
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: Time skip

The Titanomachy ended 500 years ago, during this time Hypnos and Thanatos have got a lot stronger, they are now reaching the strength of the primordial siblings when they returned from their travelling through the universe.

Hypnos has developed his power over dreams and mind, he is now a competent telepath who can give Professor X a run for his money and can now bring dreams into reality but can only do it through a medium.


"Uncle I need a medium to bring dreams into reality" Hypnos said to Echo who was drinking tea while watching his nephews meditate.

"What medium have you chosen?" he asked

"I'm not sure, I can only think to use the reality stone or mind stone" he said

"using the infinity stones to bring your dreams to reality is a waste of power, why don't you use art, its much easier and quicker maybe not as powerful but at least it your power and not a borrowed power"

"How would I use art?"

Echo summoned a canvas, paint and paint brushes from his art room

"use this, it doesn't necessarily have to be a canvas, you could paint in the air if you have too but you will have to practice first"

Hypnos agreed and started to practice his art

Hypnos would paint his dreams onto a canvas, then project his dreams onto it bringing it to life. He would eventually develop the divinity of art and paint in the future. This boosted his powers a lot and he is now a strong reality warper.

(Back to the present)

Thanatos developed his power differently instead of developing his divinity more he focused on being able to complete his duty more effectively.

After Hades took up his throne in the underworld he asked Thanatos to help deliver souls to the underworld, as Thanatos was doing this already he agreed but as humanity developed more he started to get overwhelmed by the number of souls that need transport, asking his uncle for his help Echo advised him to create helpers, but because he is the God of death he isn't very good at creating life and the undead couldn't stay on the surface world for too long.

So Thanatos decided to duplicate himself, he developed the divinity of multiplication and started to send clones of himself to the surface world. The benefit of this was that now he could train while not having to do his job and could leave troublesome things to his clones.

The divinity of multiplication was a very strong divinity, he could multiply anything as long as he had enough strength, the only thing he couldn't multiply was the infinite. He could also multiply his power but that was very hard and could only get to 5 times after 500 years of training.

As Thanatos got stronger he caught the attention of Lady Death the personification of Death in the multiverse.

(flashback to his meeting with lady death)

Thanatos looked around at the realm of death, countless number of the dead surrounded him, in front of him was a lady skeleton sitting on top of a pitch black throne.

"where am I?" Thanatos asked politely

"the realm of the dead" replied the skeleton

"who are you?"

"I am Lady Death"

"The personification of death, my father and uncles have told me about you" said Thanatos still retaining his polite attitude.

"Yes the children of chaos, they were fun to play with, but that Eros kept trying to sleep with me" replied Lady death with a smirk on her lips

"I apologise for my uncle" Thanatos said while bowing

"you don't have to apologise for his behaviour, I have already punished him"

"why have you called me here?"

"your strength risen a lot and I think it is time to explain the responsibility of those with the divinity of death have"

"responsibility?" Thanatos asked, he thought his only responsibility was to take those to the underworld

"yes your responsibility, those with the death divinity have to choose between the types of death they want to be, some choose to guide the souls of the dead (like Anubis) that is what you are doing right now, some choose destroy those that are alive (like Hela), and some choose to do both or neither."

Thanatos nodded in understanding "what are the benefits of each?"

"There's not much different only the divinities you can develop change depending on what path you choose, for example those that choose to guide souls often end up developing a type of omnipresence and those that take lives develop the divinities for killing or war"

"I understand thank you for explaining"

"No problem"

(end of flashback)

While he was training the brother Echo also created gardeners and librarians for his realm.

The librarians are called the unspoken, they look like normal humans except they do not have mouths and have the same golden eyes as Echo. They are tasked with maintaining the library along with security for the library. They have the ability to teleport anywhere inside the library and can only speak through telepathy. The unspoken can only be women.

They are also the only beings that can read the books of the library without Echos permission.

The gardeners are called the unseen, they also look like humans except they have no eyes, they were made this way so they wouldn't get lost in the lies produced by the gardens. They navigate through the use of special field that surrounds them at all times they can see in 360 degrees at all times and they also have the ability to turn invisible at will. They were tasked with maintaining the gardens and clean up any of the bodies left by the invaders after they die. The Unseen can only be males.

The first Unseen produced is the king of the Unseen he looks after the apple orchard at the entrance of the library.

The first Unspoken produced is the queen of the unspoken as she is the receptionist at the front of the library. The unspoken can only be women.

They were actually married because they got to know each other as they work quite close.

Both races lived in a massive city where they can develop and spend time in when they are not working, after a couple of centuries the population of the race exploded now there was billions of them all capable of working.

They both age at a ridiculously slow rate, it will take millions of years until they are classified as elderly and even then they will not die and unless they are murdered.

Echo was quite proud of his achievement each race was 10 times stronger than a peak human, plus they have a very high IQ.

It didn't take the races long to reach the industrial age because they were united they never had things like segregation as they were equal in everything from strength to political standing.

They were a peace loving race but were still had an extremely deadly army that was capable of physic attack and turning invisible, that's not even accounting for their physical strength and weaponry.

The king and Queen both developed a divinity when they were officially crowned. The king developed the divinity of growth while the queen developed the divinity of wisdom and knowledge.

Echo was currently talking with his creations.

"I will be travelling the world for a while look after the realm for me"

"yes my lord" both Physis (King) and Diana (Queen) said to Echo

Echo nodded and left his realm.

It has been a while since Hypnos and Thanatos had finished their training and he was getting bored, so he decided to go on a mini adventure.