
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Equation Reduction

Even if he was really a gecko, it was impossible for him to stick to the wall after losing his two hands.

A few seconds after falling to the floor of the sewer, the Lizard's two hands grew out again and continued to show off to Roger.

Just when Roger thought that this guy was still unwilling to give up, the Lizard made an unexpected move.

He decisively turned around and ran!

The instinct of the beast drove the Lizard to attack Roger, and now, it was the instinct of the beast that drove him away from here.

The strong desire to survive made the Lizard burst out at an astonishing speed and quickly disappeared at the corner of the sewer.

The sewers in New York were much more complicated than the streets.

In this maze-like sewer network, there were all kinds of unknown corners or corners.

As long as he could successfully pull apart the distance, even if it was only a short period of time, he would be able to get rid of Roger.

The idea was very plump, but the reality was very bone-chilling.

The speed of the Lizard escape was indeed very fast, but Roger was faster than him.

Looking at Roger who was getting closer and closer to him, the Lizard's potential was further stimulated, and he began to accelerate.

Run, run crazily!

It was not fast enough, it was even faster!

The Lizard revealed a speed that completely did not match his current size, running like a mad bull.

However, he never would have thought that the current Roger was deliberately suppressing his speed.

He did not want to catch up with the Lizard. If he remembered correctly, the Lizard state was not stable.

As long as the effectiveness of the serum was completely consumed, the Lizard would become a human again.

The Lizard, whose mind was affected by the serum, was not a qualified subject to talk to. He was waiting for the Lizard to change back to Kurt Connor.

Under his intentional expulsion, the serum effectiveness of the Lizard was quickly consumed.

As if finding that he had no hope of getting rid of Roger, the Lizard stopped his meaningless run and turned to face Roger.

"What do you want?"

The Lizard did not attack Roger and roared in a helpless tone.

"I said before that you are my mission target. I need you to complete the mission!"

But before I complete the commission, I need you to do me a small favor!

Roger's tone was as calm as ever.

"Come with me!"

After saying that, the Lizard ignored Roger and headed straight for his secret laboratory.

After following the Lizard in the sewer for a period of time, Roger saw the simple laboratory.

Not long after returning to the laboratory, the doctor changed back to his original appearance.

"Wear this, I'm not used to talking to men who don't wear clothes!"

Roger threw a white coat on the table to Connor.

After getting dressed, Dr. Connors sat straight on the only chair and said, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Two things! First, I will hand you over to Oscorp! Second..."

Before Roger could finish, Dr. Connors interrupted him. "Aren't you S.H.I.E.L.D's Avenger? Is this deal between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oscorp?"

I am not a S.H.I.E.L.D. and I am not an Avenger. I have nothing to do with Oscorp!

As for whether S.H.I.E.L.D. has any deal with Oscorp, I don't know, and I don't want to know!

You, just listen carefully, don't interrupt me!

After confirming that Dr. Connors had fully understood what he meant, Roger continued, "Oscorp gave me a commission, so I want to give you to them. Whether you are willing or not, this is your end!

As for whether you can escape from Oscorp, that is your business!

"The second thing, do you remember Richard Parker? You are all experts in the field of cross-species inheritance. The difference is that one of you studied spiders, and the other studied lizards!"

"Of course, I remember him. He is a genius scientist. Unfortunately, an accident took his life."

Dr. Connors, of course, remembered Richard. When conducting cross-species genetic research, they had a lot of dealings with him.

"If I give you a sample of the blood that can perfectly fuse with Richard Parker mutated spider, can you restore Richard Parker's equation and make appropriate changes?"

If there was only one Spiderman in this world, it would be a little too boring.

And who said that Spiderman can only be a man, Spider Gwen, and Spider Silk are both women.

"Restore equation? Richard's research roots have not been completed. The mutated spider roots he developed can not conduct any species experiments!"

Dr. Connors is very clear on the extent of Richard's experiments. Oscorp now has a large group of Richard's mutated spiders.

But those mutated spiders, apart from their own mutation, the roots have no experimental value.

"No, he succeeded. It's just that you have not found the correct key!"

Roger gave a piece of shocking news that Dr. Connors had never expected.

Richard succeeded?

How was this possible?!

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Oscorp has tried all kinds of species, and those mutated spider roots can't merge with any species!

Dr. Connors said excitedly, he didn't believe the information Roger gave him.

"Believe it or not, I just want to know if you can restore the equation if there is such a blood sample."

Looking at the serious face of Roger, Dr. Connors thought for a moment.

If you really have such a blood sample, I should be able to restore the equation!

However, why should I help you?

Do you think I will help you restore the equation if you hand me over to the person who gave me to Oscorp?

Although Roger had not said it clearly, when he recalled the words he had said before, Dr. Connors had roughly guessed something.

You will definitely help me!

There are two reasons!

Your equation is not stable. Richard's equation can help you perfect your own equation, allowing your right hand to truly recover!

Second, you actually don't have the right to choose!

When I hand you over to Oscorp, if you are lucky, they will continue to let you study, but you will lose your freedom from then on and become a tool for Oscorp.

If you are unlucky, you should be very clear about your end. After all, you are an expert on this side.

However, if you are willing to help me, then you are my friend.

For friends, I usually help them solve some problems that they can not solve.

For example, let them not be bullied, or have freedom!

After he finished speaking, Roger did not say anything else and silently waited for Dr. Connors's answer.

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