
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Meeting the sorcerer supreme

Echo was walking through what would be Nepal in the future. He decided to travel to China as he heard that there have been attacks from mindless monster there recently and a man with a glowing fist has been holding them off.

On his way he was stopped by a man in monk robes.

"please wait Lord of secrets and lies" Said the mysterious man

"hmm your not human" said Echo inspecting the man

The man showed a surprised expression, he never expected that his secret would be revealed so easy and quickly, he took precautions before facing this God as he knew that he would find out all his secrets, but apparently all that preparation was useless.

"Yes lord echo, I was born from Oshtur tears"

"Just Echo is fine, what do you want from me mortal"

"I require your help, there is a powerful being that is trying to take over earth, Me and some other mortals of Kunlun have been holding its minions off but we wont be able to win against it when it turns up"

"so you want me to fight the unknown enemy?"

"That would be appreciated but we were actually hoping that you could help us find a weapon to hold the enemy back, as it was hidden in a secret location" explained the man

"what weapon?"

"From the records it is said that there are six stone that control the concepts of the universe and one of theses stones is hidden on earth"

"you wish to find the time stone?" Asked Echo as he knew that was the only stone on earth at the moment

"you know of it? Yes we wish to use the stone to banish the being from earth"

"very well, I shall help you and those of Kunlun, what is your name?"


"very well Agamotto but be warned only those with enough talent and skill will be able to use the time stone those without it will be lost in time never to return to the current time stream"

Agamotto nodded in understanding.

"then lets us find you an infinity stone" Echo said and closed his eyes to focus, he search his records for any secret involving the time stone and the invader.

"hmm lets see here, it was Dormammu attacking? That's weird why would he want earth?" Echo said while opening his eyes "You've got a lot of work ahead of you"

"did you find where it is? And who is Dormammu" asked Agamotto

"Dormammu is the ruler of the dark dimension and yes I found it but It wont be easy for you to reach"


"it was hidden by a celestial when it was running away from an enemy that was killing them off"

"something can kill a celestial" Agamotto was surprised as while he was learning from his 'mother' she told him how powerful celestials were

"yes celestials can die, even I could kill a celestial but that would be unadvisable as then they would all come after you" its true all of the primordials could a least kill one of the celestials.

"I have to try anyway" said Agamotto with determination

"that's the right attitude, you will find the time stone in Australia, but be warned the celestial has set up the time stone in a container so it couldn't be found and while he was doing so he made a mistake so the stone has been leaking minute energy that has slowly affected the surrounding flora and fauna"

"I understand thank you for the help"

"I will hold of Dormammu while you find the stone, but you must hurry up, although I am as strong as Dormammu I don't have my realm set up yet while he has the whole of the dark dimension as a battery"

"How long can you last?"

"Depends if he is invading personally or not if its just his mindless one you have all the time you need, but if he shows up you'll have about 2 days worth of time"

"that's more than enough time to get the time stone" said Agamotto with a confident look on his face

Echo nodded then teleported to the battle field where the warriors of Kunlun were fighting.


Agamotto POV

When he first thought of asking a primordial for help he never thought it would be so easy, his mother has met with the children of chaos and she told (read: warned) him about them. She told him to not get on the bad side of any one of them, especially Echo, she told him a story about when she first met them a new God took claim over China and named himself king of the celestial court, at first it was okay until he set his eyes on Gaea, who rejected his advances countless times. When this new God started to get frustrated with the rejections he attempted to kidnap Gaea and make her his wife by force. Of course Gaea being really powerful beat the god until his near death. It would have been okay after that until Eros told Echo about it which infuriated him deeply. The next day all traces of the pantheon was erased from the earth. He destroyed a pantheon in a single sentence.

Record of his feat spread throughout the other pantheons and now no one messes with the children of chaos.

He never really understood his mothers warning until he stood in front of echo. Agamotto was a specialist in divination and truth, that was how he got the idea to find and ask Echo for help. He could see through all that is hidden including someone true power. As Echo never tried hiding his aura he just condensed it so it wouldn't damage the surrounding planets. When Agamotto saw Echo's true power it took all his will to just stand in his presence. Echo's aura was the strongest he had ever seen it was more than 5 times his mothers, and echo said that he would get stronger when he set up his realm. Agamotto was really thankful that Echo wasn't evil. (he is neutral)

Agamotto focused on his task he had to get the stone before Dormammu shows up personally.

He held his arm up and focused, soon a golden ring of energy appeared in front of him and on the other side you could see the country of Australia.

Agamotto was at the height of his power at the moment, but he is still relatively young, and inexperienced. His mother taught him all the magic she knew along with his on power he was very strong (As strong as All-father Odin). He could open portals to any dimension without the use of sling rings, as they weren't invented yet.

Stepping in the portal Agamotto lands in Australia.

Agamotto made a 3d map using his magic, it showed the area around him and the energies surrounding it. Unsurprisingly hells energy is the highest concentration in Australia.

Agamotto searches the energies around him a finds very weak time fluctuations and starts to head towards the source.

As he gets closer he starts to feel that time is not moving the same as the rest of the earth. Time moves slower here. He flies on until he feels a strong pulse of time energy but it doesn't affect him so he ignores it and starts to head towards the epicentre. Soon he runs into creature of hell that were attracted to the time stone. Quickly dispatching them he moves on, only for another pulse to be sent out, but this time it revived the demons he killed. Realising that he could be fighting demons forever if they kept getting revived he rushes to the centre. Suddenly he felt a massive wave of energy, but it wasn't time energy it was dark, darker than any energy he felt, Dormammu has turned up on earth.


Echo POV

Echo teleported to the dimensional rift where there is countless mindless ones appearing. Fighting the mindless ones there are a group of martial artists and one man with a glowing fist. Landing inside the hoard of mindless one Echo speaks Aloud "The mindless ones will turn to dust". Like a Thanos snap all the mindless one on earth turned to dust.

Echo walked over to the group of martial artist, the one with the glowing fist spoke "Thank you for the help, I go by Iron fist, who are you?"

"My name is Echo, Son of Chaos and lord of secrets and lies"

The group all showed shocked faces with a hint of fear. They have all heard of Echo as they are based in China so they know about the Pantheon he killed.

"Why are you hear Lord Echo"

"Agamotto search for me for help, I am here to hold off Dormammu while he searches for the time stone"

"that is great news, I didn't know how much longer we could've held on"

"what the situation here, why are there so few of you?"

"most of us have been killed during the first wave of attacks, the are too many of those creatures to count" explained the iron fist

"I understand you rest up ill take care of the rest"


A massive amount of power flooded through the dimensional rift

"Chaos above why is my luck so terrible" echo said while looking at the massive face that was trying to push its way through the rift.

"I hold him off, don't worry about the mindless ones I will set up a barrier" He said before starting to fly towards the rift

Cracking his neck Echo thought to himself 'this will be fun' while switching to his Lie form.


Authors note: I don't know if I made I clear or if I have said it at all, but Echo spends most of his time in his secret form, only switching to his lie form when he is fighting an opponent he deem worthy (or while having sex).