
Marvel: Live Broadcasting The Spoilers! [Translation On Pause]

A dimensional live broadcast system has come to Asgard, Kamar Taj and other places. With the exposure of various spoilers such as "Avengers 3", the entire multiverse of the Marvel is in chaos! Loki: After being beaten by Hulk, killed by Thanos, and forced to join the TVA, I end up loving female Loki? Iron Man: Dark Elves? Time Travel? Multiverse? This is awesome! Deadpool: Wow! I can actually slaughter the Marvel Universe! So cool! Thor: My hammer... And damn! How did I get so fat! Scarlet Witch: I would never fall in love with a robot! Not to mention "no more mutants"! Magneto: Wanda, in a different parallel universe, you can still call me Daddy. Thanos: I snapped my fingers, but I still failed...

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Chapter 98. Origins of the Time-Keepers! Loki Who Died in Courtship! More Lokis!

[The video continued.]

[Mobius forced himself to calm down and took out the controller. He pushed the buttons while looking at Loki.]

["Well, I'm gonna have to close this case now cause I don't need you anymore."]

["Yeah, or as you might say, our interests are no longer aligned."]

[Two minutemen came from the door and lifted Loki out of his chair.]

[Seeing that he was about to be thrown into that infinite hell again and tortured by Sif, instead, Loki stared at Mobius and calmly said...]

["You know, of all the liars in this place, and there are a great many, you're the biggest."]

[Mobius didn't even look up and coldly said...]

["Why? Cause I lied about your girlfriend?"]

["Oh no." Loki said, "That I can respect. I mean... the lies you tell yourself."]

[Watching Loki being thrown into the red portal without resistance, the look on Mobius's face suddenly turned complicated.]

At this time, the chat group was lively again.

[Thor: Loki, why are you talking so much? Whether it's Sif or Mobius, I'd just fight them!]

[Loki Odinson: Thor, you will always be like that, using your muscles instead of your brain.]

[Loki Odinson: Inside the Time Variance Authority, I can't use my magic at all.]

[Loki Odinson: Besides, they have weapons that can obliterate people! The risk is much too great.]

[Nick Fury: It's hard to imagine that such an organisation exists in the world! They could control time. Truly terrifying.]

Although he didn't know the previous plot, after watching it for a while, Fury understood some aspects of the Time Variance Authority.

Not only could they walk freely through time, but they could also create infinitely repeating time loops that trapped people in them forever.

Such means simply overturned Fury's imagination!

Before, Fury thought that S.H.I.E.L.D., which he controlled, was the number one secret organisation in the world.

But now, he really knew how a frog in a well felt!

At this moment, Fury simply felt his worldview take another huge hit, and his body went stiff!

[Loki Odinson: Truly terrifying? Hahaha. Maybe it is. However, the more powerful an organisation is, the faster it would perish once it starts to crumble from within.]

[Loki Odinson: Just wait and see. The seed I planted in Mobius's heart will soon sprout.]

[The video continued.]

[Mobius took Loki's file and entered the female judge's office.]

[The judge signed her name on the file and then placed the file and pen in front of Mobius.]


[Mobius seemed to be in a daze. Only after the judge reminded him did he come back to his senses and sign the documents.]

["You okay?" The judge asked with a bid of concern.]

["Yep, I'm good."]

[After watching Mobius sign his name, the judge picked up the file and put it aside, smiling happily.]

["Case closed."]

[Then she picked up her glass and drank with Mobius.]

[Suddenly, the female judge asked, without warning, "If you could go anywhere, anytime, where would it be?"]

[Mobius casually said, "I can go anywhere, anytime."]

[The judge's gaze was slightly serious, "You know what I mean..."]

[Mobius was silent for a moment. Instead of answering the question, he asked, "Why wouldn't you let me interrogate Sylvie?"]

["Sylvie?" The judge didn't quite understand who he was talking about.]

[Mobius explained, "The variant, that's what Loki calls her."]

[The judge said, "I told you, we couldn't risk her escaping again."]

[Then the female judge continued to ask, "Come on. Anywhere and anytime on the timeline. Where'd you go?"]

