
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 36 | Lex’s First Battle

After his stunning revelation, Lex wasted no time in using his newfound Powers to fight Injustice on a global scale. One of his first missions took him to the War-torn regions of Europe during World War II, where he confronted the forces of Axis.

With his Superhuman Strength, Lex single-handedly rescued civilians trapped in War Zones, outmatching the enemy soldiers with ease. His Speed allowed him to navigate the chaos and retrieve injured Soldiers, carrying them to safety before swiftly returning to the Battlefield.

The news of Lex's heroic interventions spread like wildfire, inspiring hope among the downtrodden and instilling fear into the hearts of the Axis Powers. They quickly realized that their reign of terror was under threat by a new force they had never encountered before.

In a secret Axis meeting, Hitler himself discussed this mysterious enemy who thwarted their plans relentlessly. "This 'Superman' is a nuisance! We must find a way to neutralized his Powers." Hitler bellowed his frustrations echoing through the room.

Lex, informed about the meeting through his extensive Intelligence Network, learned of the Axis's plan to create a powerful weapon capable of countering his Abilities. With a resolute sense of duty, he decided to infiltrate the Axis base and put an end to their sinister plot.

Disguised as a low-ranking soldier, Lex infiltrated the heavily guarded facility, his heightened Senses allowing to evade detection. As he crept through the Labyrinthine corridors, he pondered how he could save the World without compromising his own principles.

Reaching the heart of the base, Lex discovered the Axis Scientists working tirelessly to complete their weapon. A colossal machine, fueled by Dark Energy, aimed to suppress his Powers completely. Lex knew he had to act swiftly to prevent it's completion and protect his Abilities.

Using his otherworldly Intellect, Lex devised a plan to sabotage the weapon while avoiding detection. He disabled security systems, outsmarted guards, and deftly maneuvered through the compound, ensuring that his every move went unnoticed by his enemies.

Finally, Lex arrived at the core of the machine, his fingers almost involuntarily tapping into the potential within him. With a surge of Energy, he dismantled the Weapon's Power Source, causing an explosion that reverberated throughout the base.

As alarms blared and chaos erupted, Lex fought his way out of the crumbling facility, disabling guards while avoiding the collapsing structure. He emerged from the wreckage, victorious but weary, having successfully thwarted the Axis' plans.

News of Lex's heroism quickly reached the Allied Forces. And they sought to form an alliance with him. Lex agreed. Explaining that he would to love to operate with the Allies to maintain his Political Objectivity and Wealth.

Having proven himself a formidable force against the Axis Powers, Lex's reputation as a Hero grew, and his actions caught the attention of the Allies Forces.

Word reached Lex of their intentions, and he agreed to meet with the Allies leaders to discuss the possibilities. Arriving at their headquarters, Lex was met with a mixture of curiosity, skepticism, and hope from the assembling Generals and Intelligence officers.

General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, took the lead in addressing Lex. "Mr. Luthor, we have witnessed your incredible feats of Heroism and understand the value of having you on our side. We are here today to propose an alliance that will bring together our resources and your extraordinary Abilities to defeat the Axis once for all."

Lex listened attentively, his sharp mind analyzing every word and considering the potential consequences of such a partnership. He nodded thoughtfully and responded. "General Eisenhower! I appreciate the offer, and I share the desire to end the Axis menace. However, I must insist on maintaining my independence. I will assist you, but I will not be bound by your command structure."

The Allied Leaders exchanged concerned glances but ultimately agreed, realizing that Lex's autonomous approach might be the key to optimizing the application of his Powers. They knew that they needed his assistance, to accommodate his independent nature.

General Eisenhower saw the potential in Lex's offer. He recognized the value of Superhuman Abilities on their side. After a series of meetings and rigorous tests to assess Lex's loyalty. They actually enlisted him in the Allied Forces.

Lex underwent grueling training to acclimate himself to military discipline and tactics. His extraordinary Physical Abilities gave him an advantage. He needed to learn how to wield them more effectively within the context of Warfare. He had to master the Art of Strategic Planning, and balance his immense Power with restraint.

Lex's initial missions gathering intelligence behind enemy lines. His Superhuman Speed and Agility made him an ideal scout. Able to infiltrate enemy strongholds and retrieve important information undetected. With his sharp intellect, Lex deciphered enemy codes and intercept critical communications, providing the Allies with invaluable insights.

Lex earned the trust and respect of his fellow soldiers, he was assigned more high-risk tasks. His Invulnerability made him an effective frontline combatant, able to charge headfirst into battle allowed to single-handedly dismantle Axis weaponry and disable tanks with ease.

Lex's presence on the battlefield became a morale booster for the Allied Forces. His stunning display of Power and Courage inspired his comrades, fueling their determination to defeat the Axis Powers. Lex had gone from being a symbol of mystery and brilliance to a symbol of hope and resilience.

Lex's impact is reaching beyond the battlefield. He is becoming a powerful propaganda tool for the Allies. With his exploits featured prominently in newspaper and newsreel. People are marveling at the sight of Lex Luthor.