
Marvel: Reborn

A genius has died. But he has been transmigrated into a high school student named Peter Parker.He Looks like Tom Holland but this takes place in the Tobey Maguire timeline. Peter Is his name now not the name that we shall not know of in his past life. But Peter just realized that he is in the Marvel world. Where a giant purple madman goes around killing half the universe using six stones. So Peter needed to get strong fast. But how? Well, with his trusty system he gained randomly of course. Watch Peter as he takes the world into a new future.

some_writer · Movies
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Principal :So Mr Parker You mean to tell me that you want to graduate high school early. Did i hear that right?

Me:Yes Principal. You heard me right. I want to graduate early and i want the hardest test you guys have.

Principal :I don't know why you want to graduate this early but you better give me a reason why now.

Me:I just feel like i don't fit here principal. I have a bully. His name's Flash and the people here don't understand me. I want to go to a college where i could put my knowledge into good use.

Principal :And where will that college be Mr Parker?

Me:You won't believe this but i want to go to MIT.

Principal :....

Me:Uhhh Principal?

Principal :You know you are one crazy motherfucker Mr Parker. MIT! You sure you can get in there. They have a acceptance rate of 7%—

Me:I aced all of the tests when i came to this high school. The tests are too easy. So i am sure i can get a scholarship there easily.

Principal :*Sigh* I don't know what to do Mr Parker. What about the friends you made here?

Me: I'm willingly to make a sacrifice. I think this is a path i must take to succeed principal.


Principal: Tomorrow.

Me: What'll happen tomorrow?

Principal : Tomorrow we will have you come to my office to do the graduation test. We will give you a graduation test and the hardest MIT entrance exam papers that only the best of the best like Tony Stark can do. I hope you put on your A game tomorrow Mr Parker. Because if you do, your going to make Midtown High school proud of you.

Me:Of course principal.

Principal :Okay Mr Parker. Nwo go to class. O have to make some calls.

Me:See you tomorrow principal

Principal : See you Mr Parker.

I then went out of the office.

(Inside the office)

Principal:*Takes off disguise*

Nick Fury: Motherfucker. That kid is crazy man. I disguised as a principal for fun then i find this shit? Oh mah god!

Nick:The kid seems sure of himself. He did aced all of the tests at the school. He would make a good agent if he didn't went to MIT.

Nick:Wait a fucking second. Didn't Tony Stark went to MIT and graduated as the youngest graduate to ever graduate there?


Nick:Holy Shit this kid want to create a tech company! He is one crazy motherfucker. I can't wait to see what kind of chaos he causes! Better get my popcorn ready.

*knock knock*

Nick:Oh crap*Went back in disguise with a face and voice changing machine* Come in.

Student:Uhh principal. Flash just got beaten up by Peter Parker.

Principal Nick: Serves him right.

Student:Uhhhh. Your not gonna call his parents or something?

Principal Nick :No I'm not. He got what he deserves for bullying that kid.

Student:Okayyy then. I'll be leaving now.

Principal :Mmm.

(Before Flash got beat up)

Me💭:Never thought he'd agree that easily. But he's got a point though what about the friends that i made. Should i just tell them?

(I think it's best if you tell them. They're still your friends ya know. Plus that Ned guy is pretty funny in the movies. He's gonna be a good friend for you.)

Me💭: You're right Alice. What about MJ. What's she gonna look like?

(Maybe the Zendaya MJ)

Me:If she is that would be very cool.

(We'll just have to find out.)

I went to the classroom that Peter is in with Alice guiding me. Once i went in i sat down on my seat.

Ned:Hey Peter.

Me:Hey Ned.

Ned:Why are you so late? You always arrive early.

Me:You won't believe this Ned but I'm graduating early.


*All eyes on Ned*

Me: It's nothing guys he forgot to do his homework. Nothing to see here.

They turn back to do their own things.

Ned:Peter did i hear you right—

Me:Yes you did Ned.

Ned:But what about us?

Me:We can still stay in touch you know. Just not everyday anymore.

Ned:Which school you're going to?

Me: Don't scream when i tell you this. I'm going to MIT.

Ned:What!!!*quietly* MIT!!! You want to go there? You sure you can get in?

Me:100% sure Ned.

Ned: Then I'm graduating early too.

Me:No Ned. It's not that easy to graduate early. Especially if your dream college is Harvard.

Ned:Then I'll just study harder then ever before. And it's time i lose my weight. Ain't gonna get into college like this.

Me: It's like you turned into a new Ned instantly.

Ned:Heh yeah. But seriously though I'm gonna miss you man.

Me:Yeah me too. If we have time you can go to my place and build Legos.

Ned:Dude! Imagine if we build a Lego death star.

Me:Oh that would be so cool.

We hear someone said "Lame!" in the background.

Ned:But seriously if you get in MIT, I'm gonna get in Harvard as well.

Me:Sure Ned. Oh teachers here better shut up now.

Teacher: Alright class.....

(The next day)

Me and Ned were walking too school. We've become best buds now. For me actually. I can see why Alice wanted me to be friends with him. He's a very great friend. We're definitely staying in touch.

Ned:So this is the day huh Peter.

Me:Yeah. The test is in the principals office.

Ned:I still don't understand why you gotta graduate early man. You've got a lot of friends here.

Me:Ned the only friend i have is you man. Other than that no one else.

Ned:Good luck on the test Peter.

Me:Thanks man. Best buds forever?

Ned:Yeah. Best buds forever.


I then headed to the direction of the principals office.

*Knock knock*,

Principal Nick:Come in kid.

Me: Principal. I'm here for the test.

Principal:Well sit down Mr Parker. The test is about to start in ten minutes.

I sat down and waited

Principal Nick:This test. Did you prepare for it?

Me: I Prepared for this moment for a week. I want to succeed principal.

Principal Nick: Alright then kid. The ten minute wait is over. Here is the graduation test. This is the hardest one we could give you. You will have two hours to do this test.

Me:Yes sir.

Principal:Alright and the time starts now!

I then looked at the questions at the paper.

Me💭:What the fuck!? This test is not for high school students at all. No matter. It's still easy as drinking water. Let's start doing this!

I then wrote down the answers for the questions.

Nick💭: Damn. This motherfucker smart. Guess he wasn't kidding when he said he could breeze through this test. He might be the next Tony Stark if not better than him. Gotta keep an eye on him when he creates his tech company. Who knows what he might invent?

As i breeze through the test and oblivious to the identity of the principal. The time for the test ended.

Principal Nick :And Time! Mr Parker please hand over the test paper.

Me:Here sir.

Principal: Alright I will give you a 30 minute break. Come back here after 30 minutes ok?

Me:Yes sir.

Principal:Now go.

I then went out of the principal's office. I then went to the canteen. I bought food and sat down with Ned who just happens to be reading a physics book.

Me:Well this is a surprise—

Flash:Hey Penis! Where'd you go huh! You think you can run away from me!

Me:Oh god.