
Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Improved strength.

Place the swimming ring of the Woodcutter's Spring on the ground, and then throw the obelisk in. Colorful light emerged, and a spring appeared on the ground. A plump man wearing a straw hat appeared on the ground. The goddess emerged from the spring and said to Karl:

"Did you drop this imperfect obelisk or this perfect obelisk?."

"An imperfect obelisk. "Karl answered the words of the Woodcutter Goddess expressionlessly. At this moment, he would not be affected by the Woodcutter Goddess's spirit at all. For him, it was no different from his usual speech. He could not feel the bewitching charm before..

"Congratulations on your correct answer, then this perfect obelisk is given to you. "After the Woodcutter Goddess saw that Karl gave the correct answer, the perfect obelisk slowly fell into Karl's hands, and then disappeared into the Woodcutter's Spring. Another burst of colorful light flashed, and the spring water on the ground disappeared. All that's left is a small, dull swimming ring.

[Obelisk: An original Inhuman item. After use, humans carrying Kree genes can awaken superpowers. After being strengthened by the Woodcutter Goddess, it can allow any human being to awaken superpowers or strengthen their superpowers! ]

Carl looked at the system annotation on the obelisk and couldn't help but smile. Then he began to use the power of freezing to absorb the energy in the obelisk. In an instant, the entire room was covered with ice. Carl could feel his freezing power at this moment. Being strengthened, Karl controlled the spread of freezing. Fortunately, only Karl's own room was frozen, but the temperature of the entire manor dropped to minus 200 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in Karl's room was minus 200 degrees Celsius!

After about ten minutes, all the energy in the obelisk was absorbed by the freezing power. Karl closed his eyes and adjusted the freezing power in his body. At this moment, he had no doubt that he could bring the temperature of the ice to absolute zero! That is -273.15 degrees Celsius!

When Carl opened his eyes again, he and the entire room were icy blue. As for Mei, Raven, Wanda, and others, they had already evacuated the house, while Yelena, Speedy, and Red Tank were standing at the edge of the house. Karl was guarded outside. Although they didn't know what happened, the reason for the freezing must come from Karl. No matter what, it was right to guard him first.

Karl felt his current strength. At this moment, he could even freeze the entire earth. After slowly exhaling a breath, with a thought, the surrounding ice began to disappear, and the temperature gradually warmed up, until the temperature of the entire manor returned to its original temperature. It seems that the Woodcutter's Fountain he used this time is not a loss, at least it has increased his strength by another level. In the future, his freezing power can be developed into the ice system, but this road is naturally extremely difficult..

"Okay, I'm fine, it's just that my strength has improved a lot. You can go back, don't worry. "When Carl came outside the house and saw the Red Tanks outside, he immediately understood their intentions, and then said to them.

Mei and others also returned to the house, and Carl told them not to disturb him for the time being, because he found that the temperature was actually It can continue to drop. It is not that -273.15 is the limit. Absolute zero cannot even freeze space at this moment. What's more, the concept of absolute zero was

calculated by scientists in previous lives. But this is not a past life without superpowers. In the powerful world, any unreasonable situation can be reasonable!

Absolute zero means that all frozen objects stop moving. It can even be said that time is meaningless to frozen objects! Can this be understood as ice in disguise? Time? Time is a concept calculated by clocks and other objects. So if the entire earth is frozen, can the earth's time be understood as stopped? Karl thought for a long time but still couldn't figure it out, and he didn't plan to continue thinking about it

. , he is not a scientist. Anyway, if the development can be continued to lower the temperature, then Karl will naturally not let it go. Now he can't even freeze space. (Absolute zero cannot freeze space, don't believe me!) Space

is Light is understood as space by us. The absolute zero at this moment cannot reach the frozen light. Once the light enters the absolutely frozen field, the light particles with energy will begin to transfer energy, creating in this case The absolute zero environment will be destroyed! At this point, absolute zero cannot freeze space!

Karl has been staying at home these days, and Mrs. Gao from the meeting sent a list of S.H.I.E.L.D. near the manor. There were S.H.I.E.L.D. agents within ten kilometers, and the specific location and residence of each one was marked. Carl himself did not expect that there were so many, almost reaching 500 people. Nick Fury actually took him very seriously.

Because these people lived in the surrounding villas, Karl didn't notice much before and thought they were ordinary business executives. It was impossible for him to use his mental power to investigate everyone. With Nick Fury Because of his urinary properties, someone should deal with him soon, but Captain Marvel probably won't call him back. There should be a lot of people with superpowers on the earth.

Carl touched his chin and thought, Tony has been there once before. They didn't look for him again after that. They probably gave up on pulling Tony into the Avengers. Others probably wouldn't give up, especially Dr. Banner. Carl wanted to see how many people Nick Fury could summon.

At this moment, Yelena reported to Karl that she had caught an old man who wanted to sneak into the manor. Karl was a little confused and walked out of the house and walked to Yelena's place. An old man? Who, his enemy and an old man? Karl thought carefully. After looking at it, I found that there was no such thing.

After Karl came to Yelena and saw the old man's face clearly, Karl knew, isn't this thing���Is he the stick man from Jiehui? Why are you here? He also wants to sneak into the villa. Is it because of the energy emitted by the dragon bone?

"Gunsou, what do you want to do here? Why are you impatient at this age?" Carl said condescendingly, looking down at the sticks who were subdued by Yelena. Even if he knew, Karl wanted to ask, what if it wasn't the case? , couldn't help but sigh, the difference between the Holy Society and the Hands Society, they are very respectful, you actually want to sneak into my house?

Is there such a big gap in intelligence between the Hand and the Holy Society? Although he did not deliberately hide what he did, the Hand and the Society investigated everything clearly. Even the incident in Belarus was speculated to be his doing. Then respectfully I came here to request a deal respectfully. It seems that I know that Gunsou doesn't know who lives here and the information here..