
marvel:Self-Evolution Into superman

good mc# gray mc# genius mc# Transcending the Marvel world, becoming a HYDRA researcher, about to be silenced. Obtaining an incredible scientific research ability, capable of comprehending and understanding all knowledge and truth. At the beginning, developing a super soldier serum, turning the tables and breaking out of the research facility! But this is just the beginning. Wolverine's terrifying self-healing factor? Wolverine, hold on, I'm going to dissect you! Bitten by Gwen's spider? Bring it on! Power surging, strength of a hundred tons, they call me the little Hulk! These are all methods of self-preservation. Next, comes the main point. From different super-powered individuals, copying their abilities and organically integrating them into myself. Superman's bio-field? Invisible Woman's invisibility field, give it to me! Maxed out, and also Flight Ability! Super strength? Hulk, don't go! Steel body? Heat vision? Absorbing the sun to become stronger? I have those too! In the name of technology, I will let the god among mortals - Silver Great Super - be reborn in the Marvel There are already 270,000 words on Patreon so read on and don't worry I will continue to update A chapter of at least 1,500 words every day or two. Patreon link if you want to support me: patreon.com/writer999 ______________________ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _____________________ Cover not mine found it on google ____________________ Update every day or two. ____________________ The number of words ranges from 1200 to 2800. ____________________ Updated daily from ،1 to 3 chapters per day depending on the amount of support I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient. _____________________ Read ahead or support me on pàtreon ....... There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. ....... I hope you like the novel . ....... patreon.com/writer999 ....... Translation with extensive modifications and filtering of toxins.

write999 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

024 Mental Resistance

"Wolverine will fight against the clone, and due to the intervention of a farmer, the clone was severely injured."

"At this moment, the clone is at its weakest in terms of combat power, which is also the best time for me to take action."

As Adam said this, a glint flashed in his eyes.

"As long as I capture the clone, I can then study the Self-healing factor in his body and replicate it."

"As long as I don't do anything foolish, inject Adamantium into my body, and avoid consuming genetically modified food, my Self-healing Ability will become extremely powerful."

"My survival ability will reach an astonishing level."

"Only by staying alive, only by not dying, can the future hold endless possibilities."

Soon enough, Adam arrived in Oklahoma City.

After entering the city,

he found a place that was conveniently located in every corner of the city.

In a relatively central location, next to the gathering point of the local casino, there were several local large casinos.

Sitting in a corner, browsing the local news on his phone,

just as Adam was tirelessly scrolling through the news,


a terrifying buzzing sound erupted.

An immense spiritual wave of the invisible spread in all directions.

Adam, who was browsing his phone, instantly froze in place, unable to move.

"Professor X has lost control!"

"And the other party is near me!"

Adam never expected that the place he randomly chose happened to be not far from Professor X, Wolverine, and the others.

And shortly after he arrived, he encountered Professor X's loss of control.

At the same time, due to the powerful spiritual impact, Adam's ears were filled with buzzing, making him very uncomfortable.

However, he quickly noticed something.

That was, he could slightly bend his fingers and make extremely slow movements.

Although it was far from the level of Wolverine's actions when facing Professor X, it already surpassed ordinary people, and even other mutants who were completely immobilized under suppression.

"What's going on? Why do I seem to have some resistance to Professor X's psychic power?"

Adam knew that Wolverine had a certain level of psychic resistance, but he didn't know whether it came from his Adamantium or his Self-healing factor.

But he didn't understand why he also had a bit of psychic resistance. Although it was not as strong as Wolverine's, Adam was still somewhat shocked.

After all, Wolverine's psychic resistance was among the top even among the mutant forces.

It was not suitable to compare himself with him.

He quickly pondered the factors that could generate psychic resistance in his body.

Soon, a flash of insight came to his mind.

"I understand, I know why it's like this!"

"The Super Soldier Serum!"

"The Super Soldier Serum not only strengthened my body, but also strengthened my mind in that terrifying agony."

"To be precise, I endured the destructive and crushing pain in my body, which greatly trained my willpower, leading to the enhancement of my psychic power."

"Compared to ordinary people, my willpower is stronger, which is why I have a certain resistance to Professor X's psychic power."

Adam didn't expect that he still had a certain level of psychic resistance.

This was an unexpected discovery, a pleasant surprise.

Just as Adam was contemplating,

Professor X's attack suddenly stopped.

Adam understood that Wolverine had injected a sedative into Professor X.

His body regained its freedom and he could move easily again.

He stood up and looked towards the high wall next to him, which was behind the neighboring casino.

That is the only place around where people can live.

So Wolverine and the others should be there.

Adam quickly started his motorcycle and headed towards the casino.

But when Adam arrived, he didn't see any sign of Wolverine and the others.

He waited for a while.

He only saw a group of mercenaries from the Essex Group, some running out of the casino, and some getting off a van.

One of them was the head of security for the Essex Group, a cyborg named Donald, with his arm transformed into a mechanical form.

He was one of the people who had been chasing after the Wolverine and the little wolf girl from the beginning.

Adam saw Donald angrily pounding on the car door and growling, "Damn it!"

Seeing this, Adam understood that Wolverine had already left.

But Adam didn't mind.

Because the Essex Group ahead would lead him to Wolverine and the others.

They would lead him to X-24, the clone of Wolverine.

Because within Donald's team, there was Caliban, who could sense mutants within a 20-mile radius.

So they could easily find Wolverine and the others.

Adam parked his car on the side of the road and kept an eye on Donald's team using his peripheral vision.

He was very careful not to be discovered by Donald's people.

After all, this group of people specialized in security work and must have excellent counter-surveillance abilities.

Adam picked up his phone and pretended to be an ordinary person, flipping through it.

Soon, Donald's team started moving.

The convoy drove out of the front gate of the casino and headed north, towards Eden.

Seeing the convoy move,Adam put away his phone and hung back behind the convoy to avoid being noticed.

That's how Adam drove for another half day.

Suddenly, he noticed a small car speeding out and leaving the convoy, moving at a faster pace.

Seeing this, Adam frowned slightly, "What's going on? Why is this car from the convoy running so fast?"

But Adam didn't chase after it.

Because Donald's car was still in the convoy, and Caliban was in it.

He just needed to follow Donald's car, no need to pay attention to the others.

So he drove for another ten minutes.

Finally, the speed of the convoy ahead slowed down.

They eventually stopped in front of a farmhouse.

Adam had turned off his car lights long ago, so it was pitch black.

He parked his car on the side and walked up, lowering his footsteps.

Just at that moment, he heard a mournful roar from the front, "Charles!"

That was Wolverine's voice!

Seeing this, Adam's expression tightened, instantly understanding that Professor X had died, killed by the Wolverine clone.

"How did this happen so quickly? Weren't they just arriving?"Adam muttered to himself.


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