
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Movies
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369 Chs

Chapter: 11


###Note: I have another translation work called "Famous Police Detective in Detective World". It's a Detective Conan fanfiction. Please check that out as well.###


"How is Stark Industries doing?"

At half past eight in the evening, Tony returned home exhausted. Although dinner time had passed, for Mark, Tony coming home at this time was considered early.

"It's none of your business, so stop worrying. I can handle this matter myself." Tony walked over to Mark and ruffled his hair.

"It's your own mess, and I don't care about it. But I do believe what you said earlier." Mark raised his hand and opened Tony's rough palm.

"What did I say?"

"You said you've found a new lease on life and you're no longer the old Tony Stark. Seeing that you didn't spend the night outside today, I'm willing to believe those words."

"You little rascal, mocking me like that. You, a kid who hasn't even grown his fur, wouldn't understand the joys of deep communication between adults." As he spoke, Tony narrowed his eyes and made a nostalgic expression.

"Hmph, I can't argue with you. But if Pepper ends up marrying someone else and having children, don't regret it."

"Got it, I'm already working hard, aren't I? Hurry up and finish the robot you promised her so that I can find an opportunity to give it to Pepper and win her heart."

"Don't worry, this time I've customized an exclusive pink skin for her, as well as a loli voice recorded by a famous Disney voice actor. And in addition to the health assistant chip, I've also updated several practical chips like a personal bodyguard chip, a fitness coach chip, and a caring nanny chip, ensuring that Pepper will have a thoughtful life assistant from head to toe, in all aspects of her life."

"Not bad, not bad. Hmm... wait a minute, if you raise her living standards so much, it will make me look like I don't care about her when compared to you, won't it?"

"You're mistaken, old man. Do you think Pepper has been by your side for so long, receiving your undivided love and never leaving you because you care about her enough?


Is it because you're incredibly handsome?

No, it's not!

Is it because you're fabulously wealthy, with riches to rival a country?

Even less so!

It's because you're smart, very smart, smart enough that just your brain alone is sexy enough to attract Pepper's attention. So, you don't even know where your strengths lie, and the robots I make are simply incomparable to you."

"Listening to you say that, it seems to be true! You, at such a young age, why do you seem to have more experience in relationships than I do? You've been cooped up at home since you were little, you didn't even go to school, so where did you learn all these things?"

"You're outdated, old man. It's the year—2010 already, and mobile phones can access the internet anytime through 3G networks. The 4G era is about to come. Don't you use the internet regularly?

Although the old saying in China is good, in this age of mobile internet, any information and knowledge can be obtained through the internet. These things are already common knowledge.

Let me tell you, based on my analysis, as the internet becomes more advanced, with wider reach and faster speeds, we will enter an era of online knowledge payment in the future. I'm already preparing a private tutoring chip for Baymax, as well as related educational cloud platforms. I believe there will be great potential in the future!"

Upon hearing Mark's analysis of the future situation, Tony's expression became serious as well. He didn't think these words were just child's play. Tony knew how intelligent Mark was, and since he could provide logical and well-supported evidence from various aspects to support his conclusions, Tony was certain that the era of online knowledge payment, as Mark described, would definitely come.

"Do you have any other thoughts about the future? Share them with me. I underestimated you before, kid. I never expected you to be so knowledgeable without going outside," Tony said.

"Hmph, you never underestimated me. You never even bothered to give me a proper look. Sigh, I understand. After all, I'm just an illegitimate child who suddenly appeared in your life, making things difficult for you," Mark replied.

"Enough, you brat! Stop pretending with me. I'm not falling for your tricks anymore. Let's cut to the chase. How much do you want this time?" Tony asked.

"Well, let's see. The Warren Buffett lunch auction goes for no less than two million dollars. I'm providing you with accurate and detailed analysis of the future situation. The value of that surely can't be lower than having a meal, right? Just give me a casual seven million, seven hundred seventy-seven thousand dollars as a token of appreciation," Mark replied.

"You're ruthless," Tony said as he took out his checkbook and pen from his pocket. He swiftly wrote down the amount and signed the check.

Rip~ Tony tore off the check and handed it to Mark. "There you go, you swindler."

"Hehehe, as an illegitimate child, it's always good to have some extra money in my pocket," Mark said, his eyes gleaming as if there were two small gold coins spinning in them.

This was a habit Mark carried over from his past life. He had grown up poor, so he had developed an unusual attachment to money. Even though he was born into a wealthy family in this life, he was still an illegitimate child, so Mark preferred to save money himself, just to be safe.

After hearing Mark's words, Tony rolled his eyes in disdain. Mark, taking the hint, put the check in his pocket and began expressing his insights into future trends.

To call it insights would be an overstatement. It was merely a reference to the trajectory of social development in the previous life, combined with the specific circumstances of this world, to make analytical predictions.

After enthusiastically discussing the commercial prospects of big data, cloud services, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other technologies, based on his vivid impressions from his previous life, Mark realized it was already 2 AM. He said, "Alright, I think that's enough for now. I'm really tired."

"Fine, let's stop here for today. Go get some sleep. Oh, there's one more thing. Tomorrow, you have to help me replace the new Arc Reactor in my chest. My hand is too big, and I can't reach the wires inside," Tony requested.

Upon hearing Tony's request, Mark immediately lost all interest. "Forget it! That thing in your chest is disgusting, full of pus. There's no way I'm putting my hand in there, even if you paid me! And what's with you? This is a great opportunity to get closer to Pepper, and you're asking me for help? Tomorrow, when Pepper comes, I'll have the robot I've been working on ready. You can ask her for help."

"But wouldn't that be a bit inappropriate?" Tony hesitated shyly. "What if I scare her?"

"Hey! You're ruining your image as a playboy and a smooth talker in my eyes. Haven't you thought that if she's not repulsed by this, it's obvious that she likes you? If she really rejects you because of this, then you should work harder to pursue her!

Why are you hesitating about something so harmless and beneficial?!" Mark exclaimed.

"Well... maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow then?" Tony finally agreed.