
Marvel: Reborn

A genius has died. But he has been transmigrated into a high school student named Peter Parker.He Looks like Tom Holland but this takes place in the Tobey Maguire timeline. Peter Is his name now not the name that we shall not know of in his past life. But Peter just realized that he is in the Marvel world. Where a giant purple madman goes around killing half the universe using six stones. So Peter needed to get strong fast. But how? Well, with his trusty system he gained randomly of course. Watch Peter as he takes the world into a new future.

some_writer · Movies
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50 Chs


"Uhhh hi. What's your name?" Peter asked.

"Shuri. Just Shuri. " Shuri said smiling. She was sitting down on an chair. The kind where gamers sit on.

"And why are you here?" Wes asked.

"I want a new start. The old place I used to work in is boring and I feel like I'm going to be trapped there forever if I continue working there." Shuri said smiling sadly.

Peter was watching her face expressions when she talked. The way she moved, the way her eyes move. He was like a creepy detective.

"I'm going to trust her for now. Does she mean the Wakandan labs by what she said? I thought she loved to work there. From the movie perspective at least. This is real life so shit's going to be different. " Peter thought.

" Or she could be a spy. But why would she spy on us. Are we getting too advanced on our tech so they're keeping tabs on us? No they won't, tech's every advanced already. They won't just keep tabs on a new company that just showed up two months ago, they should keep tabs on Stark Industries instead. Tony's very sus right now since he closed down the weapons manufacturing department. " Peter's reasoning

" Or.... it's Hydra's face changing technology. It's out and about in the military right now. So I'm sure someone in Hydra would change their face to be in Hydra. But why specifically Shuri. There's no way they found Wakanda. Karen has a hard time detecting them since they have a lot of jammers and a one hell of a cloaking technology. " Peter reasoned again.

" Fuck it. We'll just interview her and see what happens. But I'm hoping for the first thought here. " Peter finally thought and asked.

" Why do you feel trapped there Miss Shuri? Surely you have a passion of being a scientist right? " Miya asked.

" I do. I have a supernova of passion inside me just waiting to discover and invent new things for the better of the world. It's just... the place I work in is very dull. We literally did nothing but improve on our own tech and again and again and again and repeat. At first when I worked there I was pretty excited about all of these things. But now... hai... it's so dull and boring.... I complained and complained to the head of the company but he doesn't listen to me. He always says " The time will come Shuri. The time will come..." Shuri took a deep breath and shouted.

"When that time comes I'm going to be dead in a coffin! Why does he not listen to me! Arrgh!" Shuri didn't know why she was very angry in front of the judges. But now she knew she wouldn't land the job.

"Woah woah woah woah calm down Miss Shuri. It is obvious that what has happened there still angers you very much. Do you have water by your side. Yeah drink that, we'll ask some quick questions while you calm down. " Charlotte said drinking her own water. She felt really bad for Shuri. She thinks that Shuri must be feeling very embarrassed right now. Which she is but she is hiding it while drinking water.

" What was your previous position? No offense. " Wes felt really stupid right now for asking that question. Which he should. Thankfully Shuri was not offended.

" Head researcher." Shuri said calmly.

" Well that explains why she can talk so boldly about her boss. If she's a normal employee she would be fired by now. " Wes thought.

" Ok. What are you plans for working here. Why do you want to work here. Why us Shuri? Why us? " Peter asked seriously.

" My plan working here is to use my experience to guide the newbies that are working here. And I plan to take the top spot available to me. I chose here because I love the technologies that you are producing and selling. These products make life easier and help a lot of people. I chose here because I wanteto know what it feels like to help people. " Shuri said seriously.

" But..... just why us? " Peter asked seriously.

" Because to me, the place that I used to work was a literal prison! Sometimes I literally worked there 24/7 with no rest or even none! Can you imagine what I felt? I felt like this dream isn't worth it! But when I saw your company and how much you guys have done in such a short time. I took this as a chance to leave. I quickly resigned and applied for an interview. I want to help people with science, not be stuck in an eternal prison. " Shuri said passionately while standing up. It corrupted the fake background a little bit. No one noticed it but Peter, who quickly put on an earbud and did this.

" Karen, please scan the background quickly and quietly. " Peter whispered.

" Got it. " Karen replied back to no one but him. Peter waited for Shuri to catch her breath.

"Well, I think you just got the job Shuri. That kind of passion, resolve and drive is exactly what we need at Arasaka. So welcome to Arasaka Shuri. " Peter said smiling.

"Peter the background is scanned. It is fake Peter. What should I do? " Karen said to Peter.

" Track the location of where Shuri is. " Peter said whole Shuri was celebrating.

" Yes! I did it! I got the job. I'm so proud of myself. I did this by myself. Look at me now losers! " Shuri jumped up and celebrated.

" Shuri. " Peter called out.

" A—ah... I forgot that we were still on call. " Shuri said embarrassed and sat back down.

" It's nothing. You should be happy. " Peter said.

" But I have one last question. " Peter's face suddenly turned serious much to the surprise of Shuri.

" Why is there a fake background behind you? "


(One million chapter coming soon. Just be patient.)