
marvel:Self-Evolution Into superman

good mc# gray mc# genius mc# Transcending the Marvel world, becoming a HYDRA researcher, about to be silenced. Obtaining an incredible scientific research ability, capable of comprehending and understanding all knowledge and truth. At the beginning, developing a super soldier serum, turning the tables and breaking out of the research facility! But this is just the beginning. Wolverine's terrifying self-healing factor? Wolverine, hold on, I'm going to dissect you! Bitten by Gwen's spider? Bring it on! Power surging, strength of a hundred tons, they call me the little Hulk! These are all methods of self-preservation. Next, comes the main point. From different super-powered individuals, copying their abilities and organically integrating them into myself. Superman's bio-field? Invisible Woman's invisibility field, give it to me! Maxed out, and also Flight Ability! Super strength? Hulk, don't go! Steel body? Heat vision? Absorbing the sun to become stronger? I have those too! In the name of technology, I will let the god among mortals - Silver Great Super - be reborn in the Marvel There are already 270,000 words on Patreon so read on and don't worry I will continue to update A chapter of at least 1,500 words every day or two. Patreon link if you want to support me: patreon.com/writer999 ______________________ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _____________________ Cover not mine found it on google ____________________ Update every day or two. ____________________ The number of words ranges from 1200 to 2800. ____________________ Updated daily from ،1 to 3 chapters per day depending on the amount of support I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient. _____________________ Read ahead or support me on pàtreon ....... There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. ....... I hope you like the novel . ....... patreon.com/writer999 ....... Translation with extensive modifications and filtering of toxins.

write999 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

026 It's You! Captain America! You Bloody Bastard!

Dr. Lai approached the clone.

At this moment, the clone had already been pulled out from the spikes by the mercenaries and laid flat on the ground.

However, he did not immediately help the other person.

The leader of the mercenaries, Donald, asked, "Aren't you going to inject him with the Mutant serum?"

Dr. Lai calmly replied, "He hasn't regained consciousness yet. The serum can be better absorbed and its effects can be better utilized when he is awake."

Upon hearing this, Donald shrugged slightly and said, "Alright, then let's wait for a while."

"Anyway, we have Caliban, so we won't lose track of these two guys."

And so, the group waited quietly for the clone to wake up.

Having suffered such serious injuries, especially a head injury, even with Wolverine-like healing abilities, it would still take some time to recover.

Adam, who was beside them, naturally had to wait as well.

He further lowered his body and buried himself in the bushes.

At night, in the field, there were many mosquitoes.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The mercenaries from Essex kept slapping their bodies to fend off the mosquito bites and scratching the bitten areas.

"Damn, there are so many mosquitoes here!"

"Damn it, is my blood tastier? Why are so many mosquitoes targeting me?"

"f**k, if I had known there would be so many mosquitoes, I would have brought insect repellent!"

"Damn it! Stop f**king biting me!"

Faced with the annoyance of mosquitoes, the group cursed and complained.

Adam's situation wasn't any better.

Mosquitoes buzzed around his ears.

Mosquitoes landed on Adam and sucked his blood.

But Adam remained motionless, like a statue.

It wasn't that adam didn't want to move.

In fact, the parts of his body that were bitten by mosquitoes also itched.

But he couldn't move.

Because he couldn't be discovered right now.

So he had to endure the itchiness on his body.

Adam had already changed a lot, especially after experiencing the baptism of the super soldier serum. His willpower had reached an astonishing level.

So he could restrain the constant mosquito bites, remaining motionless and as steady as the Mount .

Time passed like this.

It was unknown how long had passed.

The sky seemed to be getting brighter.

Dr. Lai and Donald were starting to feel drowsy.

At this moment, the clone lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing this scene, one of the mercenaries quickly spoke up, "Doctor, X-24 is awake!"

For Adam, this voice was the most beautiful sound, like celestial music.

This journey was about to come to an end.

Adam's eyes were bright and focused, looking ahead, whispering in his heart, "It's about to begin."

Dr. Lai woke up, a hint of joy flashing in his eyes. "Finally awake?"

