
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Preparation before Restoration

After temporarily putting Skye's question to the back of his mind, Roger opened his mailbox and began to browse through the information Skye had gathered.

Peter Parker, father Richard Parker, 11 years old, lived in Queens, lived with his uncle and aunt after the death of his parents, and is currently studying at Ellie Pool Park Elementary School in Queens

Uncle Ben Parker, an ordinary technician, and aunt Mei Parker, a nurse at the public hospital.

In addition to this basic information, Skye also invaded the primary school Peter was studying. He found all of Peter's results from the student database.

All the subjects were A's!

Although he was still young, from the results of the exam and the various evaluations given by the teachers, Little Peter had already begun to have the performance of a genius.

However, at the end of the information, Skye specifically made a note.

He was introverted, not good at socializing, and had fewer friends!

After reading Peter's information, Roger leaned back in his chair and began to think about a more serious problem.

If he wanted to, he could make Peter become Spiderman in advance.

But the problem was that Peter, who was only 11 years old, could maintain his mind after obtaining this extraordinary power.

Not to mention that Peter was only a primary school student at the moment, even those adults in their thirties or forties might not be able to maintain their initial heart after suddenly obtaining great power.

If Peter was affected by this power, then what would appear in the future would no longer be the superhero Spiderman, but the supervillain Spiderman.

After thinking about it, Roger finally gave up on this idea.

Just collect Peter's blood. As for his future, it was better not to interfere.

After making a decision, Roger decisively displayed Shadow Clone.

Bang bang bang...

After the two balls of smoke dissipated, the two Shadow Clones appeared in front of him.

The matter of collecting Peter's blood and invading Oscorp was very simple, so Roger directly handed it over to Shadow Clone to do.

Before the two Shadow Clones set off, he also specially instructed Shadow Clone to do his best to be as secretive as possible.

When Shadow Clone left the office with Flying Thunder God Technique, Roger picked up the phone on the table again and dialed the internal number of Skye.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem with the information?"

When the phone was connected, Skye's voice immediately came through. At the same time, there was a very obvious sound of keyboard typing.

Help me look up another person's information!

Her name is Gwen Stacy, and her father is a police officer at a police station in New York. His name is George Stacy!

She should be a high school student now, but you have to investigate which high school she is in!

Roger told all the information she remembered to Skye.

"Female high school student?"

After hearing the word "high school student", Skye was instantly interested, and the sound of the keyboard typing suddenly disappeared.

"If nothing goes wrong, it is a high school student. If there is nothing else, you can also investigate middle school or university!"

When Roger finished speaking, the other side of the line suddenly fell silent. After more than ten seconds, there was a burst of malicious laughter.

"Mr. Roger, as the president of a private military company, you let a hacker investigate the information of a female high school student in the middle of the night. Don't you think your behavior is very wretched?"

And don't forget, you are still the masked man in the Avenger. Your behavior will make your female fans sad ---

Roger did not speak, because he was sure that no matter how he answered, he would be ridiculed by Skye.

However, at your current age, it is normal for you to be interested in young and sexy. After all, with a youthful body full of vitality, which woman can refuse?

As if he had discovered a new continent, Skye began to ridicule as much as he liked.

"Your imagination is too rich! Let's start the investigation now. I hope to see Gwen's information as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Roger hung up the phone.

Skye should be about the same age as Gwen.

One lived according to the normal trajectory of life, while the other dealt with the dark side of the world.

If Skye's parents were normal people, she should be considering which university to apply for.

Sigh, this is the damned fate!

After instructing Skye, Roger used Flying Thunder God Technique to return home.

Before falling asleep, he deliberately used Sensing Technique to sense Flying Thunder God's Formula on Dr. Connors, as well as the strength of Dr. Connors's life energy.

Just as he had expected, Oscorp did not imprison Dr. Connors. Instead, he brought Dr. Connors to a secret research institute in the suburbs.

Moreover, judging from the intensity of Dr. Connors's life energy, he had not suffered any inhumane abuse. His vital signs were stable and healthy.

After confirming Dr. Connors's current situation, Roger returned to his room and began to sleep.

According to their plan, he would not rescue Dr. Connors immediately.

The rescue time would be a few days later, and he needed to prepare all the equipment that Dr. Connors needed before the rescue.

After a comfortable sleep and a sumptuous breakfast, Roger left home with Flying Thunder God Technique.

He did not return to the company directly but was directly sent to the warehouse that the Punisher had prepared.

This warehouse was originally a temporary base that the Punisher had prepared for himself and Abomination, but after knowing that Roger wanted him to prepare a safe and secret laboratory, he had to share this warehouse.

After a busy night, he moved all the equipment and information that Dr. Connors had left in the sewers to the warehouse.

And now, in addition to him who had been busy for a night, there were two Shadow Clones of Roger in the warehouse.

Peter's blood sample, Richard's mutated spider!

The two most important raw materials for restoring Richard's super spider formula were ready.

He only needed to prepare the various professional equipment needed by the research institute, and Dr. Connors could start to restore Richard from the Super Spider equations.

These professional equipment were not hard to find, but they needed some more professional channels.

And Roger just happened to know someone who had such channels.

After calling Tony and paying 50 million dollars, he successfully got what he wanted.

Although Tony did not know what he wanted to do, from the professional equipment he bought, Tony could roughly guess his plan.

Biotechnology research, and high-end technology in the genetic field!

However, Tony did not say anything about it. After all, everyone had their own little hobbies. In his opinion, Roger was not the kind of madman who would destroy the world.

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