[Mobius's eyes flickered. He spoke without hesitation, "I like being here now, with you, doing the work."]

[The judge gave Mobius a deep look, then picked up the glass and drank a mouthful.]

["I received word from the Time-Keepers. They want to oversee the Variant's pruning personally. And they want you there, too."]

[When he heard that he finally got a chance to see the Time-Keepers with his own eyes, Mobius was shocked.]

["It's about time. Great."]

[Then Mobius began to ask about C-20, a female guard who had been enchanted by Sylvie before.]

[The female judge casually brushed it off, then immediately asked...]

["Mobius, what is going on with you? We did it. The Time-Keepers are happy. Mission accomplished."]

[A somewhat forced smile also appeared on Mobius' face, "I know. Great. Mission accomplished. It was just that... she seemed fine when I saw her. I mean, a little freaked, but fine..."]

[The judge's brow finally wrinkled, "C-20? The Variant? All these questions, what are you getting at?"]

[Mobius revealed a trace of exhaustion, "I don't know, I ... something just seems a little off."]

[Seeing that, the judge hesitated and finally said, "Fine, you want the truth? I'm trying to protect you."]

["The Variant scares the hell out of me, and I didn't want to see anything happen to you."]

[The female judge revealed a terrified look.]

["C-20 lost her mind. She couldn't even form words by the end."]

["I just couldn't deal with that happening to you or anyone else."]

["Is that what you wanted to hear?"]

[Mobius gently nodded, "Yeah, if it's the truth."]

["The truth?"]

[The judge rolled her eyes, "You've been spending too much time with Lokis."]

["Yeah, I definitely have been." Mobius nodded his head.]

[Looking at Mobius's somewhat depressed appearance, the judge quickly cheered him up.]

["What we do here matters. When we're out there fighting for the fate of the Sacred Timeline..."]

["We're also fighting for this. For us."]

[Looking at Mobius, the judge's face revealed a trace of sadness, "Friends against time, allies to the end. Friendship like ours is uncommon and worth fighting for. Same as the Sacred Timeline."]

[After listening to the pep talk from the female judge, Mobius nodded, "It was a good speech."]

[The two laughed. At that moment, Mobius pointed to the blade on the table and asked...]

["What are you gonna do with that trophy?"]

["Oh, that's right."]

[The judge picked up the blade and went to the opposite bookshelf.]

[Upon seeing that, Mobius immediately took out his time controller from his pocket and switched it with the time controller that the female judge placed on the table.]

Seeing Mobius reaching out to switch the time controllers on-screen, Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"Sure enough, the man was persuaded by Mr Loki."

Soon, however, Peter asked with some confusion again.

"But just now ... why did the judge ask Mobius which time period and where he wanted to go repeatedly?"

"Heh heh heh ..."

Loki laughed, "Mobius, this old boy, is still very vigilant."


Peter blinked, seemingly even more confused.

Stephen Strange stood aside, bowed his head and mused...

"I remember the videos being shown before. Mobius seemed to really like the jet skis in the magazine."


Young Wanda looked at Strange in disbelief, "How could you remember such trivial things so well?"

Strange shrugged, "I can't help it. My memory is like this. As long as I have seen it once, I can never forget it."

"Heh ... never forget?"

Even Tony was a little surprised at this point.

"Although I'm a genius, I don't have such an abnormal memory. That's really something."

After spending so much time in the studio together, Strange's views on Tony had somewhat changed.

He looked back at Tony, "You can't make a steel suit in a cave just by memory."

"Hahaha! That's for sure."

Tony softly chuckled at the other party's mention of his own triumphs in the videos.

Watching this pair of geniuses praising each other in front of him, Peter suddenly felt exhausted.

He was one of the top students in Midtown Science.

But in front of these two people, Peter found himself constantly unsure of himself...

It was at this point that Loki's comment jolted Peter out of his self-pity.

"Jet skis? Fortunately, he didn't say it."

A cold glint flashed through Loki's eyes.

"If he told the judge that he wanted to go jet skiing or something, he would've been pruned right then and there."

