
Marvel: Player

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 19: One Wave of Fertilizer

From start to finish, Locke had no personal vendetta against Cross, Wesley, or even the Brotherhood.

In fact, Locke had considered visiting the Brotherhood to see if he could learn their "Spear Throwing Technique." He was prepared for the possibility that they wouldn't teach him easily and was willing to pay tuition or join the fraternity. For Locke, being a freelance killer or an organized killer made no difference. Both had their merits, and organized killers might even offer more tasks.

But luck wasn't on their side.

Locke looked at the two corpses of father and son in front of him, shook his head, sighed, and walked toward the living room bar.

He had no personal issue with Cross and even less with Wesley. They wanted to kill Locke, and Locke merely fought back. As for the scene just now, Locke felt he did a good deed. Wesley died first, and Cross died later, at least seeing his son on his side before he passed.


Locke shook the wine glass he found in the bar, listened to the clear alarm bell, looked at the two corpses, drank the wine, and smacked his lips. "A beautiful plan, how did you end up as thieves?"

He put down the glass and walked towards the door. Wearing gloves, he wasn't worried about leaving fingerprints, and even if he did, his lack of a criminal record would leave the system with no match.


"Mission Completed: Night Lady Incense!"

"Mission Completion: Night Visit to Xiaomengxin"

"Hidden Mission Completed: Redemption of the Cross"

"Quest Reward: Achievement Points * 1000, Potential Points * 1000"

"Hidden Quest Rewards: Achievement Points * 4000, Potential Points * 4000"

"Big Scene Bonus: Achievement Points * 6000, Potential Points * 6000"

"Current Status Refreshed!"

"Name: Locke Broughton (sole player)"

"Achievement Points: 11300 (can be used to purchase items in the achievement mall)"

"Potential Points: 13300 (can be used to upgrade own skills)"

"Talent: Tenacity (Level 3): Your physical fitness and recovery ability will be greatly improved"

"Common Skills: Driving (beginner), English (ninth grade), History (ninth grade), Mathematics (ninth grade), Chemistry (ninth grade), Shooting (intermediate), Sniper (advanced)..."

"Extraordinary Skill: Spear Throwing (Blue Quality) Intermediate: Ordinary marksmanship, straight and straight, nothing new, but your marksmanship is fancy and extremely deadly!"

"Current Mission: Destiny is mine (in progress)"


Half an hour later, Locke returned to the Xingchen Building, took off his jacket, and saw the achievement points and potential points rising to five figures. He felt elated.

Hardworking people are always rewarded.

By Monday, when the Brotherhood is dealt with, his achievement points and potential points could reach over 30,000, bringing him closer to his ultimate goal.

Locke changed into pajamas, leaned against the bay window of the master bedroom, opened the curtains, and looked at the scenery outside, sipping bourbon and reflecting.

Outside the window, the streets were full of NYPD officers.

Too bad they didn't know that Azu had already stopped and gone home.

Locke smiled.

At Cross's safehouse, as police officers came in and out, Sheriff George Stacy, who was already working overtime, walked in and looked at the two corpses on the second floor stairs.

Cross Carlos and Wesley Carlos.


A police officer approached George. "The identities of the two have been confirmed. The one with a bullet between his eyebrows is confirmed to be a suspect from the fiery red sports car earlier. The one against the wall drove the pickup truck. Here are their files."


George took the data phone and looked.

"Cross Carlos, former textile factory employee?"

George was stunned, then looked at Wesley's profile.

He felt a strange sense of relief.

Wesley wasn't a textile factory employee, at least not since he was fired a month ago.


"Yes, boss."

George pointed to Wesley's former company. "Check this company."

Jack was surprised. "Now?"

George looked at him. "Do you think we can get off work?"

Jack nodded and walked outside.



George saw Kate, who entered after Jack left. "This isn't the 21st precinct's jurisdiction."

Kate, wearing protective gloves, replied, "The director ordered me to help you first."

George nodded. The director was furious at headquarters.

"Has the woman's identity been found?"

"The forensic department is off work. The director said if they aren't back in half an hour, everyone will be fired!"


With such a lively event in New York tonight, the headlines tomorrow would be all about it, making New York City infamous again. The mayor would be upset, especially with the re-election campaign defining his platform on reduced crime rates.

When this incident happened in Manhattan, the mayor's re-election was in jeopardy.

Kate, on the phone, reported, "The Information Section just tracked the phone. After entering Manhattan, the red sports car parked on Fifth Avenue ten minutes before the owner of the Audi R8 called to report his car stolen. The car was driven out of the Xingchen Building!"

George nodded, then froze.

He looked up at Kate. "Wait, what did you say?"

Kate replied, "Xingchen Building. The Audi R8 owner is Locke..."

George snapped, "Locke Broughton?"

Kate looked at George, puzzled.

George was stunned.
