
Marvel: Let’s Become Behind The Scenes Boss

Micheal Williams transmigrated to marvel world with [Behind The Scenes System]. What system demand is create big scenes that effects world and how much effect on world he will rewarded. But it also demand him play role in scenes if wanted to get reward so his life become little strange. In bright side he was man who was same side with heroes while in dark he was creator of all disasters. [Ding! Host Successfully created Scarlet King invades the earth scene. Reward:…] [Ding! Host Successfully created Snapshot Madness scene. Reward:…] [Ding! Host Successfully created Herobrine appears in 3rd dimension scene. Reward:…] [Ding! Host Successfully created Kil'jaeden and Burning Legion is invasion scene. Reward:…] [Ding! Host Successfully created Invasion Of Outworld scene. Reward:…] … Nick Fury: What earth invaded again? You know what? Hill congratulations you are promoted into chief of SHIELD. I’m retired! Ancient One: Do I fast forward Strange is accidents a little bit or not? Sigh, I really wanna retire. Hela: I am finally free. Huh? Odin do you wanna seal me a-what? You are giving me throne just like this? Observer: *Munch~munch.* guys it’s show time again. Someone invading this universe again. Also bring some more snacks. Dormammu: I shall de-huh? Mephisto? What are you doing here? Mephisto: Stop cutting the line bro. I am waiting for my turn to invade earth. Celestials: Oh? You mean that universe? We given up in that universe long time ago.

Monhoo_Tuuguu · Movies
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2 Chs

Ch 1: The Midnight Visit

New York. Hell Kitchen.

A place that you can truly call a criminal paradise. God knows how many crimes happen here in only one hour. Every day hundreds of thousands of dirty dollars if not millions change hands only in this area of the city. Here you can almost find anything as long you had money. Guns, knives, whores, assassins even mutants you can find here as long you had enough.

And in this, there is one young man is sitting on top of a building. He has dirty blond hair, ocean-green eyes, fair skin, and a handsome face. He is wearing a black jacket, black and red shoes with blue jeans. Behind him was a man dressed fully red standing. His mask covers most of his face completely even his eyes are completely covered.

Micheal Williams is the name of the young man. He is 22 years old and graduated from midtown high with full marks he was even invited to Harvard but declined because of personal reasons. Anyway, enough of trivial things Micheal has a secret identity anyone else doesn't know about that is he is a transmigrator. He transmigrated to this world with his body when he was seven years old and become an orphan in Hell Kitchen. Then you already guessed what happened right? He is adopted by a kind old man and blah blah blah. Same old cliche backstory thing.

After transmigrated into this world he gained hyperthymesia or you can say photographic memory. This ability played a huge role in his this life. Anyway, that is for later currently he is looking at his uninvited guest Daredevil one of the most famous street heroes.

"What do you want again? I already said everything I know to you." Micheal said this while looking towards Daredevil with annoyed look. Daredevil or Matt Murdock also knows why this young man is annoyed. He and Micheal are neighbors and know each other pretty well don't say they are besties but at least normal friends for sure:

Micheal's life motto is far away from problems as much as possible and lives a simple life. And for him Daredevil the night hunter who hunts criminals is big trouble. Especially in places like Hell Kitchen after all this place doesn't nickname Gang Paradise for no reason. It is one of the rare places where the number of criminals is superior to the citizens in number. Daredevil talked with someone and that alone might bring great trouble to that person.

"I know Williams but I wanna know if you remember anything else?" Matt asked while sitting next to Williams.

"Well, he was a tall muscular Australian man, black hair, black eyes, square shaped face with a flat top haircut. He is a kinda machine with no expression on his face. That is what I can say to you. After all, I ran away the moment I saw him broke some random guy is neck. Any normal person can tell that guy is dangerous as hell." Williams took one big gulp of cold cola he just brought from a shop half an hour ago and said things he saw few days ago. This wasn't the complete truth but Matt couldn't know about this because Williams is ability.

Of course, if it was Williams a week or so ago then he doesn't possess this kind of ability but a few days ago his cheat that was quiet all this year finally activated. It is name is [Behind The Scenes System]. It is the system that allows him to create shocking events that affect the world and from how much effect this event has on this world he will be rewarded by the system.