"What? What does that mean?"

Peter's eyes widened in disbelief.

Loki didn't hesitate to say, "The judge was testing Mobius by asking that question repeatedly."

"Having led a normal life on earth before, he would have been very fond of riding jet skis."

"If Mobius said he wanted to go ride a jet ski, that means he had recalled ... the memories of before he was kidnapped by the TVA!"

"At that point, does the judge have any other option than to kill him?"


"How horrible!"

Peter and Wanda both gasped.

At this point, Wanda asked in surprise...

"Then, by what you're saying, doesn't that mean that the judge knows the truth?"

"Of course."

The one who answered was Natasha, who was standing aside in silence before.

"No matter what kind of organisation, the middle and lower levels are always the ones lied to and used as cannon fodder."

Natasha faintly said, "Those who are in charge would always know the truth."

"It's just that ... they wouldn't reveal these things to the cannon fodder below."

Loki laughed without a care in the world, "In any case, it looks like my plan was a complete success."

"First turn a Mobius, and then … what's that?"

At the sound of Loki's voice, the crowd looked toward the screen, only to see the scene change again.


[B-15, the female guard, stood in the corridor of Time Variance Authority with a struggling look on her face.]

[Finally, she made up her mind and went into the room where Sylvie was held.]

[Seeing the female guard come in, Sylvie placed her foot on the table and jokingly said...]

["Hello... Oh, I don't know."]

["Your name's a number. Can't read it from here."]

[The female guard ignored Sylvie's taunts. She took out her time controller, opened a portal, and then said, "Come with me." She then went into the portal.]

[Sylvie walked in without hesitation, only to find that they had arrived at Roxxcart in 2050 ... the big supermarket that she once used as a base.]

[Looking at the female guard, Sylvie thought that the other party wanted a fair fight. A one-on-one battle.]

[Who knows that the other party had regained some memories when Sylvie had enchanted her.]

[This time, the female guard just wanted to confirm it.]

[Sylvie shouted back at her questions, "I can't create memories. I can only use what's already there."]

["The Time-Keepers took your lives from you. From all of you. You're all Variants."]

[Seeing that her opponent had faltered, Sylvie applied the final blow...]

["We're the same."]

[Without resistance, Sylvie casted enchantment magic again. The female guard recalled the previous memories with a full face of surprise and sadness; even tears flowed down her face.]

"Hahahaha, not bad for the female me. Now another one has turned!"

Seeing that, Loki applauded and laughed.

Young Wanda giggled beside him, "She's really the female version of you, even your words are similar."


Loki's face showed a hint of proudness,

"No matter how many Lokis there are in the Multiverse, I will always be the highest class, and the rest are all low class."

Strange was a little surprised...

"In other words, this female Loki, from the beginning, held the biggest trump card against the Time Variance Authority?"

"Why hadn't she discovered the power of enchantment magic before?"

Tony coldly said...

"I think she was too heavy-handed before. Every time she crossed paths with those time guards, she would kill them."

[The video continued.]

[In Time Variance Authority, Mobius took the time controller of the female judge, walked to the corner of the library, and began to open it.]

[From the controller, he finally found evidence that the female judge was an insider. And they, really, were ordinary people kidnapped from the normal timeline by the Time-Keepers.]

[Gently closing the time controller in his hand, Mobius's face twitched as if he had finally made up his mind.]

[Somewhere else, Loki was in his infinite hell, taking infinite punches from Sif.]

["I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times." Loki, kneeling on the ground, struggled to get up.]

["You. You conniving, craven, pathetic worm. You did this..."]

[Suddenly, Mobius came out of a portal.]

["Loki, you care about this Variant?"]


[Loki struggled with an unhappy expression, "I'm not sure if care is the right word."]

["Shut up!"]

[Mobius clearly didn't want to talk to Loki anymore and went straight to the point...]

["Loki, do you really think you deserve to be alone?"]


[When Loki suddenly heard this question, he was a little overwhelmed, but Mobius continued to ask...]

["You better figure it out quick! Because the nexus event that the two of you caused, I think whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down. So, we better understand..."]

