
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

BingeFics · Anime & Comics
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332 Chs

Chapter 45. Working Together

"What the fuck!"

If, before, Willis was barely able to explain the abilities Ryan had shown earlier...

Then, blocking bullets with one's body was obviously beyond what normal people could do.

"What kind of monster are you?!" Willis asked with a shaky tone as he looked at the unharmed man.

"A Harlem citizen who can't stand your work." Under the rim of his hood, the corners of Luke's mouth slightly curled upwards as he replied in a deep voice.


[Item: I Kill You 3000.]

[Effect: Attack.]

[Introduction: The ultimate Swiss Army Knife, where a total of ten deadly weapons are combined into one. Each weapon could be used independently. A weapon that was said to be ten times more powerful than any other weapon.]

[Remarks: Giant knife, bicycle chain, poison, gunpowder, gun, grenade, pesticide … are you scared yet?]


[E-Level card -- The Black Organization]

[Skill: Concealment]

[Background: A mysterious criminal syndicate shrouded in mystery in "Detective Conan", which will always appear to others as a dark humanoid figure unless its true identity is revealed.]

[Remarks: Impossible! Your true identity is actually ... ?!]

Ryan looked down at the item in the system treasure chest and looked up at the surrounded Luke Cage. He was speechless. 'If you had arrived earlier, I wouldn't have had to exchange the 100 points at all!'

This was even more obvious when he saw the item that was there [I Kill you 3000.]

Of course, this complaint was just Ryan's complaint about superheroes always appearing at critical moments. But the fact that Luke Cage appeared was certainly a big help to him, and at the very least, those remaining points in the system didn't have to be touched. He still felt a little heartbroken about the fact that he had just spent 100 points to open a [Wooden Treasure Chest].

"Impossible. I don't believe it. There really is someone who can stop bullets!"

Willis shook his head; even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't fully believe that someone could actually deflect a flying bullet with their own body. Looking at Luke, who was getting closer and closer to him, he subconsciously stepped back. Flustered, he raised the gun in his hands and fired several shots.

Bang! Bang! Bang, bang!

Facing the flying bullets, Luke blinked without dodging. He just stood straight and faced these oncoming attacks.

A few seconds later. With a few dull thuds, one by one, deformed and squashed bullets fell to the ground.

On Luke, there were no other marks except the bullet holes in his clothes and the thick smell of gunpowder.

"I kinda liked this shirt." Looking down at the holes in the clothes, Luke spoke with a bit of regret.

"Shit, I quit! When I was asked to come, you guys didn't say anything about fighting these monsters at all. We can't even kill him with bullets. We can't fight him!" Someone raised their hands and threw the gun in his hands to the ground. Luke's invulnerability was obviously a huge blow to their confidence.

Bang --

Willis shot and killed the man who tried to run away. The situation was clearly beyond his expectations, whether it was Ryan or Luke who popped up after him. The only thing he could do was to silence his flustered men. His red eyes swept over the crowd, and he spoke in a grim tone, "You guys try to run again, see what would happen! "

Willis's brutal approach caused the face under Luke's hood to subconsciously frown.

"Anyone who can kill these two, will be Cottonmouth's trusted man from now on. You'll be paid handsomely."

The carrot and the stick approach made the men, who were retreating, pause. Getting the reassurance from Willis made these men breathe heavily and ignore the corpse that had fallen to the ground. Wasn't the payment Willis promised the reason they joined the gang in the first place?

"Fuck! I'll do it! Just this one thing, and I'll be fucking rich! "

Ryan silently looked at the black man standing there, getting ready to attack. His expression was somewhat subtle.

In fact, since Luke appeared, Ryan was basically sure what the outcome of the battle would be. His invulnerability might be somewhat dwarfed in the future against alien technology. But against these thugs in front of him, it was a sure thing.

Faced with the fierce attack, Luke didn't dodge. He only raised his hands and shielded his eyes. Against the onslaught of bullets, he rushed forward step by step. He slightly lifted his hand and threw the shooter in the air. In addition to his invulnerable skin, he also had superior strength.

Otherwise, Pop wouldn't use the nickname 'Power Man' to tease him.

Luke attracted most of the firepower, which naturally reduced the pressure on Ryan.

Taking advantage of the gap when people's attention was distracted, he slightly gathered his strength in his feet. He charged straight into the crowd, sweeping the Mighty Steel Leg across a large area of the crowd.

"There's only a few left. Should I do it, or should you? "

A few minutes later.

The originally aggressive crowd littered the entrance of the restaurant.

Ryan and Luke looked at Willis, the only one still standing in the middle, and politely discussed who would take the last shot.

Luke glanced down at his tattered clothes and shook his head, "You'd better do it. I'll go upstairs and change my clothes."

It didn't matter much to Ryan, it was only a matter of sending someone off with a flying kick.

Watching Luke go upstairs, Ryan approached Willis.

"I admit, you're really good, but ..."

Bang --

This time, without giving Willis a chance to ramble on and speak again, a direct kick silenced him.

[Reputation points from Diamondback +50]

"What's with the monologue? You think you're making a movie?!"

Muttering to himself, Ryan found that in Harlem, which was famous for being a black neighbourhood, the heroes and villains were equally mouthy. The only single silent person here was Luke Cage.

"So, what's next for you?"

Changing into a new shirt, Luke approached Ryan and asked.

"Do you know where Harlem's Paradise is?"

In response, Ryan didn't answer but instead asked Luke another question.



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