
Marvel: Player

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 44: Forty-four, Magneto's Daughter is Called...

"This proposal came rather suddenly. I need time to think it over."

"Of course. Whatever Mr. Wushuang decides, as long as the Golden Apple stays safe, we won't disturb you."

"Thank you."

Locke placed ten gold coins on the table. "This drink is on me. The mysterious organization you mentioned has a branch in New York. It's best not to wander too far."

SHIELD had a major branch in New York, but they often operated independently.

The Brotherhood might not know about SHIELD, but Locke knew more about SHIELD than SHIELD did.

But for now?

Locke desired peace and quiet.

He sheathed his knife, the blade nearly grazing his waist.

Star Building.

Upon returning home, Locke headed to the bar, poured himself bourbon, and downed it in one go. Leaning against the bar, his eyes gleamed with contemplation.

To join or decline?

Locke never cared for organizations, hero or villain. He cherished freedom, a privilege denied in his past life but now his to choose.


Locke poured another bourbon, then headed to his study. Leaning on his computer chair, he lightly tapped his fingers on the desk.

The rhythmic tapping helped Locke think.

It was October 2004, four years before the stage was set. By 2008, with Iron Man's debut, this world would change irrevocably.

For now, solitary ventures posed no major issues.

But after the change?

Alone against superheroes, SHIELD, and Hydra combined?


Locke had contemplated forming a group.

But before the stage was set, he saw no rush. Sometimes he'd think about it, other times set it aside, then revisit the idea.

Thus far, naming the group remained the extent of planning.

But now, Magneto...


Callum Lynch's invitation intrigued Locke.

Most importantly...

Locke remembered the Red Devils. Not just Callum, but a mysterious organization noticed him after the textile factory's destruction.

That is, SHIELD.

With the Brotherhood here, could SHIELD be far behind?

Locke raised an eyebrow.

"System, can you predict if joining the Brotherhood will unlock long-term quest rewards?"


The system's protest twitched Locke's lips.



Locke pondered.

Next second.


"Mission Generated!"

"Mission: League of Assassins (Long Term Mission)"

"Quest Rewards: Achievement Points*100,000, Potential Points*100,000, Mysterious Structure (Red Quality)*1, Mysterious Item (Golden Quality)*1"

"Mission Description: Players joining the Brotherhood must prove themselves as the rightful heirs to the Roman Brotherhood's global leadership. Proclaim your successorship over the one who established the global Brotherhood!"

"Quest Note: Rewards will be issued upon Brotherhood unification. Periodic rewards (3x Achievement Points and Potential Points for each conquered Brotherhood) will be sent during mission progress."

"Task Remarks: Player opts into long-term mission. Prerequisite tasks completed!"



"Mission Complete (Assassin's Creed)"

"Quest Reward: Achievement Points*1,000, Potential Points*1,000"

"Status Refresh!"

"Name: Locke Broughton (Sole Player)"

"Achievement Points: 20,500 (Can purchase items in Achievement Mall)"

"Potential Points: 40,000 (Can upgrade own skills)"

"Supreme Talent: Extraordinary (Golden Quality, Level 1): Limitless energy, unimaginable strength!"

"Extraordinary Talent: Tenacity (Level 1): Increased durability, immunity to minor non-lethal damage. Enhanced recovery post-injury (Level 2 upgrade costs 20,000 Potential Points)."

"Extraordinary Skill: Spear Throwing (Advanced): Peerless marksmanship! (Upgrade to Red Quality requires 20,000 Potential Points)."

"Talent: None"

"Common Skills: Advanced Driving, English (Grade 9), History (Grade 9), Mathematics (Grade 9), Chemistry (Grade 10), Advanced Shooting, Advanced Sniper..."

"Current Mission: League of Assassins"

Locke scanned the mission description, raising an eyebrow. "Don't add unnecessary lines."

Decline this task.

He wasn't available!


The Brotherhood.

Locke recalled Magneto; was there a Brotherhood too?


Another Brotherhood?

Locke chuckled, lowered his head, downed another bourbon, and dialed Callum, likely still at the Continental Hotel.

"Callum, you mentioned you had dealings with that mysterious organization. How do you view them?"

"...Another group claiming destiny."


"Last time it was the Knights Templar."


Locke nodded, knowing the Brotherhood and his stance on SHIELD aligned. No issue. "Magneto, your invitation, I accept."

On the other end, Callum furrowed his brow. "I didn't..."

But Locke hung up.

Join first, challenge Callum for leadership, become Brotherhood President.

But for now?

Let Callum serve him.

No rush.

No need to rush.

Locke sipped his bourbon, eyes on New York's night sky.

Continental Hotel!

Rosa watched Callum hang up and shrugged. "How did it go?"

Callum, pondering Magneto's name, shook his head.

Observing this, Rosa asked, "No agreement?"

Turning with a smile, Callum replied, "He agreed to join us."

Surprised, Rosa questioned, "Can we trust him?"

"He's proud, like me. Proud men don't lie needlessly. Contact him tomorrow; swap our falconry for his spear throwing."

"And you?"

"Sokovia. Collecting my daughter and son. Then, rebuild the New York Brotherhood."