["We?" Loki was keenly aware of the unusual nature of Mobius's words.]

[Mobius gulped and, in the end, simply said...]

["You were right about the TVA. You were right from the beginning."]

[The two finally reached a consensus. Mobius took Loki and went out through the red portal.]

[But waiting outside was the female judge and a group of time guards.]

["I think you have something of mine." The judge said with a frosty face.]

[Mobius also tried to muddle through, "Yeah, I got all the way down here before I even realised I picked up yours."]

[After handing over the time controller, Mobius looked at the indifferent face of the female judge and suddenly realised something.]

[Then, he spoke as if he had given up everything...]

["You know where I'd go if I could go anywhere?"]

["Wherever it is, I'm really from. Yeah, wherever I had a life before the TVA came along."]

["Maybe I had a jet ski. That's what I'd like to do!"]

[Hearing that, the female judge coldly said, "Prune him."]

[One of the time guards raised the weapon in his hand and delivered the blow.]

[Mobius was swallowed up by sparks and instantly disappeared.]

"No way, he was killed just like that?"

He thought that Loki had been saved, but when he saw that the plot had taken a sharp turn, Peter was instantly confused.

At this moment, Loki coldly said.

"Don't panic. That time guard B-15 had also been turned."

Next to him, Strange also whispered, "Not only that, but that female judge also told Mobius that the Time-Keepers... wanted to see Loki pruned in person."

Hearing that, Tony's eyes widened.

'Does that mean that they were going to fight the final big boss next? Wasn't that a bit too soon?'

[The video continued.]

[Looking at Mobius being pruned, Loki's eyes were filled with tears.]

[After fighting with this man for so long, Loki found that he had forged some kind of indescribable friendship with him.]

[Then, the female judge took Loki to Sylvie.]

[Finding Sylvie soaked wet, the judge immediately realised that someone was with her just now, and that person was probably turned by Sylvie.]

[After issuing the order to arrest B-15, the female judge led the two Loki into a golden elevator.]

[In the elevator, Sylvie finally couldn't bear it and asked the woman who had snatched her from Asgard...]

["Do you remember me?"]

["I do." Said the female judge.]

[Sylvie gritted her teeth and asked, "What was my nexus event?"]

[The female judge looked indifferent, "What does it matter?"]

[Sylvie growled in a low voice, "It was enough to take my life from me, lead to all of this."]

[The female judge searched through her memories and then sneered, "I don't remember."]

Seeing that, Natasha frowned and said, "This woman is a complete bitch."

"She obviously remembers but won't say it."


Loki coldly said, "It's not that she doesn't want to say it, but she's trying to act like ... she doesn't care about such trivial things."

"The kind of thing that ruined Sylvie's life didn't seem to be worth anything to her."

Tony thoughtfully said...

"Is she enjoying the feeling of being above others, controlling their lives?"

"This woman has been corrupted by power."

[The video continued.]

[The golden elevator arrived at the lowest floor. The two Lokis stepped out into an ancient stone room.]

[There, on top of the high platform, sat three strange-looking lizard men with scaly faces.]

[They were the Time-Keepers who claimed to be able to unite the Multiverse.]

[Looking down on the two Loki from above, the Time-Keepers coldly said...]

["After all your struggles, at last, you've arrived before us."]

["What do you have to say for yourselves before you meet your end, Variants?"]

[Loki shouted without fear, "Is that the only reason you brought us here?"]

["I've lost track of the number of times I've been killed, so go ahead. Do your worst!"]

[Facing Loki's shouts, a Time-Keeper said...]

["You and your bravado are no threat to us, Variant."]

["On, no, I don't think you believe that."]

[Sylvie stepped forward, ready to continue.]

[But, because of the time collar around her neck, the female judge just pressed a button, and she went back to her original place.]

[She glared back at the judge mercilessly, Sylvie continued to speak without fear.]

["I think you're scared."]

["No, Variant. You're nothing but a cosmic disappointment. Delete them!" A Time-Keeper gave a direct order.]

["No, I'm not done with you yet!"]

