
Marvel: Reincarnation in my favorite movie saga

Synopsis: The MC is reincarnated in the marvel cinematic universe with a system like any good FF. It's the first time I write, so I'm going to have a lot of mistakes, criticism is accepted but don't insult thanks. Also English is not my first language. If you don't like it don't read it and that's it. PS: I write this because I feel like it and I do it for fun. I will update the chapters whenever I feel like it.

Masterclass007 · Movies
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22 Chs


Asgard, Bifrost.

Liam looking around realized he was already in Asgard.

"Welcome to Asgard," said Thor to his companions who looked around inspecting the place.

Hearing Thor, Liam turned to him and spoke.

"Looks like a good place," Liam said smiling.

"So, this would be the Bifrost that connects the worlds according to the legends," said an excited Jane.

"Indeed, and this is Heimdall the Guardian of the Bifrost," said Thor introducing them to Heimdall.

"A pleasure," said Liam, but inwardly 'So this is the one who sees everything, but at the same time sees nothing'.

"Hi, nice to meet you too," Jane said and continued to survey the place.

"Emm, if you can follow me, I'll take you so you can see what they have," said Thor as he walked towards the bridge.

After a long walk they reached the castle and as they entered Liam felt something calling him.

'Go to the trophy room and look for a black orb and touch it' That's what Liam heard in his head as he entered the castle.

Liam heard that and stood still for a while and started to look around to see what the voice was.

Thor noticing that Liam stood still, spoke.

"Liam what happened?" (Thor)

Liam reacted when Thor called out to him and spoke.

"No, nothing I thought I heard something," Liam said to which Thor shrugged his shoulder and kept walking.

As they reached a part of the castle that looked like it was where they were going to inspect their bodies.

After they inspected, they noticed that Liam and Jane had nothing in their bodies as Liam had asked the system to seal the Aether and Jane had nothing from the beginning.

Thor seeing this wanted to ask more, but was just called away, as Odin had called him to discuss the presence of unauthorized people in Asgard, Jane was taken by Thor's mother to talk things over. Thor before leaving told the guards that Liam was a guest and not to disturb him for his good.

Seeing that everyone left Liam wandered around the castle until he heard the voice again.

'Go to the trophy room and look for the orb.'

Liam heard the voice again and started looking for the room, it took about ten minutes of going downstairs and around corners of the castle before he found the room that had two guards guarding it.

"Stop there this place is forbidden," said one of the guards.

"Wait, I have authorization from Thor to be able to enter this place," said Liam lying.

"So, the prince gave you the authorization," said the other guard who looked at his partner.

"We better let him in so we will have a good reputation when the prince becomes King," said one of the guards laughing.

"Then you can go in."

Liam looking at the two guards wonders why the IQ of 80% of Asgard's population is so low.

Arriving at the trophy room he saw all the trophies until he saw one that was far in the back which was a black orb, he walked up to it and touched it. As he touched the sphere his world went dark.

Liam opened his eyes and saw that the place was all black there wasn't a soul.

"Where am I?" said Liam as he stood up.

"You are in my personal space," said a voice behind Liam.

Liam hearing the voice got on guard and was about to attack, but the voice spoke again.

"Easy I mean you no harm, I just want to make a request," said the voice.

"Show yourself and who are you?" asked Liam as he braced himself for any attempt to attack the voice.

"My apologies, my name is... The Death" said The Death who out of nowhere appeared a meter away from Liam.

Liam listening to the woman was in shock as if that was what she said then he was in big trouble, but when the woman appeared he got another shock as he never thought Death himself would be so beautiful.

She had coal-black hair that reached a little below her shoulders, her skin was pale and her eyes were black and her lips were painted black as well.

The Death chuckled a little as he saw how Liam looked at her and spoke.

"Impressed" Death said as she put his hands on his hips.

Liam coming out of his shock said.

"Ahem, sorry about that, but I think if people knew that 'The Death' was so beautiful, they wouldn't be afraid of her," Liam said chuckling.