And when system appeared it give him [Novice Package] from it he gained this tree.

[Ability: Full Body Control

Rank: D

Effect: Allow the user to control cells and muscles in their body. Using this you can create effects like: super regeneration, limb connection, poison resistance, switch organ location, shapeshifting, etc.]

[Character: T-800

Rank: E

Abilities: Self-improvement, Combat Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Computer Mastery, Photographic Memory (Sort of), Computer Mind, Metal Endoskeleton, peak human physique.

Info: War machine that created by [Skynet] with only one purpose [Exterminate]. Give him target he will exterminate it. Even it takes decades to accomplish its goal.

Remark: I'll Be Back.]

[Item: Damaged Zero-Pointer

Rank: D

Effect: It's item shaped like flashlight but it is actually portal gun charged by [Zero-Point Energy]. Because it is damaged it can't travel between realities like it used to be but it can still create wormholes in space that travels in radius of 1M km.]

With [Full Body Control] he controlled his heartbeat and lied to Daredevil without noticed by his super hearing. Daredevil also doesn't wanted to disturb Williams is life like this too. It's just he got a really strange visit few days ago.

Three days ago.

"Hey Foggy I know it's midnight but can you help me check this mails? I need what is written on them." Matt get in his apartment and called friend who is living in his apartment for few days because some repair problems in his house. But strangely no one answered his call.

Matt clenched his cane and walked slowly towards his bedroom. Suddenly he heard sound from his back. His super hearing activated like radar it detected sound that come from behind him was footstep and owner was uninvited guest.

He quickly turn around then swings his cane towards uninvited guest but it was blocked by enemy. But enemy understatement Matt when they blocked cane Matt already did his next move punch on the rib then pulled out his cane from hold of enemy while stepped back and made a distance between them.

Once enemy looked towards Matt again he greeted with cane. Matt first hits intruder on head to stun him then poked on neck to stop him resisting after that hit on both sides of hips and knees to prevent them from running. With this combo intruder lose before they can do much. Well, that's at least what happen if they hit the enemy.

But what surprised Matt was intruder didn't fall as he expected. Intruder moved their head little bit so cane didn't hit them on scalp but on forehead. Then they caught his cane and pulled him towards themselves before punch him on stomach. Then they lifting him up and slammed him on table. Table smashed because force and Matt heard cracking sound behind himself. He can feel his back didn't broken but it will soon broke if this fight continues like this.

Just as Matt is mind working extremely fast to find a way to escape he heard rushing footsteps. Door kicked opened and he heard familiar voice shout: "Get away from him! You fucker!"

It was Foggy is voice and Matt also heard he swing something but it was caught by intruder. They punched Foggy on the face and from sound that follows punch Matt guessed they broke his nose. Matt used time Foggy won for him and took his cane that dropped not far from him and triggered hidden trigger. Hidden blades suddenly appeared on end of his cane. Then Matt swings towards intruder with all his might.

Intruder took weapon that Foggy was holding and blocked his attack. Then Matt finally know what from sound wave created by attack just now it was crowbar. Matt then decided change his attack tactic. He quickly picked bottle of alcohol that was fallen ground and throws toward intruder. They blocked with crowbar but alcohol covers their clothes. Seeing this Matt smiled he took out lighter from his pocket.

Realizing what Matt intend to do intruder swings crowbar towards Matt. Matt dodged in time but intruder didn't give him chance to breath. They kicked him on the chest then stomped on his leg. Rise his crowbar and swing it down but just before it hit Matt someone jumped in by window.

From heart beat and sound of little glass pieces hitting their body he can tell it's she. Woman catch attack of intruder like nothing and punched them on face. With unbelievable power this punch send intruder into wall.

Woman looked at Matt and said: "You better be okay pal because you need to pay my jacket. After all it become like this because I jumped here to save you."

Intruder get up from ground and rushed towards them. Woman and Matt took a fighting stance but they go pass them and jumped out by window. Matt was little puzzled after all he live in fourth floor. If you jump from there you will seriously hurt if you don't die.

But once they checked intruder was already gone and it's that same night Williams happened to see intruder robbing a car. What an consistent.