
Marvel: Reborn

A genius has died. But he has been transmigrated into a high school student named Peter Parker.He Looks like Tom Holland but this takes place in the Tobey Maguire timeline. Peter Is his name now not the name that we shall not know of in his past life. But Peter just realized that he is in the Marvel world. Where a giant purple madman goes around killing half the universe using six stones. So Peter needed to get strong fast. But how? Well, with his trusty system he gained randomly of course. Watch Peter as he takes the world into a new future.

some_writer · Movies
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Preparing for Spiderman

I opened the door.

Arthur :Ahhh Mr Parker there you are. Welcome to Class Omega. Where geniuses were taught and brought out to the world.

Me:Thank you Mr Uhhh.....

Arthur :Arthur. Arthur Bahr.

Me:Thank you Mr Bahr. Now um. Am i the only student studying in this class? Because there are a lot of tables and i don't know where to sit.

Bahr :You should sit at the front Mr Parker. And yes, you're the only one here. Class Omega only has a few students studying in here every year. You'll feel lonely but you'll get over it.

Me:Yes sir.

I went to a desk at the front and sat on the chair. I put my backpack on the floor and looked at Mr Bahr.

Me:So Mr Bahr. What book should i take out? Physics, Maths, Science, Biology? Or all of them?

Bahr:You will take out none of them Mr Parker.

Me💭:Bro this dude on drugs rn.

Bahr:And i know what you're thinking right now Mr Parker. No I'm not crazy.

Me:But why Mr Bahr? Aren't you supposed to teach me all of these?

Bahr:I am supposed to Mr Parker. But you got full marks on the entrance test that got you into this class. In that test includes all the stuff that i was supposed to teach you in three years.

Me:Well what am I supposed to do now Mr Bahr? I practically finished school.

Bahr:Not quite Mr Parker. You see, Tony Stark was in this class. You know that. When i said that he practically finished school because he also got full marks, he immediately left here. I never saw him step in this school again. Now what he didn't know was that the school has a library for every single subject recorded to man in here. Every student goes there to find something and they will always find what they want.

Me:So what you're trying to say is that i should go into that library and learn everything.

Bahr:Yes Mr Parker. You are a man full of potential. Potential that this MIT school can refine and improve. Stark also has potential but he doesn't uses it to the fullest. Instead, he makes weapons that bring destruction to the world. Imagine what he could do if he looked the other way.

Me:So you want me to be the greatest student to ever leave this school.

Bahr:Yes Mr Parker. Maybe then i can retire.

Me💭:Wow. I got to give it to this guy man. I have mad respect for him.

Me:Mr Bahr. How long have you been in this school teaching?

Bahr:For 30 years Mr Parker. And i taught at this class from the day i started.

Me:You must be a great teacher if they put you in this class to teach smart people.

Bahr:Yes Peter. I was also once a student from this class. I came back to teach future Class Omega graduates.

Me:So you're saying that you taught Steve Jobs before?

Bahr:Yes Mr Parker. Steve is a bright young man. Not quite young now but you get what i mean.

Me:I get it.

Bahr:But enough of the talking for now. Go to the library and find books on Biochemistry. In the test paper there was no questions on that subject and i want you to learn it. When you create a tech company you have to know everything. And i mean everything.

Me:Yes Mr Bahr.

Bahr:Now go. Time doesn't wait for anyone.

Me:But where's the library? I'm new here remember?

Bahr:Ah i almost forgot about that. So you need to go to the courtyard. There is a statue in the middle of the courtyard. Look around for a little bit. There will be a sign on a building that says 'MIT Library'. Then go in there and find your books.

Me:Thanks Mr Bahr.

I then ran in the direction of what Mr Bahr said i need to go.

Me💭:He's a nice man. Should we fufill his dream?

(Of course we will. You're the youngest student he's ever have. And he seems like a nice man.)

Me💭:So when should I become Spiderman? I've been dying to fight some criminals.

(When you max out your fighting styles and learn all that you can in this Institute. Remember, you have one week before Black Widow arrives. Master all of the fighting styles so you can give her a surprise.

Me💭: Alright then Alice. Still can't believe I'm gonna meet Black Widow though. She's so hot in the movies I Can't imagine meeting her in person.

(Alright you can fanboy over her when you meet her now go do what Mr Bahr told you to do.)

I picked up the pace and ran straight in the library.

Librarian:Hey! You can't run in here!

Me:Sorry! In a rush! Got some studying to do!

Librarian:Still don't run so fast! There's plenty of time!

Me:Sorry. But where can I find the biochemistry section?

Librarian: Biochemistry section is between Biology and Chemistry section. You can find them on your right.

Me: Thanks miss.

Librarian: You're welcome. And also be quiet when you search for the books that you need. I don't wanna hear any complaints.

Me:You got it miss. Gotta go now. Bye.

(One week later)

Bahr:So Mr Parker. What are you're dreams in the future?

Me:Hoping mankind can find aliens.

Bahr:Oh? So you're one of those conspiracy theorist?

Me:No like actual aliens! Not the Area 51 bullshit. I wanna take mankind to space and discover all those planets we see in telescopes. We can see what the planet actually looks like if we can go to space.

Bahr:But we haven't even gone to Mars yet. What makes you think that we can go to places that are billions of light years away from us?

Me:We just got to try Mr Bahr. No one has the mindset of dreaming big. They always set small goals from themselves. They do it and they're already satisfied and never aiming high.

Bahr:Yes Mr Parker I have to agree that dreaming big is the right thing to do but you have to see things from the logical view. We don't have rocket boosters that can go billions of light years away. We aren't even sure that we can handle ourselves at the planets that we're going to. How are you going to achieve that dream Mr Parker?

Me:By starting small Mr Bahr. We can start small first and keep going until we reach that goal.

Bahr:You really are motivated to send us far far away from home. Are you sure aliens exist Mr Parker?

Me:We have mutants that have superpowers Mr Bahr. Why can't aliens exist?

Bahr: Mutants. Strange bunch. Never knew why people always hate them. They never did anything.

Me:They don't understand what they are. So they fear them. That's human nature.

Bahr:I guess you're going to make them understand Mr Parker?

Me:You bet. Solve our internal problems first then we can go to space.

Bahr:I like you Mr Parker. But aren't you supposed to go home now?

Me:So sorry Mr Bahr. Got so lost in the space talk i can't keep track of time.

Bahr:No worries Mr Parker. You can leave now.

Me:By Mr Bahr. See you tomorrow

Bahr:See you later Mr Parker.

(At an apartment that I rented with Money by hacking corrupt and bad people's money. They never knew why their money disappeared one day and they got arrested a second later)

I went in the apartment. Took of my shoes and socks.

Me💭:Alice. Hey does it feel like someone's about to punch me?

(Because they are about to right now. On your left.)

I turned to my left and dodge a punch that was about to hit my face. I jumped away.

Me: Who the hell are you!

Black Widow:You know who I am.

My eyes widened.

Me💭:No fucking way....

It's Black Widow!!!