
Marvel: Player

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 17: I Am Your Father

Two minutes later!

The sound of wailing sirens and the helicopter's searchlight arrived at the scene.


Under the searchlight.

Sheriff George Stacy stood with a frown.

Very lonely.



Kate Beckett from the 21st Precinct of the NYPD, the nearest to the scene, arrived with two subordinates and a heavily armed special team.

George looked back. "Kate."

Kate approached, her eyes falling on Firefox, lying on the ground with a shot in the chest, a shot in the palm, and a shot in the knee. She was unmistakably dead.

"What about the others?"

"They ran."


George asked, "Where's the blue pickup?"

Kate shook her head. "It drove into the river. The search team has gone there."

But hope was slim.

Tonight, the entire NYPD would be working through the night.

Kate and George stared at Firefox's corpse, a thought forming in their minds.

There hadn't been a broad daylight gunfight chase in Manhattan for a long time. Tonight, the mayor of New York probably wouldn't be sleeping well.

After a while, with most of the police now at the scene, George looked somewhere after talking to Kate.

That's where Locke had left.

Earlier, George hadn't dared to gamble!

He was a policeman, knowing right from wrong, but when Locke threatened him with the lives of his officers, he couldn't stick to this principle.


George knew very well that when Locke shot the windshield of the nearest helicopter, he was sending a clear message.

Locke could precisely break the glass without looking, and he could just as easily shoot the pilot.

As for why Locke didn't do it...


He is a sin hunter.


"This is lynching!"

George stared at Firefox's corpse, now covered with a white cloth, ready for transport back to the station for further examination, and clenched his fists. "I will definitely catch you, Sin Hunter!"

Chu Chu Chu!

Locke, walking through a small alley, looked up at the helicopter passing overhead, raising his eyebrows.

It seemed George wasn't so stubborn after all.

Locke thought back to when he asked George if he dared to gamble before walking away. He had been prepared to send George on his way.

But surprisingly...

George wasn't as stubborn as Locke had thought.

If George were truly stubborn, he wouldn't have changed his mind about Spider-Man being an abusive vigilante just because of his daughter Gwen.


Locke raised an eyebrow.

George still thought Spider-Man was a vigilante nuisance, but because of Gwen, he tolerated him. George had even thought about sacrificing himself for Gwen, just to keep Spider-Man away from his daughter.

But Spider-Man clearly wasn't one to keep promises.

George sacrificed his life, but he lost the bet and ended up bankrupt.

What does this show?

Gambling dogs die poorly!


I never liked probability anyway!

Locke took out the tracking card from his inventory, bought at a discount with a "Treasure Refresh Coupon."

If time weren't so urgent, Locke wouldn't use it.

After all, life is hard, and earning achievement points is even harder.

Locke had decided from the start to save his achievement points, aiming to buy a god position as soon as possible.


Despite all this time, he hadn't saved much.

The original price of the "Tracking Card" was 1,000 achievement points, but with a 10% discount, it was 100 achievement points.

Locke had used it once and had a good experience.

"It's cheap for you, Cross."

"System, use the tracking card!"

"Cross Carlos!"

"Successful use."

Instantly, a map appeared in Locke's mind, showing a flashing red dot.

The red dot was Cross Carlos.


Locke raised his eyebrows. "In such a short time, you've gone so far. My dear, are you teleporting? Wait, I'm coming for you."

He turned his eyes to a tattooed man dealing in the alley.

The tattooed man noticed Locke and raised an eyebrow. "What are you looking at..."

The last word died in his throat.

A gun was pointed at his forehead.

"Get off."

"How do you know..."


A minute later.

An unremarkable blue car drove out of the alley, where large trash cans flickered, hiding the two drug dealers who had been doing business.

『Complete the Punishment Mission: "Achievement Point*200", "Potential Point*200"』


Locke threw a few bags of garbage out of the window. "Almost forgot about pocket money this time."

In Texas, Locke had considered earning achievement points with daily tasks, but after two days, he gave up.

Put it this way.

Locke wasn't cut out to be a superhero.

He was lazy!

There are always bad people to kill. As long as there are people, there are bad people. Locke wasn't hardworking enough to patrol 24/7 like Spider-Man.

At this moment.

Cross was in a safe house in Brooklyn.

As a qualified killer and the former number one killer of the Brotherhood, Cross naturally had safe houses.

Locke also had a safe house.


Locke had just arrived in New York, and his Texas safe house was gathering dust. The New York one was still being set up.

Wesley did not have one.

He was just a tool trained to deal with Cross, unaware of "100 things a killer needs to know," let alone a safe house.


Cross, with blue veins showing on his hands, roared at Wesley: "I'm your father!"

Wesley, tied to a chair, spat: "Bah, you're the Wushuang and the gang."

Cross took a deep breath.

At that moment.

The doorbell rang!

Ding dong!

"Check the water meter!"
