
Marvel: Player

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13: The Night of the Fast and the Furious


Shouldn't they be on vacation too?

Locke suddenly realized the issue.

No work tomorrow. It's the weekend.

Good guy!

Although the textile factory looked like an ordinary, unremarkable building from the outside, it was genuinely a killer hatchery at its core.


Do killers even have vacations?

Which killer do you know of who takes a break?


There really isn't anything like the 996 work schedule in the Federation. In the Federation's capitalist society, no one dares to openly claim that "996 is a blessing."

If a president said that, they'd be sued by the labor union straight away.

What should he do now?

Wait for work?

Locke looked at the sky. It was windless, indicating it wasn't a good day for setting fires. Moreover, there were only a dozen people inside; it wasn't worth the effort to deal with them now.

Especially with George inside.

At this moment, a fiery red sports car driving out of the textile factory caught Locke's eye.

"Ding! 」

"Mission is being generated. 」

"Mission: 'Night Lady Fragrance' and 'Night Visit to Xiaomengxin'"

"Completion Reward: 'Achievement Points*1000', 'Potential Points*1000'"

"Mission Description: 'It's not a good thing if you don't sleep in the middle of the night!'"


Locke raised an eyebrow.


Very fine.

They smashed his car and now wanted to demolish his house?


Brotherhood, if you don't end up as a pile of corpses this time, I will never dare to call myself Wushuang again!

Locke glanced at the textile factory expressionlessly, then turned and left.

Monday is Monday.

Work time is when you go to hell!

Locke's revenge is never delayed, but right now, with only a few people in the textile factory, he didn't have the time to waste on hide-and-seek.

Not to mention...

Who knew the game of hide-and-seek would count as a task?



**Fifth Avenue.**

**Star Building!**

Wesley, sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked up through the car window at the Star Building, which was as bright as a star in the night, and asked curiously, "Is he not an orphan?"

People compare themselves to others and get frustrated.

Wesley thought he wasn't an orphan, but this sixteen-year-old orphan seemed to be doing well.

It wasn't scientific.

Isn't he only sixteen?

Firefox stared at the twenty-eighth floor of the Star Building, which was pitch-dark. "He is an orphan, but not an abandoned one. He has a family fund. It's better to say he's a rich second-generation than an orphan."

Wesley: "..."

No wonder he could afford a house Wesley couldn't even dream of.

Damn capitalist.

At this moment...

"He's coming."


Wesley followed Firefox's gaze and saw a silver Audi R8 driving out of the parking lot of the Star Building, directly passing their fiery red sports car.

Firefox started the car and followed.

Locke glanced at the rearview mirror, the corners of his mouth curling up slightly.

He would never let the war reach his new home, which he had bought less than seventy-two hours ago.

Not to mention...

Locke never intended to reveal his identity so early.

"System, upgrade driving!"

"Driving (beginner) to driving (intermediate) requires 1000 potential points. Are you sure you want to upgrade?」

"...Upgrade directly to senior level!"

"Driving (Beginner) leveled up to... OK, Li! The upgrade is successful, consuming 2000 potential points! 」

"Driving, current level: advanced! 」

Once and for all.

In Texas, Locke spent most of his time on horseback. After all, riding a horse didn't require a sixteen-year-old to drive.


This beginner driving skill was what Locke had initially.

Obviously, Locke, who considered himself an old driver in his previous life, found it humiliating that his driving skills were only considered beginner by the system.

However, driving skills needed improvement sooner or later. After upgrading to advanced, Locke felt that, at least for the next five years, he wouldn't need another upgrade.

Now, with these driving skills, let alone the world level...

But compared to Boss Tang, who was still hanging out in Los Angeles, Locke felt he shouldn't be bad.

The next second, Locke took out sunglasses from his pocket, put them on, and glanced at the fiery red sports car in the rearview mirror.

The fun begins.

Throttle down!


"Hold tight, this isn't right!"

Firefox, following behind, sensed something was off when Locke accelerated. The Audi R8 suddenly sped up, turned into the side lane like a loach, and Firefox yelled at Wesley, pulling the handbrake and quickly chasing with a drift.

Wesley was an instant killer.

A real killer, in a sense, should be an all-rounder. But Wesley was different. He could only curve a bullet; he knew nothing about intelligence analysis, collection, or tracking.

The textile mill hadn't taught Wesley either.

After all...

For the textile mill, Wesley was just a special tool developed to deal with the Cross.

The real killer was Firefox!


Locke drove the Audi R8 like a leap, speeding through an alley at 80 yards!



Followed closely by the fiery red Maserati driven by Firefox.

Wesley, holding the gauntlet tightly, felt his adrenal glands rush.

Firefox narrowed his eyes.

He had figured it out.

Firefox stared at the rearview mirror of the Audi R8 in front, watching the reflected target glance at them from the corner of his eye.

The next second, Firefox quickly drew a gun.


A yellow bullet instantly shot out, heading directly for the rear-view mirror.


Locke turned the steering wheel to the side, and the bullet left a mark on the Audi R8's body, then fell softly to the ground.


Locke just drifted in place, turned right, and quickly made a U-turn.

An eye for an eye.

The moment Locke, wearing sunglasses, moved his ears slightly, his right hand reached out of the window, and the "Silver Dancer" from his inventory appeared in his hand.


"Get down!"
