
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Movies
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369 Chs

Chapter: 221

"The Insight program should not have been launched at this time; it's almost two months ahead of the original plot."

What Mark didn't know was that it was precisely because of the terrifying destructive power demonstrated by the orbital weapons against the Dark Elves that the acceleration of this program became possible.

However, as the plan progressed faster, the change in pace also revealed some flaws in Hydra's execution, raising suspicions for Fury. He secretly collected relevant information in an attempt to uncover the truth behind it.

"I hope Fury's car is sturdy enough. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. has purchased many good things from me, and now they will probably be used against him by Hydra. I wonder if his car can withstand it. Looks like I have to help him out..."


"Activate the encrypted communication protocol and connect to the secure line 0405."

"Command confirmed."

On the streets of downtown Washington, Nick Fury had just left the S.H.I.E.L.D. Triskelion headquarters and was driving on the road.

At that moment, the call he dialed connected, and a voice on the other end said, "This is Hill."

"I need you to come to Washington immediately in a highly secretive manner."

"Give me four hours."

"You only have three hours. Over." After speaking, Fury ended the communication.

"Sir, a new communication line is contacting you." Just as he hung up, Fury's car AI alerted him.

"I remember activating the encrypted communication protocol just now. How could someone contact me at this time?" Fury questioned the car AI.

However, it wasn't the car AI that answered him but a voice he was very familiar with: "Of course, there is. I've said it before; your S.H.I.E.L.D. AI technology is too outdated and can't stop me at all."

"Mark!?" Fury immediately recognized the voice's owner. "Why did you suddenly hack into my communication line? I remember telling you that unless it's an emergency, everything should go through Coulson to reach me."

"You're about to be attacked by a group of armed militants in the streets. It concerns your life. Don't you think that qualifies as an emergency?" Mark directly informed Fury.

"What!? Oh, damn it..." Before Fury could finish cursing, boom! His car was hit and pushed to the side of the road, surrounded by four Washington D.C. police cars.

"Emergency detected. Left hand fracture detected. Suggest administering local anesthetic."

"Damn it, Mark, your designed personal health assistant is useless at critical moments! Do you know which organization planned this attack?"

While maintaining the conversation with Mark, Fury took out the highly concentrated nutrient solution he privately traded with Mark and injected it into his body.

"It was arranged by your former superior at S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce, or to be more precise, the head of Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D. Also, I'll remind you that after injecting the concentrated nutrient solution, you need to provide electric stimulation to activate its effectiveness."

Mark reminded Fury over the phone. Just a moment ago, he had hacked into the car's onboard intelligence system and used the built-in camera to see Fury's situation inside the vehicle.

"You don't have to worry about that. I know how to use it. Get me out of here..." The first sentence was directed at Mark, while the second one was a command given to the car AI. Fury then directly inserted his fingers into the car's power outlet, causing his whole body to convulse.

During Fury's time of healing, more and more police cars arrived, surrounding Fury's vehicle. Every person who came out of the car was dressed in police uniforms, aiming heavy firearms at the driver's seat.


Before Fury's car could restart, a hail of bullets rained down on him.

In such a dire situation, the car AI responded to the command with, "Sir, power propulsion system malfunction."

"Then re—start, damn it! I promise, no matter how high the price, if I can survive this, I'll definitely make a deal with you for the artificial intelligence system."

While enduring the electric shocks, Fury managed to speak this lengthy sentence without biting his tongue. Truly living up to his super spy fame.

Although the car couldn't start temporarily and he had to endure intense bullet attacks in place, the vehicle's sturdy construction design helped Fury perfectly deflect all the bullets aimed at him.

Seeing this situation, the armed militants outside decided to change their strategy and first break through Fury's absolute defense. The obvious choice was the car windows.

Suddenly, all the concentrated firepower directed at Fury stopped. Several armed individuals approached the driver's window, carrying a battering ram with a clear intention.

Car AI said, "Sir, the car window's integrity has been severely compromised and cannot withstand further enemy attacks."

"No need for you to state the obvious!" Fury complained in dissatisfaction. At this moment, his private health assistant's projection showed that the fracture in his left arm had completely healed, and he disconnected his fingers from the power source.

At this moment, Mark provided him with a solution to resolve the current crisis: "The enemy's vehicles and equipment are all made of metal, while your car uses Carbon materials. Do you remember how we dealt with the Leviathan during the Battle of New York?"

"Why didn't you suggest such a good idea earlier!" Fury grumbled with irritation. He then directly commanded the car AI, "Scan all surrounding metal components and release the metal catalyst specifically!"

"Command confirmed. Counter-attack system activated. Initiating the release of the metal catalyst."

Instantly, a pink mist sprayed out from Fury's car and quickly spread within a radius of ten meters.

As the mist dissipated, the armed militants, who were initially terrified, expecting some kind of toxic gas, realized that their bodies had not shown any abnormal reactions. The only change was that all their metallic objects had turned the same shade of pink as the mist.

"Hmph, trying to scare us? Quick, activate the heavy-duty battering ram." The leader believed he had seen through Fury's little trick and directly ordered several team members next to Fury's car.

However, when those team members followed the leader's instructions and reached out to press the battering ram's activation button, the entire machine, with a light touch, turned into a pile of pink metallic powder, scattering on the ground.

"Sir, the power propulsion system successfully restarted."

Mark's suggested solution worked, and the car AI delivered good news to Fury.

"Full speed ahead, now!"

Boom! Powered by the Arc reactor, the power propulsion system provided immense power, allowing the car to accelerate and rush out.

"What are you all standing around for? Get in the car and chase after them!" The leader, witnessing the unexpected turn of events that disrupted their certain victory, felt both anger and frustration. He shouted orders loudly to the team members around him.

However, what happened next stunned everyone present. As soon as they reached out to open the car doors, all the vehicles exploded into pink metallic powder, just like the battering ram moments ago, instantly turning everyone into shades of pink.

"I... I'm finished!" The leader in charge of the mission collapsed to the ground in despair at the sight. He could already imagine the severe punishment that Hydra would impose upon his return.


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