
Marvel: Player

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 31: Attribution of Account Books

**Locke has always liked to do things with two hands... sometimes even three hands.**

It's better to plan ahead than to sharpen the gun.

This is Plan B!

Specifically, it was Locke who, using insider information from Gwen, knew that George also planned to raid the textile factory, and orchestrated his plan with less than four hours of preparation time.

The homeless man driving an Audi R8 in New York City paid just a hundred dollars for it.

As for the brand new Audi R8?

It was acquired fresh from the 4S store.

If a killer can't even move stealthily, then that killer isn't qualified.

As for the recent phone call, it was pre-recorded.

In fact...

Regardless of whether Locke was set up or not, the phone and ledger were bound to fall out of Locke's possession once George found him after being kidnapped.

It was a reward for George.


With the textile mill now a slaughterhouse, if George didn't secure any trophies, his dismissal from the New York Police Department was a foregone conclusion.

Locke had always despised those like the little spider who brought ruin to other families. Naturally, George wouldn't be kicked out by the New York Police Department over this, but his quality of life would plummet. In the end, Locke would go to the Gwen family with him, the people on the overpass would be crowded.

After all, George had no other special skills other than to solve crimes as a police officer.

Who made Locke soft-hearted?


It was useless for Locke to take that ledger; it was a hot potato, and it was better to hand it over to George lest George be thrown out by the New York Police Department.

Kate shook her head at George.

In such a short time, not even the General Administration had turned on the search, much less the other.

George put down the phone, thinking about the words on the phone just now, and then he looked at the booklet.



good guy!

George had turned a single page, and his expression immediately changed.

Kate Beckett next to him also leaned over to take a look, and her expression couldn't help but change.

Ten minutes later.

Locke, in the police car, sighed faintly and said to George, "Mr. Stacy, can you lend me my phone? My phone was thrown into the elevator shaft by that guy."


George took out his cell phone and handed it to Locke, "but I've already spoken to Gwen."

Locke glanced at George and said softly, "I'm calling the insurance company."

George: "..."

All right.

George then remembered the Audi R8 that was still burning at the entrance of the textile factory.

When Locke called the insurance officer, he could hear the sound of something breaking. If there was no accident, it should have been the sound of the insurance officer's coffee cup hitting the ground and breaking.

after awhile.

Locke returned the phone to George: "Thank you."

George was a little curious: "How did it go?"

"He said he needed directions and wanted to check with the police."


George was also silent for a moment, then nodded and comforted, "Don't worry, the police station will liaise with the insurance company."

Locke said thank you.

Speaking of which, Locke had already caused the insurance company to spend more than two hundred thousand yuan on him in four-digit insurance premiums.

The poor salesperson wouldn't get fired.


Star Building.


Upon hearing the news, Gwen, who hadn't attended school at all, saw Locke getting out of the police car.

The anxiety on her face disappeared, she ran up and hugged Locke, "Thank God."

It's not about God.

It's about destiny!

Locke said it to himself, smelling the sweet fragrance, feeling the sharp gaze from behind him, quickly letting go of Gwen, and smiling, "Thank you, Gwen."

If it weren't for Gwen answering the phone at six and calling George.

Locke's plan wouldn't have been so successful.


Locke didn't feel guilty, at least not so much, because, on the one hand, he was doing it for himself, and on the other hand, he was actually saving George.

See the firepower Locke faced at the textile mill?

If George goes, can you still get it?

Say nothing else.

Can you still stand here and survive?

George also got out of the car, ignoring the hug that had just appeared in his eyes, and said, "I've already reached an agreement with Midtown High School, Locke, you can rest at home today. of."

Locke nodded: "Thank you."

George said: "But someone may come to take your statement in the future. You've seen the crime hunter and might need to describe him."

Locke said, "I guess so."

George hummed, then looked at Gwen: "As for you, young lady, you should go to school. I didn't give you permission to leave."

Gwen stuck out her tongue and said to Locke, "I'm coming to see you after school." Then, obediently, she got into the police car under George's watch and drove away.

George also turned and got into the car.

For Locke and the textile factory, the matter was over.

But for George, it was just beginning.

Not to mention the bloodied corpses in the textile factory, just the ledger found there, detailing order times, customer names, and even assassination targets. For George, these were urgent matters to resolve.

Say nothing else.

Just one of those customers is the New York Police Department, and that's not a small place!


It even has the name of the current mayor of New York on it.


No matter who this list falls into, it's a hot potato. But if you can handle it well, even a hot potato can turn into a favorable wind.

With the strength of that favorable wind, I'll send you the favorable wind of Qingyun!

After watching his daughter enter Midtown High School, George turned and left the school gate.


"The phone is ready,"

"Ms. Casey will be waiting for us in Central Park."


George hung up the phone, glanced at the ledger on the co-pilot, and then slammed on the accelerator, heading towards Central Park.

Ms. Casey.

She was a candidate in the New York mayoral election, and her voice was second only to the incumbent mayor this time.

Most importantly...

Ms. Casey's campaign platform aligned with the NYPD's requirements. She pledged to increase police funding to better protect the lives of New York City residents.


Ms. Casey had been a supporter of the NYPD's fundraising efforts for the past two years.

Unlike the current mayor, who not only failed to increase police funding but believed the NYPD already had enough funds.

George understood why he had been appointed to lead the task force.

If you are unkind, I am unjust!