He quickly got up and walked towards the clone.

He took out the bottle of Mutant serum and installed it on the syringe.

Looking at the clone, his tone was gentle, "Don't worry, this is something that will heal you."

"Strictly speaking, you are still a newborn, just born not long ago, and your body is as fragile as a baby. You need nourishment."

"This thing will enhance your healing ability, restore your blood vessels and epidermal tissues, and increase your matrix cells."

Saying that, he injected the serum into the clone's body.

After completing these actions, Dr. Lai stood up, walked to the side, and put the syringe back into the box.

Not far away, Adam saw that the injection was finished and his eyes instantly lit up.

"It's starting!"

He took out a headscarf from his pocket and covered his face.

Then he put on a hood.

Instantly, his entire face was completely covered.

He glanced at the positions of everyone, looked at the surrounding environment, and engraved everything into his mind.


Adam shot out like a cannonball, rushing towards the clone on the ground.

He reached behind his back and pulled down the shield.

The surrounding shrubs were easily broken.

Adam's sound instantly caught the attention of the mercenaries.


"Who are you? Identify yourself!"

"Damn, someone's here!"

Lai Si turned around and saw the direction Adam was rushing towards, instantly understanding the other party's motive.

He shouted, "This guy is here to steal X-24! Kill him! We can't let him succeed!"

Donald looked at Adam's astonishing speed, his pupils shrinking.

That is definitely not the speed of an ordinary person!

"Damn it! This speed! He's not an ordinary person!"

The other party is either a mutant, a super-ability user, or someone with enhanced abilities!

Donald raised his gun and shouted, "Fire! Bullets interweave and attack! Kill him!"

Ding ding ding!

Bullets flew out one by one, rushing towards Adam.

Adam raised his shield and blocked the bullet attacks.

He looked at the large tree in front of him, his mind spinning rapidly, like a computer, calculating the position of each mercenary.

Calculating the angle at which the shield should fly out, the angle of rebound, the force required, and the throwing technique to be used.

These things may seem very complicated, but Adam calculated them almost in the blink of an eye.

It's as if calculating angles and forces is his instinct.

In an instant, he reached a tree, and the veins on his hand suddenly bulged, a burst of brute force surged out!


The shield in his hand shot out.

Like the most powerful arrow.

Rushing towards a mercenary, it directly severed the wrist of the mercenary holding the gun, causing a scream.

The shield didn't stop, it collided with the car's shell at an angle and bounced off, rushing towards another mercenary.

It flew past the mercenary's neck, and a head flew off.


The shield collided with an iron railing and shot out again!

Cutting off someone's arm.

Then he ran towards the big tree.

And this chain of shots happened in an instant, a very short time, almost no time for reaction.

As soon as Adam's front foot left the tree, he reached out and caught the shield.

Once again, he held the shield in front of him to block the flying bullets.

Ding ding ding!

Sparks flew! A crisp sound!

Not a single bullet hit his vital points.

As for his body, it was wrapped in a bulletproof vest.

As for his legs, there was hardly any chance of being attacked, mainly because they were smaller in size and he was fast enough to avoid being hit.

Adam took big strides towards the clone.

"Stop him!" Lai Si roared!

Two mercenaries rushed up and were directly knocked away by Adam's bull-like shield.

Adam arrived in front of the clone.

The immobilized clone stared at Adam, their eyes locked.

Adam felt delighted.

'X-24, a young version of Wolverine, is in my hands!'

He lifted the clone and used it as a shield to block the bullets flying towards him.

Psst! Psst! Psst!

The clone's eyes widened, and blood silently flowed from the corners of their mouth.


What the hell is he doing?!!

The clone coughed, and more blood flowed out.

While running away, Adam threw the shield again!

Because of the clone, the shield didn't need to maintain its defensive function.

The shield flew out, knocking down several mercenaries once again.

Lai Si glared at Adam, as well as the shield in his hand.

He gritted his teeth and angrily shouted,

"This speed! This shield's attack moves!"

"It's you, Steve Rogers! You damn Captain America!"

"You damn guy! What are you doing here?"

"Kill him for me!"


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