
Marvel: Reborn

A genius has died. But he has been transmigrated into a high school student named Peter Parker.He Looks like Tom Holland but this takes place in the Tobey Maguire timeline. Peter Is his name now not the name that we shall not know of in his past life. But Peter just realized that he is in the Marvel world. Where a giant purple madman goes around killing half the universe using six stones. So Peter needed to get strong fast. But how? Well, with his trusty system he gained randomly of course. Watch Peter as he takes the world into a new future.

some_writer · Movies
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Idea and MIT

(One week later)



Peter Parker

Skills: Photographic memory (Max) Super Strength (LVL 20) Spider senses (LVL 20) Stark Level Physics, Maths etc etc (Max) Lesser Regeneration (LVL 30) Boxing (Max) Focus (LVL 30) Language (LVL 20)


Me:Well i have improved a lot. But it's not enough to face Thanos. Alice can i have a even more gruesome training. The last one was getting a little bit too easy.

(Sure Peter. The training has before has improved your strength by a lot. It was 4x the strength when you started out in this world. Now, the training I'm going to give you will improve your strength,stamina and exploit the focus and regeneration power you have.)

Me:You got any more ideas? I was thinking of making my first invention in this world. And I'm also thinking about learning martial arts, kung-fu,wushu etc etc. I can't just rely on the boxing skill ya know?

(That will be added to your to-do list. There is a martial arts dojo that is near MIT. You can go and learn from there when you go to the Institute.)

Me:What about the invention. What should I invent. And how do I patent it?

(Ask the AI for the places you can patent it. I don't know about the subject that much.)

Me:Oh Yeah. Hey June. How do you patent inventions?

[First write a detailed description of your idea.Save all ideas as pdf documents. File it online at USPTO.gov.]

Me: Thanks for that June but how do I create a company? I'm a noob at that part.

[MIT maybe. You can always ask the principal there. He might help. Starting a company with no money is very hard boss. Since you're in the same class as Tony Stark once studied he may pay attention to you.]

Me:He might actually. A few people have got into that class and came out with a bang. He will pay a lot of attention to me. I am a 16 (two months from 17) year old after all.

(Well since that's done. What kind of new invention do you want to invent Peter?)

Me:A 3D printer.

(It has already been invented by Chuck Hull in 1984.)

Me:Imma make it a thousand times better than what Chuck Hull invented. Currently people haven't even thought about using plastic in 3D printing. If we do this it will change the 3D printing market. People will want to buy it for doing mock-ups in projects and print more things for themselves and sell it to make money. It has a more complicated process but we can make it work. Nothing is impossible with Peter Parker here.

(You got it boss. Tomorrow you have school. What will you do there?)

Me:Get more knowledge there. It can't hurt to get more knowledge.

(Okay. You better go to sleep now. An early bird catches the worm.)

Me:Yeah yeah Alice. June set the alarm. Wake me up at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

[Ok boss]


(The next day)

May:Okay Peter. This is your first day of school So stay safe and stay out of trouble okay? I don't want to get calls from the teacher now.

Me:Aunt May when have I ever got into trouble?

May:That time you fought who's his name again... Flash! That's it. You fought Flash two weeks ago.

Me:Wha—how did you find out about that! I kept that a secret!

May:Gossip travels fast Peter Plus MJ told me.

Me:Uggghhhhh. Why did she do that!

May:Oh before you go why do you not talk to MJ anymore? I thought she was your best friend?

Me:She was Aunt May. Not anymore. She hurt my feelings.

May:Oh Peter I'm so sorry. But why did she do that?

Me: Don't be sorry aunt May. I got over it already. I told her to not hang around Harry but she still did anyway. Then i asked her why and she called me a nerd.

May:Well I'll be, i thought that girl was nice. I was wrong. Now I'm glad you're going to MIT. You'll make even better friends there. Friends who can understand you.

Me:Thank you Aunt May. You know i haven't said this vefore but... You're the best Aunt ever.

May:Oh Peterrrrrrrr. Come and give me a hug.

*Cue hugging moment*

We hugged each other for a while. I truly am grateful for Aunt May. Even thought when i came to this world i don't even know her. But now it's like I've known her for my whole life.

Me: Alright Ain't May that's enough for now. We're hugging outside of our house you know. People could see us. And i don't want to be embarrassed. And i need to catch the bus now.

May:Oh yes Peter i forgot about that. Now got to school Peter. Have a fun time there.

Me:I will Aunt May.

As i was leaving. Aunt May shouted.

May:And make a lot of friends for me Peter!

Me:I will!

I then went to the bus stop and detoured to the alleyway.

Me💭:No way am i waiting for a bus. It'll take forever. I prefer the direct approach.

I concentrated for 2 seconds and jumped on top of a roof. I proceed to jump on rooftops all the way to the institute. Of course i didn't just jump on the ground i front of the institute, i went to an alleyway right in front of the schools in came out like a normal person.(Not)

Me: I've arrived. But where the hell do i go now? Is there a guide or something?

???:Mr Parker.

Me:Who is it?

???:Follow me Mr Parker.

Me: Alright.

I follow the man. He was dressed in the suit. Then i was standing right in front of a door.

???: Let's go in Mr Parker.

Me:Okay Mr.

I then opened the door and inside the room i saw.....

Nick:Ah Mr Parker. I have been expecting you.