[Sylvie shouted loudly and went forward. The female judge took out the time controller to reverse her time, only to find that the instrument didn't work.]

[Just as the female judge was shocked, the golden elevator door suddenly opened up. B15, the rebel female guard, rushed out.]

[B-15 pressed the button in her hand, and the time collars around the two Loki's necks instantly came off.]

[Seeing that, the female judge yelled, "Protect the Time-Keepers!"]

[But after gaining freedom, the combined might of the two Lokis was simply not something that the few time guards were able to resist.]

[Soon, all the time guards, including the female judge, were overthrown.]

[Seeing that, the Time-Keeper sitting in the highest position actually began to beg for mercy...]

["You're a child of the Time-Keepers too, Sylvie. We can talk."]

["Oh yeah?!"]

[Sylvie didn't hesitate to throw her weapon out and cut off the head of the Time-Keeper.]

[Thump thump thump... The sparking head rolled all the way down the steps.]

[At the same time, the remaining two Time-Keepers laughed.]

["Hahaha ..."]

[After laughing for a while, their bodies suddenly collapsed in their chairs. They were like toys that had run out of batteries.]

[Sylvie picked up the head of the Time-Keeper that rolled to the ground, noticing that it was the head of a robot.]


[Sylvie's face was full of disbelief.]

["Mindless androids."]

[Loki was also shocked.]

["Then who created the TVA?"]

["I thought this was it."]

[Sylvie tossed the robot's head aside with anger.]


Tony and others also looked at each other.

'What a huge joke! The legendary big boss that could toy with the Multiverse was actually a couple of robots?'


Strange firmly said, "The real mastermind must still be hiding behind the scenes! People that are controlling the robots! "

Tony nodded silently; his mind suddenly flooded with incredibly wild thoughts...

'The ability to build robots and to manipulate time by scientific means.'

'This person who created the TVA couldn't be ... a parallel universe self, could it?'

With that though, Tony secretly gasped.

'If so, is that Multiverse's Tony Stark, the evil boss these two Loki will fight next?'

[The video continued.]

[At this moment, Loki hesitated and approached Sylvie...]

["I have to tell you something."]

[At this point, Loki had a very nervous look on his face. As if this was the first time he had ever done something like this.]

["Well, back on Lamentis ..."]

[Loki seemed anxious.]

["Umm... Uh... This is new for me..."]


[Sylvie seemed to be baffled by him as well.]

[Loki reached for Sylvie's shoulder and seemed to summon up the courage to confess finally.]

["What is it?"]

[With her female instincts, Sylvie seemed to sense something too.]

[Loki had just opened his mouth when the expression on his face suddenly froze.]

[Hearing a sizzling sound, Loki's body was surrounded by sparks and gradually disappeared into thin air.]

[It was the female judge!]

[After being knocked down, she didn't faint! Instead, she found the right moment to strike from behind and pruned Loki!]

Seeing that scene, there was an uproar in the live streaming room.

"Are you kidding me!? I finally got here, but I still died!"

Loki froze in place, his eyes full of horror and disbelief.

Next to him, Tony and the others were all disappointed.

The Time Keepers' origins hadn't even been figured out, and Loki actually died!

The future of another parallel universe was truly awful.

"In the presence of a great enemy, he lost his vigilance because of a woman."

Natasha shook her head helplessly, looking sympathetic.

"You're a god that has lived over 1000 years. It's not like you've never seen a woman, right?"

"Mewling quim! What are you talking about?!"

Loki was already upset. When he heard her words, he became furious.

Just then, a new development appeared on the screen.

[Sylvie angrily knocked the female judge down, ready to ask the truth about the Time-Keepers from her.]

Suddenly the screen went dark and lit up again.

[In a strange place, Loki was lying on the ground. His eyes opened.]

["Is this hell? Am I dead?"]

[Just as he was still a little confused, an unfamiliar voice rang out.]

["Not yet."]

["But you will be unless you come with us."]

[Loki sat up from the ground and saw a child, a burly black man and an old man looking at him.]

[The child was actually holding a crocodile in his arms!]



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