
Marvel: Reincarnation in my favorite movie saga

Synopsis: The MC is reincarnated in the marvel cinematic universe with a system like any good FF. It's the first time I write, so I'm going to have a lot of mistakes, criticism is accepted but don't insult thanks. Also English is not my first language. If you don't like it don't read it and that's it. PS: I write this because I feel like it and I do it for fun. I will update the chapters whenever I feel like it.

Masterclass007 · Movies
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22 Chs


England, in an abandoned building.

Liam was on the roof looking up at two women and a man who were talking to some kids, these were Jane Foster, her friend Darcy Lewis and Ian Boothby.

Then one of the kids led them to a truck, lifted it by hand and the truck began to levitate, then they went up the stairs and on a specific floor they began to throw things that disappeared and reappeared.

Jane separated from the group. Seeing this Liam followed her and they reached a corridor that started to drag Jane towards a door, Liam who followed Jane let himself be dragged as well. Until they appeared in a place that looked like a destroyed abandoned dungeon.

Liam appearing behind Jane said.

"Nice place to hide the stone," said Liam inspecting the place.

Jane hearing someone behind her was so scared she almost fell off the cliff in front of her, but just then someone grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.

"Sorry for scaring you, are you okay?" said Liam with a guilty look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine, wait, who are you?" said Jane putting her guard up distancing herself from Liam.

"Calm down, I'm not going to be hurtful to you, my name is Liam Smith, Miss Foster a pleasure to meet you again," said Liam chuckling.

"Again, did we meet before?" said Jane relaxing a bit.

"If you don't remember New Mexico from the SHIELD agent" (Liam).

Jane inspected him until she seemed to remember such an agent and spoke.

"Ah it was you if you are here, SHIELD already discovered this place and again they are going to pull all my research," Jane said frowning with a hint of resentment.

Liam waved his hands in denial said.

"No, no, SHIELD has no idea about this place, well let's stop the chatter as it seems the thing behind us is more important," Liam said as he looked at the structure in front of him.

"Wasn't it that an ordinary person couldn't come close to that?" (Jane)

"You don't have to worry, the word common doesn't come with me," Liam said as he stood in front of the structure.

As he looked inside the structure, Liam saw a thick black liquid start to come out of it heading toward him. Seeing that Liam let it enter his body. Feeling his body brimming with power, he felt that anything he wanted to became true.

Somewhere in the galaxy.

In a spaceship, suddenly a hatch of a kind of cryogenic chamber opened, and out of it came a man with pointed ears, his skin was white and his long white hair was tied in a braid, this was Malekith. Upon exiting the chamber, Malekith began to walk until he saw his entire army awaken along with him and he spoke.

"The Aether awakens us; it looks like the convergence is about to begin."

Back with Liam and Jane


[Host the reality stone in this form corrupts the mentality of its user slowly. Do you wish to seal it?]

Listening to the system Liam was surprised as this was the first time the system had spoken to him besides a mission and with this, he concluded that this stone was not to be trifled with in its current state.

'Thank you very much for the warning, seal it' Liam said to the system.

Liam opened his eyes and looked at Jane who was next to him inspecting him with a worried look on her face.

Liam seeing a concerned Jane asked.

"I'm fine, but what happened after the Aether entered my body," Liam said to Jane, who was a little relieved to hear that Liam was okay.

"Well, after this thing entered your body, you started levitating, then I passed out and we appeared in this hangar, but what happened to you?" said Jane who was touching her head as if in pain.

"Well, I had a setback plus the thing is already sealed so don't worry," said Liam as he stood up.

"Besides I see it's morning already, I think your friends are going to be worried, you should go with them," said Liam to Jane, who seemed to remember her friends.

"Right, I'll see you in a bit," said Jane as she quickly left to find her friends.

Liam watching Jane leave, flew up to the rooftop where he had left his backpack. As he picked up his stuff he looked over to where a bunch of cops was standing and a few meters away from them was Jane arguing with her friend, he headed towards them.

As he arrived it started to rain to which Liam pulled three umbrellas out of his backpack and spoke.

"Good morning, you look like you need these" Liam said as he interrupted the women and handed them an umbrella.

Darcy accepted the umbrella from the stranger and said thank you, but Jane ignored him because she was looking at a man standing in the rain who was Thor and walked towards him.

Liam seeing jane going toward Thor opened the backpack and took out some potatoes, opened it, and invited Darcy.

"Do you want some, it's to go along for the ride to see the drama we are about to witness" said Liam looking at Darcy.

"Emm, I don't know who you are, but thanks again," said Darcy as she grabbed some potatoes.

Seeing that all the drama was about to end Liam walked over to Thor and Jane.

"Ahem, sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to talk to Thor," said Liam interrupting Thor and Jane.

Thor seeing Liam spoke up.

"Liam, buddy, how are you?" said Thor putting a hand on Liam's shoulder.

"All good, but I'd like to talk alone and if you can stop the rain all the better," said Liam pushing Thor's hand away and walking to a place a bit away.

Thor seeing Liam leaving followed him.

"What's wrong?" asked Thor.

'System takes the seal off the stone until I tell you to seal it again' said Liam to the system.

Suddenly the whole place went cold and a pressure arose in the surroundings.

Thor sensing the power inside Liam became serious and asked.

"What is this power coming from within your being" (Thor).

Listening to Thor, Liam told him everything that happened with some changes.

"Then I ask you if you can take us to Asgard to examine our bodies. I'm sure nothing will happen to me, but I don't know about Jane," Liam said with a worried face looking at Jane.

"I understand, I'll take you," Thor said with determination.

As they arrived next to Jane and Darcy who were arguing with the police.

"Miss, this is a private place and they are trespassing come with me," said the policeman grabbing Jane's hand.

Seeing this Thor walked toward the policeman and grabbed her hand and spoke.

"Let her go," said Thor authoritatively.

The policeman at the sight of Thor blanched, for the one squeezing his hand was none other than an avenger. Withdrawing his hand, the policeman stepped back a few steps and looked away.

Thor stopped looking at the policemen, grabbed Jane's hand, and went to Liam. When he reached Liam's side he looked up to the sky and spoke.

"Heimdall," said Thor to which fell a Light that teleported everyone.

Looking up at the sky where Thor, Jane, and the man who gave her some potatoes went, Darcy thought.

'Is it me or did they forget about me' (Darcy).


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