
Marvel: Reincarnated as Aldrich Killian

He was reincarnated in the Marvel universe as the super villain Aldrich Killian and obtained the Supreme technology system. He then created Baymax at the beginning. Tyrant and Terminator were developed in half a year. In one year, artificial intelligence was invented and spacecraft developed the solar system. Ten years later, when Thanos began his journey to collect gems. Killian took the suitcase from the Protoss warrior on the side and opened it directly. 'Here! There is a box full of gems, you can choose any color you want!' ..... Warning: No nationalism, you heard right, no nationalism, at least it's not unreadable, whatever, this is a Chinese fanfiction, I'm just posting it, I'm not editing too much, I'm just making it not unreadable

Muzan_Zoldyck · Movies
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69 Chs

Chapter 8: Invitation letter and reactions from all walks of life.

Similar experiences have also occurred in many other media outlets.

Of course, the main reason is that in this city where many elites and wealthy people from around the world gather, there are too many people who use the logo of the so-called robots of the future to get free publicity.

Furthermore, these claims were eventually exposed, and later not only the investors but also the media were ridiculed by the public, so now everyone is insensitive to this situation.


But there are also special cases.

On the other side, a building of the Daily Bugle on 39th Street and Second Avenue in New York City.

J. Jonah Jameson is committed to making the Daily Bugle the number one news outlet in the United States.

Looking at the newsroom, which has been unable to make ends meet for several months in a row because it has not had good news lately.

He sadly smoked one cigarette after another, and the whole office was surrounded by a thick white fog.

And that's not all, on his desk there are informational materials that the editors have compiled one after another and consider hits.

But each one of them made his blood pressure skyrocket.

If he hadn't taken antihypertensive drugs, he seriously doubted he wouldn't have shown up in the ICU emergency room at this moment, instead of dealing with a bunch of useless brains here.

"Damn it, for the love of God, firefighters rescue a kitten and are called heroes by the public, pickpockets leave the victims' identification taking only the money and the public cries gratefully..." Jameson read the newspapers the veins on his forehead were deeply marked.

"Even if this was written by a three-year-old, it wouldn't be as bland as you nor in bad taste!"

"You're all just useless to whom you only care about crap when you get paid!"

At that moment, Jameson was cursing while still striving to review the materials compiled by his men, but it was obvious he overestimated their professional standards.

After throwing everything in the trash, there were still no news that satisfied him.

Until the next second, he saw a printed letter from Miami next to the table.

"How strange, I don't remember having friends there."

After muttering something, Jameson finally opened the letter with doubts in his heart, and from inside he took out the letter paper with Baymax's photo and its detailed introduction.

[ The technology that defines an era, the arrival of medical robots, your exclusive personal health advisor

We will take you to open a new chapter in the future world ]


After opening it, looking at the invitation and its text, Jameson, who was already so angry that he was about to convulse, noticed his sharp sense of smell activate.

"Banril! Lift your damn ass from your seat right now and come to my office."

After opening the door, Jameson roared at the middle-aged man with glasses who was playing with an intern in a seat not far away.

For him, every minute of rest during his working hours is stealing money from him, let alone flirting with girls in public.

This month he should be deducted full attendance, this is what James thinks from the bottom of his heart.

"Hello boss, what are your orders?"

As soon as he entered the door, Banril said with a humble expression to Jameson, who was crossing his legs on the desk.

"Take this and report it immediately."

"Putting it on the second page, the whole text revolves around the headline, which roughly means

[ Is the birth of Combat Robots a blessing for humanity or the end of the world? ]

"Then focus on the point that robots can rebel and rule over humans, and you can make up the rest."

After handing him the invitation he received, Jameson continued.


"But, boss, the letter says nothing about killer robots.."

After hearing what his boss said, Banril took the invitation and, after reading it several times, saw no mention of war robots.

He then asked with a perplexed look.

"Uh?! Can you repeat that it says nothing about that?" Jameson asked irritably.

"Tell me, did they talk about robots?"

"They did!"

"First say that they gave birth to a robot and then mention the medical treatment."


"Isn't it possible that it's the gospel?"


"Then, have you ever seen Terminator?"



"I did!"

Faced with his boss's aggressive words, Banril couldn't help but lean forward and nod with sweat on his face at this moment.

Who forced him to face one of New York's most exploitative vampires?

"Is it possible they will rebel? Could it be the end of humanity? Tell me, here lies such a simple and easy truth to understand.."

"What do you not understand? Why do you insist that I carry you like in kindergarten, like the teacher, you also want me to explain word by word?"

Looking at the subordinate in front of him who has been with him for so

long, but who has not even developed a ten-thousandth part of his own intellectual quotient, Jameson scolded him with hatred.

"I understand, I understand, thank you boss for your advice, I'll go do it right away."

After hearing that Jameson was about to go mad, Banril finished speaking respectfully, then immediately turned around and ran out as if wanting to escape.

"Hey! Young people today are nothing like what I did back then, they no longer help leaders worry less."

"But this is quite interesting, Saturday? I have to go see it."

After Banril left, Jameson, who calmed down again, looked at the invitation in front of him and couldn't help but murmur.

For him, if a newspaper wants to get ahead, it must have the necessary vision to detect the "explosion point" at all times.

But now he feels that this may be a big hit.

Of course, it's just possible. Forgive him, it's really impossible to connect a large human-shaped balloon to a so-called metal robot.

Due to the influence of robot movies like Terminator, people now believe that robots will only have metal skeletons or, at most, be exactly like humans.

As for this type of balloon robot, forgive him again, he really doesn't have that imagination.


Saturday night.

As the central economic hub of the United States, New York is a world-class metropolis with a population of eight million.

Every day, tens of thousands of dream chasers enter this city with endless opportunities and fight to achieve success with their ideals and interests, hoping to create their own legendary life.

And at night, here it is even more.