
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Easy Commission

Dr. Connors did not answer immediately. Instead, he lowered his head silently, as if he was really thinking about Roger's suggestion.

Roger did not urge Dr. Connors, because he could already guess Dr. Connors' answer.

Dr. Connors was a smart person, and he was a smart person with a strong desire.

To him, making his lost right arm grow back was definitely the most important thing in his life, and there was no one else.

Losing temporary freedom and obtaining the hope to truly restore his right arm was not a difficult choice.

Just as Roger expected, after a few minutes of silence, Dr. Connors gave the answer he wanted to hear.

I can help you restore Richard's equation, but all of this will have to wait until you save me from Oscorp!

Moreover, I want to know how you will save me?

Although Oscorp could not compare to S.H.I.E.L.D. he was not the kind of existence that could be easily manipulated!

Dr. Connors looked up at Roger and asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment.

It's very simple. I will leave a mark on you that only I know.

After handing you over to Oscorp, I will confirm your location through this mark and take you away!

It was not the first time that Roger had given the target to the client and taken the target away from the client after completing the task.

The last time he had enjoyed such treatment was S.H.I.E.L.D. who was far stronger than Oscorp.

As for whether Oscorp would have any objections to this, Roger did not take it to heart because it was impossible for Oscorp to know that he had done it.

"Mark? Are you sure this method can work?"

Dr. Connors did not doubt Roger's ability. Someone who could casually kill Leviathan would not deceive him on this issue.

Moreover, this kind of deception was meaningless and would only affect the cooperation between the two.

However, as a scientist, he had a kind of rational doubt about the mark that only he could see.

"Don't worry, in this aspect, I never fail!"

In the next ten minutes or so, Roger continued to communicate with Dr. Connors about some details.

Then, Roger gave Dr. Connors a hand knife and completely knocked him out.

After leaving the sewer with the unconscious Dr. Connors, Roger called the Oscorp security chief who was entrusted with the task.

When he received the phone call from Roger, the security chief named Allen was stunned for a moment, then rushed over with a security team.

From the commission to now, only four or five hours had passed.

The super high efficiency displayed by Roger made Allen suspect the professionalism of the previous few private military companies.

They are all private military companies, how can there be such a big gap?!

Can you have some professionalism?!

Could this industry be any better?!

Half an hour later, Allen brought Oscorp's security team to the place Roger mentioned and saw the unconscious Dr. Connors.

"He is here. Do you need to confirm his identity?"

Roger's voice sounded.

"No need, he is the person we are looking for!"

With just a simple look, Allen confirmed the identity of Dr. Connors.

As the security director of Oscorp, Allen was not unfamiliar with Dr. Connors.

Moreover, when Dr. Connors just escaped from Oscorp, he was the first to lead people to pursue him.

However, his pursuit failed, and the talents had the private military company that was entrusted to the outside.

Under Allen's signal, five or six security guards quickly rushed up and added a bunch of shackles that Roger had never seen before to the unconscious Dr. Connors.

After tying Dr. Connors up like a felon, these security guards carried Dr. Connors to a special metal cage.

"Thank you for your help. We may have more opportunities to cooperate in the future!"

After saying that, Allen extended his right hand to Roger, expressing his gratitude.

"Happy cooperation!"

When Dr. Connors was locked up in a special metal cage, the system's entrustment also updated the status as soon as possible.

Mission content: Capture the out-of-control lizard experimental body in the sewer of New York. Mission status: complete. Mission reward: 30 ninja coins has sent!

"Number of Available Ninja Coins: 270!"

Ninja Coins easily got 30, and it was another wonderful day.

When Oscorp's security team disappeared from sight, Roger took out his phone again and called the Punisher.

Dr. Connors had already handed it over to Oscorp according to the plan, so the things that Dr. Connors left behind naturally needed to be handled.

This was also the problem that Roger had previously communicated with Dr. Connors about.

The Punisher would take away the entire simple laboratory that Dr. Connors had left in the sewer.

Roger also needed to get the blood samples of Richard's mutated spider and Peter Parker before rescuing Dr. Connors.

According to Dr. Conners, next to the cross-species laboratory in the Oscorp Building, there is a laboratory dedicated to cultivating Richard's mutant spiders.

In that laboratory, there were thousands of mutated spiders.

As long as one could enter the laboratory, one could easily obtain Richard's mutated spider.

To invade a large company's secret laboratory, might be a little difficult for ordinary people.

But for Roger, this was as simple as returning to his own home to take things.

He didn't even need to personally make a move. He just needed to arrange for a Shadow Clone to go over.

After instructing the Punisher, Roger first used Flying Thunder God Technique to return home and take a bath.

After completely erasing the smell of the sewer on his body, he then used Flying Thunder God Technique to return to his office.

"How is the investigation of Peter Parker's information going?"

After returning to the office, Roger directly picked up the internal phone on the table and inquired about the progress of Skye's investigation.

"The investigation is done. It has been sent to your email!"

After answering Roger, Skye directly hung up the phone.

Although the call time was short, Roger heard clear typing from the other side of the line.

She wouldn't be invading another government department, right?

Normally speaking, there wouldn't be any big problems with Skye's daily hobby.

But the key to the problem was that she was always thinking about some important secret departments, such as S.H.I.E.L.D.

Skye's hacking skills were of course top-notch, but that did not mean that she could quietly invade S.H.I.E.L.D.

If she had such an ability, she would not need to cooperate with Roger.

Not long after he moved to the new company, Roger received a warm reminder from Motherfucker, which made him slightly control his curiosity.

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