
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

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41 Chs

Chapter 35 | The Unholy Union

Through manipulative tactics and strategic maneuvering, Lex aligns himself with key Hydra members. Leveraging his vast resources and intellect to gain influence within the Organization. With Lex's guidance, Hydra undergoes a transformation, becoming even more formidable and dangerous.

Under Lex's leadership, Hydra is becoming a totally different beast altogether. Lex's scientific brilliance merges with Hydra's existing arsenal, resulting in advanced weaponry and cutting-edge Technology, and sinister experiments.

The Organization's reach is expanding rapidly, spreading its tentacles across the globe, infiltrating Governments, and establishing a reign of terror.

As Hydra's influence spread like a web, it's control over key institutions become increasingly evident. Hydra's consolidates it's Power, fear permeates society. Citizens living in paranoia and constant uncertainty.

Hydra's ruthlessness is displayed through acts of terror and manipulation, further cementing their control over the masses. Heroes and Mutant groups emerge, attempting to rally against the Hydra-Lex regime, but face overwhelming odds.

While Hydra's grips tighten, Lex's grand designs come into focus, he is working on some type of weapon that thwarts the Power Scale of both sides.

At LexCorp, Lex is inside his office with the window open. The wind is blowing magnificently outside his office. The War is reaching it's boiling point. Weapons are in high-demand. So, of course Lex will deliver with a profit no doubt.

The Sun is outside shining brightly on Lex's body making him feel almost addicted to the feeling. Superman's Powers are different, cause he is constantly getting stronger with the Sun. His cells are sucking the Energy up like crazy.

"I finally have Superman's Powers. Now it's time to share to the World these brilliant gifts. I will become the Superman of this World, but secretly will have even more Power and Money." Lex thought in his head.

As the crowded Press Conference room buzzed with anticipation, Lex prepared himself to make a bold and unprecedented announcement. Reporters from various news outlets gathered, eager to hear what that famous businessmen and philanthropist had to say.

Lex cleared his throat and stepped up the podium. His presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. His sharp, blue eyes scanned the crowd before he began to speak, his voice steady and confident.

"Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for joining me today. I stand before you to make an extraordinary claim. One that may sound unbelievable at first, but I assure you, it is one I can demonstrate. I possess Powers."

A collective gasp swept through the room as reporters exchanged bewildered glances. Lex, known as the iconic Businessmen and Philanthropist says he has Powers. What kind of Powers though? Incredible Strength, Flight, extraordinary Abilities. Lex is a figure revered and admired by millions.

To suggest that these Powers were somehow now in Lex's possession seemed absurd. Lex continued, undeterred by the skepticism in the room. "I understand that my statement may be met with doubts and questions. So, let me provide you with the evidence."

He motioned to a large screen behind him, which flickered to life, displaying a series of videos. The first clip showed Lex lifting a massive boulder with ease, the strength in his arms evident. The second clip showcase in soaring through the skies, silhouette unmistakably resembling Superman in Flight. The final video revealed Lex using Heat Vision to cut through a solid steel beam effortlessly.

The room reputed in a mixture of shock and awe. As the reporters absorbed the footage, their skepticism transformed into curiosity, and questions began to pour forth.

"How is it possible, Mr. Luthor?" A reporter shouted from the crowd.

Lex smiled calmly, his voice resonating with determination. "For years, I have devoted my life to scientific research. I have always believed that human potential is limitless, that we can transcend our natural capabilities through ingenuity and determination. After extensive experimentation, I have always successfully harnessed the Energy of a rare Extraterrestrial Crystal, which amplified my Physical Abilities beyond imagination."

A reported raised his eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "But why reveal this now, Mr. Luthor? Why not keep it a secret and exploit these Powers for your personal gain."

Lex's expression softened, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "In the face of adversity, I have come to realize true Strength lies in transparency. The world needs Heroes and hope, especially during these uncertain times. By stepping into the light. I hope to inspire others to harness their own potential and become the best versions of themselves."

The atmosphere in the room shifted as reporters absorbed Lex's response. The skepticism was gradually replaced by a glimmer of newfound respect for the man who had long seen as a controversial figure.

"Do you plan to use these Powers to help the Allies fight the Axis like Captain America?" Another reporter asked.

Lex nodded emphatically. "Absolutely. I believe it is our duty as those with extraordinary Abilities to ensure Justice prevails. I will dedicate my new found Powers to protecting the innocent and serving the greater good."

As the Press Conference concluded, whispers reverberated throughout the room, and reporters swiftly began sharing the breaking news with the World. Lex Luthor, once a polarizing figure has suddenly transformed into a potential Superhero for the Allies.

However, not everyone embraced Lex's revelation. Some remained skeptical, questioning his motives and questioning whether he could truly be trusted. They believed that this could be a plot by Lex to gain even more Power and control over society.

Lex knew he has a long road ahead of him, filled with challenges and obstacles. But he was determined to prove that he was not only capable of wielding Superman's Powers but also using them responsibly. He was ready to face the scrutiny, knowing that actions speak louder than words.

And so, Lex stepped down from the podium, ready to embark on his new journey as Guardian of Justice, the world awaited his next move with anticipation and trepidation, unsure of what this unexpected turn of events would mean for the future.