
Marvel: Reborn

A genius has died. But he has been transmigrated into a high school student named Peter Parker.He Looks like Tom Holland but this takes place in the Tobey Maguire timeline. Peter Is his name now not the name that we shall not know of in his past life. But Peter just realized that he is in the Marvel world. Where a giant purple madman goes around killing half the universe using six stones. So Peter needed to get strong fast. But how? Well, with his trusty system he gained randomly of course. Watch Peter as he takes the world into a new future.

some_writer · Movies
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50 Chs

Future of US and the World

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" Peter said. He had rested enough. He had to get back to researching The Emperor. He had hoped that Ghost and Yuri had succeded in delivering the body to the basement. And his hope can True. They had not only killed a lot Hydra's men but had done it flawlessly.

The men came in one by one. The last one was George. When he came in he stopped and looked at Peter.

"You told me he was young but I never thought he was THIS young. Jesus Christ he was fighting that thing on his own? " George said.

" You shouldn't shout at hospitals Lieutenant. Or else they'll kick you out. " Peter said smiling.

" Yeah. But you're a kid! You should be in College or High School! Instead you created a pillar and save the people of this country. I don't know if I should be proud or disappointed. " George put his palm in his face and sighed.

Price closed the door.

"When you have power that I have Captain. You will have a hard time deciding what to do with it. You either hide it or display it. I chose to display it which in my opinion, was the best choice. " Peter said.

" He has a point Lieutenant. If he chose to hide it. The gangs would've run rampant. Hydra wouldn't be revealed to us. People will still live in fear that they will be shot in the back of the head by a passerby. plus the new tech that's coming out from his company is absolutely stunning. " Soap mentioned.

"Can't forget the money you made as well" Ghost mumbled but Peter heard it.

" Can't forget that too. " Peter thought.

" Then I won't argue. If you thought and chose it then I won't change your mind. If you're confident about it I won't say anymore." George replied.

" Thank you. Now onto the main reason why we're all here. " Peter said and everyone's mood changed.

"Wait we have a reason to be here?" Yuri shouted and everyone turned and looked at him. Yuri rubbed his head and smiled sheepishly.

" I can't read the room very well sorry. " Yuri apologized.

" Well at least you're honest about it. " Price grunted.

" The reason we're here is to discuss about Hydra and the Emperor. About how we can deal with them effectively without this happening. No offense." Price pointed at Peter and explained.

" None taken. I have already taken measures on how to deal with threats similar to The Emperor." Peter admitted.

"So what's the plan. " Price questioned?

"Okay so The Emperor was the first ever superpowered being that we fought right?" Peter mentioned.

"Yeah what of it?" Price questioned again.

"Then surely he's not the last. Hydra must've re-created it's DNA and injected it into more subjects." Peter finished.

" So you're saying there's more people that has it's power in their veins? " Ghost explained in a more simpler way.

" Basically yes. Though I think the power they wield would be weaker since they're not the original user. " Peter deduced.

" How can you be so sure? Not doubting your abilities or anything. But it seems to me, if you get your powers from the original. Won't your powers be the same strength as it?" Ghost argued.

"Well in my opinion, the original has his powers from the start right? The other subjects got the powers suddenly and don't have control over it. They are either dead or in a coma and won't wake up anytime soon. And if they do succeed in controlling the power they'll be so weak that they can't even use 1% of said power." Peter explained.

"I get it. Seems logical but we may never know the truth if we don't find out." Ghost finalize the discussion.

" What about Hydra? What will we do about them? From what I know they haven't been actively trying to destroy the world since WW2 until now it seems." Price changed the subject. They can focus on The Emperor situation when Peter's out of the hospital.

"Hydra. The last time we heard about them was when Captain Rogers's and the Red Skull crashed into the ocean." Soap muttered.

"You guys with Karen can go around the US and search for Hydra bases, hideouts and so on. Focus on New York first as we are here." Peter explained his plan.

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it?" Peter asked to the person who was knocking on the door.

"It's me Peter. Dr Strange." Strange said outside.

"Ah it's you. Come in come in." Peter told Strange.

Strange came in the door holding a clipboard. He seemed worried. He was also sweating a little bit.

"I can't believe this.For the 137th time this is impossible. " Strange said inside his head. He looked up and saw a lot of people including the two men who helped him in the operation.

"Am i interrupting?" Strange asked uncomfortable.

" You're not. Now tell us what you want to say." Price looked at Strange and beckoned for him to say something.

"Well. We took blood from you an hour ago and during the operation. And we examined it." Strange said.

"And is there anything wrong with me?" Peter asked curious as to why Strange was so distraught.

"Well ummmm... God how do I even begin to explain this." Strange muttered.

"Well? We're waiting. " Price said to Strange. Strange started talking.

" We examined the blood. That thing that you were fighting. It injected it's DNA into you. It mixed into your DNA. I mean how is that even possible! You should've been in a coma with all the genetic changes happening in your body! " Strange read out the report.

He had tripled checked it all over when he got the report. He even went under a microscope to analyze Peter's blood. What he saw shocked him. This has never happened before.

Under the microscope, the blood looks normal from the outside. Obviously you don't judge a book by its cover. So Strange digged deeper. Before the genetic mutation, Peter's Spider mixed blood looks normal. Now it looks very black like a shadow. It had a very dark blue color. And it looked like it was about to form something but it can't on its

own. It needed a guide.

"I want to say I have plot armor but I can't. I just can't. I need to be serious about this. This IS a serious matter. he said that I should be in a coma. But I didn't so I guess I can overlook that. " Peter thought.

"The Radioactive Spider Genetics must've helped a lot. And I think that's why I'm in so much pain when I was rushed to the hospital. It a miracle I haven't died from the stress and blood loss yet. " Peter said jokingly.

" Yeah I wonder why. " Strange said.

" Like I said, plot armor. " Peter thought again. He needed to have the main character mindset. The good parts of the mindset of course. That is to expect the unexpected. Like The Emperor. And that he has to work hard to get a lot of power in return. Now he really has to design his new and improved training regiment.

"So that's it? We were expecting you to say that Peter had three months left or something. No offense to you." Ghost looked at Peter with an apologizing expression. He sometimes couldn't control himself.

"Yeah actually I was expecting that comment too." Peter said.

"Well I can happily say that you're not dying suddenly anytime soon. " Strange assured.

" Thank you. Is there anything else you want to add? " Peter asked Strange.

" No. I should take my leave now. I have other patients to take care of after all. " Strange said smiling.

" Yeah. You can go now Dr Strange. And thank you once again for saving my life. I don't know what I would do without your expertise. " Peter thanked him.

" No worries. That's what a does. " Strange said and left.
