energy gushed out to start training her abilities. Now she mainly practiced controlling objects.

Carl appeared in Tony's underground studio the next moment. As soon as he appeared, he saw several vibranium suits. Helen Zhao on the other side was surprised to see Carl's arrival at first, but she opened her mouth after thinking of something. , did not speak.

"Okay, Karl, let me introduce to you. These suits can be put on in two seconds. When not in use, they can be turned into a bracelet. Each bracelet has a positioning system. I will also make it for you. With one piece, your bracelet can display all the positions of other bracelets. At the same time, your bracelet has an intelligent system and the others only have some basic functions! In addition to having no weapon system, these suits only have the energy absorption and defense capabilities of vibranium. This is the best I can create so far. "Tony introduced to Karl, and then turned all the suits into bracelets..

"Also, the vibranium on Riven's suit can be separated by herself through electromagnetic force. It is also the suit that uses the most vibranium. The other suits are almost the same! Okay, you can take it! "Tony seemed to have thought of something afterwards, and once again introduced to Carl the suit belonging to Raven..

"OK, thanks Tony. "Carl held all seven different-looking bracelets in his hands. Tony installed a simple intelligent system in the bracelet, which could only communicate and locate. Only Carl's was more advanced, and then faced Tony thanked.

"No, no, no, I have to thank you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get so much vibranium. You still have a lot of vibranium left in your ton, and you ar

e all giving me an advantage. Hahahahaha, I want to make more. Get a suit and blow your ass off! ! "Tony said after shaking his head at Carl, and even laughed proudly afterwards.

Carl just laughed and shook his head after hearing the last sentence. He can now freeze Tony's suit at absolute zero, and even Tony himself would be frozen, and he didn't worry about him being able to defeat him after having the vibranium suit, and then he was ready to leave. As for Helen Zhao's expression, he also noticed it. He probably knew who Carl was making the suit for, so You're not very happy to talk to him, right? Karl didn't intend to hide it at first, just when he was about to leave.

"Hey, Carl, can we talk? "After Helen Zhao finished speaking to Karl, she walked up. Karl glanced at him inexplicably, while Tony shrugged. If Helen Zhao flirted with her because he had a lover, causing her to look down on Karl, he would He felt it was normal, and he would not plan to talk to Helen Zhao again in the future. He had never been hot-tempered, but she suddenly wanted to chat with him, which made Karl a little confused. After all, everyone was shouting, so Karl naturally

also Not being cowardly, he followed up, wanting to see what Helen Zhao wanted to do. After arriving at the top, Helen Zhao faced the sea and turned her back to Karl. After Karl stepped forward.

"Carl, do you have a lover? "Zhao Helen asked Karl directly..

"Yes, I have a lover. "Karl also answered her question honestly..

"Then why are you flirting with me? Don't get me wrong. I didn't fall in love with you the first time I met you. Maybe I have a slight crush on you, but you have a lover but you flirt with other women. Your lover knows What would you think, are you still a man? How can you be so shameless? "Zhao Helen said to Karl emotionally, and directly told Karl that he was confused. What did he think he was going to say? That's it..

"OK OK, I understand how you feel now. Tony probably hasn't explained it to you. I have two lovers. I love them very much and they love me very much. They don't mind that I'm bringing them some sisters. I also I do have a crush on you, but can you understand the situation first? Of course I don't deny that I want to pursue you. If you can't accept it, we can also just be ordinary friends or strangers. "Karl said to Helen Zhao a little speechlessly. He thought Tony had told her, but he didn't expect that the sisters guessed it themselves. After Karl finished speaking,

Helen Zhao fell silent, and she felt that her face had been humiliated to the Arctic Ocean. My lover didn't have any objections. I was here to give someone a scolding, but I couldn't help but admit that I felt relieved for some reason after hearing Karl's rebuttal. I was even a little confused. I turned around and ran away. No. In answer to Karl's words, her cheeks were a little red.

Karl didn't know what Helen Zhao was thinking, so he just shook his head and prepared to leave. The other party did not answer or refuse. Does it mean that he still has a chance? Karl then disappeared in In Tony's mansion, how could the thing that he was interested in escape escape, Bondu tied it back to her!