
Marvel: Player

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# Chapter 40: Roman Orthodoxy Is In...

Locke neatly hung up the phone and took a sip of wine from his glass.

Good grief.

It's understandable not to mess with the Roman Brotherhood, but dragging Lock Broughton into this is a bit out of line.

What kind of logic is this?

Locke squinted, his thoughts racing. When he first met Victoria Knox, she was just starting out and needed credibility for some equipment. Locke happened to be there, so out of trust, he gave Victoria something.

That's just Locke.

If Wushuang didn't fulfill her end, she could always turn to Locke, her little friend. It was a questionable piece of news.

At the time, Victoria was new and not an angel investor, nor did Locke want to owe her. Giving some information was just a formality, or as they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch.

If there's something, there's got to be a big catch.


You betrayed my trust.

So now, will the Roman Brotherhood come after me, using me as a way to find the unparalleled assassin?

At that moment,


With Locke's thoughts, the system appeared, empowering Locke's thoughts and allowing them to race ahead.

"A mission is being generated!"

"Prerequisite: 'Assassin's Creed'"

"Task Completion Reward: Achievement Points *1000, Potential Points *1000"

"Mission Description: The Assassins from Rome seek to reclaim their lost golden apples. However, for the player, what's in the player's hands is theirs to keep. How can others take it away?"

"Task Remarks: This task can initiate a long-term mission. The player can choose between short-term rewards or long-term rewards. The specific initiation method is up to the player to decide."

"Task Notes: Inform them that the Brotherhood no longer represents Roman orthodoxy. Now, Roman orthodoxy resides in Locke!"



Good grief.

Locke looked at the bold statement "Roman orthodoxy in Locke" in the mission notes, and his eyebrows shot up.

This is another title.

"Title: Destiny Is Within Me (Acquired from the Wanted Mission): Wearing this title, you can be called Destiny, the player of Destiny, unmatched in luck. However, there is a probability of attracting the hatred and suppression of Destiny (current probability: 100%)!"

With that in mind, after receiving this title, Locke chose to keep it hidden.

100% suppression?

Though Locke enjoys a thrill, he doesn't seek trouble. Isn't it better to develop in peace and quiet?

And now, another title.

Roman orthodoxy is in Locke. Locke isn't sure what this title entails, but he suspects it's not a good thing.

If he wears this title, it's likely the entire Europe will come after him.

After all...

After Lu Bu's demise, many claimed, "I am no weaker than he." It's a similar effect.

Locke doesn't aspire to be a superhero, nor does he want to be a supervillain.

He has a feeling this damned system is steering him towards the path of a supervillain.

Thank goodness he's got his wits about him.

Not all players desire titles—whether good or bad—emblazoned over their heads. Some prefer to keep all titles hidden and operate incognito.

This isn't about playing possum—it's about enjoying a peaceful gaming life.

Locke is one such player.


Locke sighed and accepted the task. "If others are knocking on the door, and I hide, that's not being stable—it's being weak and inviting bullying."

Bring it on.

Who's afraid of whom?

"Perfect timing."

Locke took out the leafless golden apple and had a sudden realization. "This is just what I need. Yes, I'll use this golden apple to create a scenario and completely sever any association between Locke and the Unparalleled Assassin."

Although Locke had once been depicted on screen alongside the Unparalleled Assassin, it was under surveillance.

The New York Police Department might not necessarily question his identity, but the underworld, that group who operates by different rules, might be inclined to doubt—or worse.

This is a golden opportunity.


With energy at his disposal, Locke could summon an energy clone. From initially fumbling with the concept to now multitasking, Locke was well on his way. Soon, he'd have the Unparalleled Assassin appearing on screen with Locke, effectively dispelling any notion that Locke was the Unparalleled Assassin.

"Can this trigger a long-term mission?"

Locke stared at the mission's remarks, curious. "Is this a main mission?"

At the same time...

New York, S.H.I.E.L.D., Operations Center.


Nick Fury watched the report from his deputy at the Prescott organization, his expression grave. "How did Victoria manage to escape?"

Damn it. When he arrived in New York, he'd ordered his former top agent to the highest security cell.

And now Victoria escaped?

The deputy nodded, projecting the surveillance room's footage. Then he turned to Nick Fury. "Sir, it's highly likely that the Roman Brotherhood was behind Victoria's rescue."


"The individuals who rescued Victoria didn't trigger any alarms. By the time our people noticed, Victoria was already gone. Only the Brotherhood's assassins are capable of such precise stealth."


Nick Fury frowned, studying the surveillance footage being transmitted. "The assassins who've been dead for years, and now they're resurrected—what could Victoria Knox possibly have to do with them?"

The footage revealed no irregularities within the base's interior.


As each monitor went dark, none captured what caused it. When the feed returned, agents lay unconscious on the floor.

"All incapacitated?"

"Not all."

The base's deputy produced a device resembling a poisoned dart. "They're all under sedation. Seems these assassins know not to escalate tensions needlessly."

Nick Fury grumbled, "Not escalating tensions, yet they treat my impenetrable base like their backyard. Isn't this escalation enough?"

The base's deputy had no response.

Nick Fury saw no point in dwelling on it. The deed was done, and it was too late to ascertain culpability. "Find Victoria Knox again."

Damn it!

Are we to play this game of cat and mouse endlessly?

Agent No. 1 was finally apprehended, only for Agent No. 83 to slip away.

Now that Agent No. 83's trail was found, Agent No. 1 has escaped again?