"People, not you?" said Death questioning him.

"Well, I can't die as I have two people waiting for me, so I'm not allowed to die," said Liam seriously.

"I see love eh," said Death.

"Maybe so, but why did you bring me here?" said Liam changing the subject.

"Oh right," said Death who proceeded to tell him why he brought him.

"Liam Smith, I've been watching you since the day you came into this world," (Death).

Hearing that Liam frowned, but Death kept talking.

"What made me keep an eye on you is that your soul does not belong to this universe and that is something that I Death cannot ignore since I have no control over your soul if you die. As the years went by, I saw how your strength increased more and more, I realized that you have no limits that's why I always wanted to talk to you and ask who you are, but since in your world they don't have an artifact of mine to contact me I could only watch," said Death looking directly at Liam.

"That I would like to know too, the truth is… I don't know what I am since I was a kid and my strength was growing more and more, I always wanted to know why, but I didn't find answers," said Liam with a poker face to hide the lie he told.

Death listening to Liam could not detect any lie he could not read his soul to detect his emotions so he had no choice but to believe him.

"Well, if you don't know then someday, I hope you find out," said Death to which Liam nodded.

"Back to the point, besides calling you to talk to you I would like to ask you for a favor," said Death looking at Liam's reaction.

"And that favor would be?" asked Liam cautiously.

"I would like you to release my daughter Hela from Odin's imprisonment," said Death spitefully when he mentioned Odin.

"Your daughter? Wasn't she Odin and Frigga's daughter?" said Liam questioning Death.

"Oh, yes she is Odin's daughter, but also mine since I gave her a bit of my divinity and anything that has a bit of my divinity in it is considered a daughter by me" (Death).

"And why don't you go and get her out of her confinement?" (Liam)

"That is because the universal laws do not let me interfere, I only control the dead and I cannot touch the living, so I choose my children to hunt some who escape death more than once and Odin knowing this locked Hela, knowing that I could not do anything" (Death).

"And what do I get out of freeing Hela?" (Liam)

"Anything you ask for," said Death seductively.

"Interesting," said Liam as he thought about what he could ask for.

After thinking for quite a while.

"I would like a sword that is unbreakable and always appears when I call for it," said Liam looking at a dumbfounded Death.

"Seriously a sword, you don't want immortality or my body," said Death incredulously.

"Nah, immortality I feel like someday I can have it and your body I don't need as I said I have my beautiful wife waiting at home; besides I need a sword since I always fight barehanded and get blood all over me," said Liam responding to a more incredulous Death.

"Then fine, when you bring Hela out of her confinement, I will give you your reward," said Death coming out of his daze.

"Ah, one more thing when I take out Hela this one will not be happy with Asgard and will want to attack, I as Thor's friend can't allow that," said Liam seriously.

"I understand that's why when you take her out, I will teleport her here since she can't refuse me and I will tell her to leave Asgard alone," said Death nodding.

Liam hearing that agreed and spoke.

"Since you can see everything can you show me where Hela is so I can teleport there?" (Liam)

"Okey," said Death and out of nowhere a kind of portal opened, and in it, you could see a Hela sitting on a throne, but around her, there was only darkness.

"Okay, I've seen the place so when I finish everything, I have to do I'll bring her back" (Liam).

"Well then I'll send you back I think they are in trouble in Asgard" (Death).

"Shit, The Dark Elves, send me back quickly," Liam said hastily.

"Take it easy, it only took a few minutes," said Death and waved his hands towards Liam who disappeared from his personal space.


[I'm not going to kill Hela because I always felt sorry for her, she was raised by Odin to kill and that's what she became and when Odin said: the truth is that I don't want to kill anymore, Hela was against it and he locked her up. Of course, she will be against it if since she was a child Odin indoctrinated her to go to war and kill in cold blood, that was her life, her personality was dictated by the different wars she fought in her life, then Odin comes and wants to break her reality that he made her live, it does not work like that].

[F for the valkyries that Odin sent to die miserably]

[Thanks for reading]

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