
Marvel: Reincarnation in my favorite movie saga

Synopsis: The MC is reincarnated in the marvel cinematic universe with a system like any good FF. It's the first time I write, so I'm going to have a lot of mistakes, criticism is accepted but don't insult thanks. Also English is not my first language. If you don't like it don't read it and that's it. PS: I write this because I feel like it and I do it for fun. I will update the chapters whenever I feel like it.

Masterclass007 · Movies
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22 Chs


After Thor and Loki left with the cube. Tony told us he was going to use his tower to make it the official headquarters of The Avengers, Bruce told us he was going to work with Tony and when we needed him, he would come to help. The rest of us went back to the SHIELD base.

At the SHIELD base.

There were Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Liam, in front of them was Fury.

"Agents, Captain you did an excellent job in New York and because of that you are free of all duty for the next 2 months." (Fury)

"SHIELD giving us a vacation, what's next they send us Christmas cards?" said Liam smiling.

Fury ignoring Liam's comment continued.

"And Agent Smith the Council would like to speak with you, if you would be so kind you may follow Agent Hill who will take you to the briefing room" (Fury).

At this, Liam raised an eyebrow and thought 'Took too long'.

"This way agent Smith," said Hill pointing to where they needed to go.

Watching Liam leave Natasha with a worried look asked Fury.

"Sir what would the Council want with Liam?" (Natasha)

Hearing this Fury replied.

"Agent Smith showed a force he was hiding from us and you also Agent Romanoff hid this information from us." (Fury)

"I think you would have to be thankful that Liam had that force, instead of trying to interrogate him," Natasha said raising her voice a little.

"That's true thanks to him, without discrediting the rest, it was less complicated for us to fight the Chitoris." Said Steve defending Liam, to which the rest nodded.

"That's true I have nothing against Agent Smith hiding his powers. But The Council is something else, they just care about being in charge of everything, and when someone steps on their toes they don't like that." (Fury)

In the meeting room.

There was Liam and in front of him was The Council.

"Agent Smith, why have you made no secret of your increased strength again?" Asked The Council questioning Liam.

"Gentlemen, I never meant to hide it, it's just that after the events of the Destroyer, my strength increased again, and thinking ahead I hid my strength so that the enemies would be confident and catch them off guard." said Liam who had a serious look on his face, but inside 'Seeing their faces they must already be looking for a way to capture me or kill me if I do something they don't like, well I already did by letting Thor take the cube.'

"We can understand your point of view, but we don't share it" (The Council).

Shrugging Liam said.

"I can't satisfy everyone; I did what I thought was best and it worked." (Liam)

Frowning the Council changed the subject.

"So, are you going to tell us why you let the war criminal Loki and the cube be taken by the Asgardian?" (The Council)

"Well, that's because he wanted to keep a good relationship with Asgard and besides I don't think anyone on earth could stand up to the strength of Thor's father." (Liam)

Hearing this the Council frowned even more and said he could leave.

And doing so Liam left the meeting room.

In the command room.

Liam arrived and saw that the rest had stopped talking.

"Well people, I've been released, now we can go," Liam said entering the room smiling.

To this Natasha and Clint nodded, but Steve said.

"I'm not leaving, I've had enough rest. I told Director Fury that I will stay and do his missions while you guys are gone." (Steve)

"Well then thank you very much for that Captain," Liam said turning to the captain and holding out his hand.

Seeing Liam's hand, the captain extended his hand as well and spoke.

"It was a pleasure to be on the same team as you Agent Smith" (Steve).

"Just Liam, Captain, and for me to it was fighting alongside you Captain" (Liam).

"Then just call me Steve," Steve said smiling.

Withdrawing his hand Liam said.

"Well Steve, we'll see you in a few months we're sure to be put on the same team," said Liam heading towards Natasha and Clint.

Nodding in farewell to Fury, they left the room.

Heading toward the parking lot Natasha looked at Liam and spoke.

"What did the Council want?" said Natasha, to which Clint listened and also turned his gaze to Liam.

Looking at Natasha, Liam said.

"They wanted to know why I let Thor go with Loki and the cube and why I didn't report to them about my increased strength" (Liam).

Natasha snorting said.

"We always do the heavy lifting and they are always doubting you instead of thanking you for saving their ass again," Natasha said angrily to which Clint nodded.

"That's it, The Council is always going to test me to see if I'm with them or against them. I am an unknown to them and they are trying to figure me out" said Liam who looked at Clint and changed the subject.

"Tell me Clint what are you going to do on this vacation besides spending it with your family" (Liam).

"Well, I'll take the kids for a walk, when we get back how about we get together and have dinner," Clint said asking Liam.

Liam was going to answer, but Natasha jumped up and spoke first.

"We would love to, plus I want to see Laura, we haven't seen her in a long time and my cute nephews," Natasha said happily.

"Well, you see, I think the answer is yes," said Liam as he laughed.

Arriving at the parking lot Clint headed towards his car saying goodbye to Liam and Natasha, while they did the same.

Inside the car, Natasha asks Liam.

"So, what are we going to do now?" (Natasha)

"Well, I have a surprise for you that I will take you now" (Liam).

"A surprise?" asked Natasha.

To which Liam nodded and spoke no more and they left the SHIELD base.


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