
Marvel: Reincarnated as Aldrich Killian

He was reincarnated in the Marvel universe as the super villain Aldrich Killian and obtained the Supreme technology system. He then created Baymax at the beginning. Tyrant and Terminator were developed in half a year. In one year, artificial intelligence was invented and spacecraft developed the solar system. Ten years later, when Thanos began his journey to collect gems. Killian took the suitcase from the Protoss warrior on the side and opened it directly. 'Here! There is a box full of gems, you can choose any color you want!' ..... Warning: No nationalism, you heard right, no nationalism, at least it's not unreadable, whatever, this is a Chinese fanfiction, I'm just posting it, I'm not editing too much, I'm just making it not unreadable

Muzan_Zoldyck · Movies
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69 Chs

Chapter 7: T-Virus and invitation letter

After learning about the effects of the T-virus, Marcus thought he had opened a new chapter for humanity, one that could free people from diseases and aging.

However, because there was too much enthusiasm for quick success in this process, it resulted in the emergence of zombies as a side effect.

For these reasons, Marcus was willing to stop this project, but he overlooked human nature's greed.

His collaborators did not give up on great interests just for a small mistake, thus began the usurpation of the throne.

His partner Isaac successfully overthrew Marcus and took charge himself.

For him, the birth of a special medicine is much less profitable than its use in the military.

Not to mention that if the T-virus is so effective, then what will they depend on for sustenance in the future?

Since then, the era in which the T-virus was used as a biological weapon began.

Zombies, Cerberus, Lickers, Furies, and even Tyrants are developed based on this.

For a long time after this, Umbrella committed to developing the expansion of the T-virus biological weapon, ignoring its incredible ability to resurrect cells from the dead.

Then, in the movie, Edward Ashford, who developed the T-virus with Marcus, who is the wheelchair-bound doctor in the second movie.

He began to play his own small tricks for his paralyzed daughter and for himself.

He wanted to develop again the T-virus's regenerative capacity, so he succeeded the next time.

Thanks to the specially developed improved version of the T-virus serum, his daughter was able to stand again.

And this is the capacity of the T-virus, whether it is developing weapons or medicines, it is omnipotent.

Thus, the T-virus has always been at the top of Killian's candidate list.

And the Terminator that comes next is also a sharp blade.

Regardless of the Terminator T600-T850 it contains, these are top-class war weapons.

Each can operate intelligently offline even when there is no signal.

Although their intelligence is not high, if you act in a place where there is no signal, it means you are surrounded by hostile forces.

Then the signal will not be very useful.

And Killian also feels special envy of Skynet in Terminator, which is a true artificial intelligence.

It has a high degree of self-awareness, considers itself an intelligent life, and is a species of its own.

It can be said that if a civilization has pseudo-artificial intelligence, it will herald an era of rapid development of the entire industry.

In the early days of Marvel, Tony was able to announce to the media around the world that his technology was at least 20 years ahead of the world. This was also the reason.

Due to the existence of Jarvis, a pseudo-artificial intelligence, he only needs to provide a direction, and then Jarvis performs a data simulation and calculates a successful path for him among thousands of incorrect paths.

And he only needs to correct at critical moments, and if sometimes he cooperates and corrects more in detail, then the speed will be faster.

It is for this reason that Tony developed the armor in 2008 and then used the MK50 nanosuit to form a team to defeat Thanos in 2017.

In less than ten years, his armors have ushered in transcendental changes.

From the primitive iron armor of the cave to the nanosuit that can travel through the universe, it can be said that the technological leap in this is extremely terrifying.

And in the end, most of the credit will actually be attributed to Jarvis.

It can be said that if Killian owns Skynet, it will herald an extremely rapid development in technological research and development.

It is not a dream to rule the Earth in three years, the galaxy in five years, and the universe in ten years.

The only problem is that Terminator still does not have the conditions to be born in this world.

A high technology coveted by all countries and that has ultra-futuristic elements, if it cannot be guaranteed that everyone can obtain it.

Then what can be imagined is that it will definitely be met with a violent storm.

And if Terminator wants to be a threat, it must be organized.

In that case, the requirements for signal transmission will be very strict.

Unless he can, like Musk, cover the entire Earth with he's own satellites to establish a Star-Link and then create the artificial intelligence Skynet and let it control it.

Otherwise, after all, it will be immature and the requirements of the Terminator world's technology tree are still too high.

He is just beginning and still cannot master it.

And for now, Terminator cannot help him, it has no other benefit than allowing him to obtain a huge military expenditure from the U.S. government and then be feared by other countries and foreign forces.

Then, after convincing himself, Killian focused his attention on the T-virus.

After making the decision, Killian opened his eyes again and then jumped out of the pool.

After drying off with

a towel, he entered his study room, turned on the computer, and began typing.

Setting the plans for the next step.

For him, time is of the essence.

Time passes slowly.

One invitation after another was sent to all the media through a new startup park in Miami.

"The technology that defines an era, the arrival of medical robots, your exclusive personal health advisor?"

"Haha, the industry is very big now and they dare to send all kinds of trash invitations."

In the New York Times office building, an editor looked at the email handed to him by his assistant.

After reading it, he disdainfully threw it into the nearby trash and then complained.

"But boss, the invitation letter says they already have results, and I also checked that company and indeed, it is capable."

"Why don't you go see it?"

After seeing his boss throw away the invitation he thought was big news, the assistant cautiously said.

"Haha, young people, the more certain this type of propaganda is, the more vigilant we must be."

"We are the most influential newspaper in the United States and we must set our sights on the people and companies that are really doing well in our city."

"If you believe in these things, last week I had three people who claimed there were aliens in their homes, two of them were abducted by aliens at their homes, and last week someone claimed that their parents had been replaced by little green men."

"Then there were people who said they had seen angels."

"Oh, Maika, anyway, you are still young and have a long way to go in the future, don't be too naive."

"Okay, prepare your equipment and follow me later to interview Mr. Fisk, our famous philanthropist from New York."

After talking about his experience, the editor patted the assistant in front of him and left.
