
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 279: Red Sun

Kara felt everything was unbelievable. Her new boyfriend could actually grant her wish and bring back Krypton.

She thought she might be dreaming and pinched herself to check, but it was real.

It was all true.

With this realization, Kara was so happy that she couldn't hold it in and almost jumped for joy. Not many people knew how important Krypton was to her—it was her home.

Of course, Kara also thought about another factor. If Jack could resurrect Krypton, then maybe her parents and Clark's parents could also be...

Thinking about this, Kara grabbed Jack's arm excitedly and asked him.

"Can you bring back people too if you can bring back a planet?"

She looked at Jack with hopeful eyes, but she was nervous on the inside because she was afraid he would shake his head.

"Well... that is possible too."

Jack replied, rubbing his chin. He looked at Kara, who was filled with joy, and said seriously,

"But there's something else that needs to be taken care of before you can bring your parents and other Kryptonians back to life. Krypton will still be destroyed if we don't do something about this!"

When hearing this, Kara's expression also turned serious. She knew exactly what Jack was talking about.

The destruction of Krypton was not only caused by its excessive exploitation of its resources or by controlling the planet's core for energy.

The more important reason was that Krypton's sun had a strange gravity anomaly, which started to pull on Krypton.

This led to a chaotic magnetic field, an off-axis planet, and a harsher environment.

In the end, Krypton was destroyed by causes from both inside and outside.

They could handle the first on their own, but the last was troublesome—it was the sun, after all.

Now the question was, could Jack solve it?

"I know a 'copy' who should be able to do it."

This time, Jack didn't use the power of the Dreamstone. It was just a sun, and he didn't need to intervene personally.

Five minutes later, Kara watched the eccentric-looking, bearded man on the screen, whom she had been observing for a while.

She whispered to Jack, "Can he really do it? I have a feeling he's not trustworthy."

When Jack informed Kara that the unkempt man in a poorly fitted suit had the ability to solve the issue with the sun, she became doubtful.

He seemed so weak.

In her eyes, he was physically weak, so how could he solve such a hard problem?

"Don't worry, he's a professional."

Jack whispered back, then asked aloud,

"Hey, Reed, have you figured it out? Do you have a solution?"

"Your Majesty,"

Reed turned to face Jack, bowing deeply, then straightened up and continued in front of Kara's puzzled gaze.

"From what I've seen so far, there are currently two ways to solve the problem with the Red Sun."

"Two methods!"

Kara couldn't help but exclaim.

Jack patted her shoulder, gesturing for her to stay calm, and asked,

"Tell us more."

"The first way is simple. We just need to revive the Red Sun!"

Reed stroked his beard, his face filled with eager anticipation.

"It's not difficult at all. I've been researching this area lately, and I've made some progress. We just need to..."


Jack interrupted him as he seemed to be getting more and more excited.

"Tell us about the second one!"

"The second method?"

Reed stopped for a moment as if he didn't know what to do next.

After a few seconds of thinking, he continued, "The second method is more complicated. We need to move this Red Star and select a healthy yellow star to replace it or even create a new one. I've been studying this, and it's quite simple."

"Just gather enough hydrogen gas together, and the gravitational attraction between hydrogen atoms will cause them to collapse under their own gravity..."

Well, Jack realized that talking to a scientific maniac was truly painful, even if he was a clone, and even more so when he started using all those technical terms.

He simply waved his hand and sent Reed back to his own universe.

The first idea was thrown out, so Jack chose the second one.

Changing a star is as simple as changing a light bulb.

"Huh? Where did he go?"

When Reed suddenly disappeared, Kara looked at Jack for an explanation.

"He had something to do, but we can replace Krypton's sun with a new one,"

Jack changed the topic.

"The destruction of Krypton was mainly due to the abnormal gravitational pull of the sun. As long as we replace it with a good yellow sun, the problem will be solved."

Jack's words seemed a bit self-congratulatory, but to his surprise, when Kara heard "yellow sun," she shuddered and instantly remembered what she wanted to say earlier.

"No! Jack, we can't use a yellow sun!"


Well, now Jack was the one looking puzzled.

But only for a moment. Seeing Kara's worried expression, he quickly understood the reason.

Putting a yellow sun next to Krypton would likely scare Darkseid away from this universe.


If millions or billions of Supermans were watching you with dazzling eyes, wouldn't you be scared?

Kara's concern was understandable.

After all, she had lived on Krypton and knew that Krypton and Earth were actually quite similar—they both had many good and bad people.

If they were also exposed to a yellow sun, it would probably be a disaster for the entire universe.

"...You're right."

Jack nodded to show that he agreed with her worry.

In that case, they couldn't change the sun.

They just needed to find a way to keep the red star stable and prevent any further changes that could destroy Krypton.

That was pretty easy.

After informing his clone, Reed, of his requirements, the clone was astonished to hear the solution.

Even though he played his part too well, it seemed like he hadn't thought of it before.

"Do you have a solution?"

"Of course! It's simple. The disorder of helium and hydrogen elements inside the star mainly causes gravitational disturbance. We just need..."

Reed was about to give another long answer, but Jack grabbed him before he could.

If they only needed to stabilize the red star, it was easy enough.

They didn't even require any specialized equipment. Reed went into his laboratory for half an hour and came out with a glass tube in his hand.

"Just this?"

Jack examined the glass tube, inside of which was a droplet of thick red liquid.

"This is..."

He raised an eyebrow and immediately recognized it. It was one of his salvaged items from the Star Trek world—it could create a small black hole and even devour stars.

"I made some adjustments. Now space won't collapse to form a black hole. Instead, it can..."

Before he could continue, Jack quickly made his exit before Reed could launch into another long explanation.



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