
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

BingeFics · Anime & Comics
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332 Chs

Chapter 46. Card Fragments

[Reputation points from Cornell Stokes +110]

[Reputation points from Mariah Dillard +40]

At the end of the day, Cottonmouth was just an ordinary person. Even if he had control of Harlem's many criminal activities thanks to his cousin Mariah, who was a Councilwoman, it still didn't change the fact that he was vulnerable. Especially after losing Willis and many other men who did his bidding. It was clear that Cottonmouth, Cornell Stokes, could no longer pose much of a threat to Ryan and could be easily dealt with in a few kicks.

"Ah Xing, are you sure you don't want to stay in Harlem?"

At the entrance of the restaurant, Mrs Connie and others looked reluctant. Ryan's appearance, especially his attack on Cornell and the others, had led to a noticeable improvement in security in Harlem.

"I'm willing to pay extra to keep hiring you to protect us, as long as you stay."

"I'm not protecting you because of money." Ryan shook his head in response to Mrs Connie's offer to stay.

With the last two reputation points harvested from Harlem's Paradise, Ryan's purpose for coming to Harlem had essentially been accomplished, and it was time to leave. After all, even if he continued to stay, Harlem had no other targets besides Luke that could help Ryan collect points.

"Ah Xing, although we've only been getting along for a few days..." Pop hugged Ryan and patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you for all you've done for Harlem."

"I'm just doing what I can, and I'm sure that even after I'm gone, there will still be people who will continue to watch over Harlem. So, Mrs Connie, you don't need to worry too much."

While saying that, Ryan's eyes subconsciously looked at Luke to the side, who responded with a helpless smile.

"So, Ah Xing, what are you going to do next?"

Standing between the two, Pop's gaze flicked back and forth between Ryan and Luke. He shook his head, 'It looks like it's gonna be a while before Power Man shows up again.'

"The next step, of course, is to continue my search for Villard, which, after all, is the real purpose of my visit to New York."

Blinking, Ryan replied with a straight face.


"Oh, Ryan, I haven't seen you in a while."

At the door of the antique shop, Jack looked at Ryan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and greeted him with surprise.

"I thought you weren't going to come back."

"Why would I do that? It's just a short trip out of town." Shaking his head, Ryan answered with a smile.

"You got a new haircut?"

"Yeah, how does it look?"

"You want the truth? To be honest, it isn't that great."

"Haha, I think so too."

After a simple chat with Jack in the laundry shop, Ryan walked towards his antique shop.

As Jack said, he hadn't been here for a while. Although it wasn't too long, a thin layer of dust had accumulated on the items in the antique shop.

So, inside the antique shop, Ryan took a rag and wiped the dust that had fallen on the antique merchandise while he cast his eyes over the system's data panel.

On the panel, the 1000 points were silently tempting Ryan, constantly urging him to exchange them for a treasure chest.

Barely able to suppress the impatient thoughts inside, the antique shop was cleaned up.

Ryan touched his hair, which grew a little bit, and whispered to the system, "I sacrificed my hair for reputation points, so this has to be a good one."

After a few obvious self-encouraging words, Ryan used up his precious 1,000 reputation points to redeem another [Black Iron Treasure Chest] from the system. Looking at his hard work these days, the reputation points that he had painstakingly saved instantly returned to a single digit. Even though his heart was ready, Ryan still had some uncontrollable pain in his chest.

Covering his heart, Ryan forced himself not to look at the tiny reputation points in the system and instead set his eyes on the new treasure chest he had just redeemed.

Being unsure of his own luck, Ryan spent a bit of time praying, and then he nodded to the treasure chest in the system in an uneasy mood.


With a familiar flash of white light, the [Black Iron Treasure Chest] worth 1,000 points was instantly unpacked.

[C-level card fragments ×2]

[Effect: Assembling]

[Introduction: Unknown C-level card fragment. Collect five fragments to synthesise a brand new card.]


[D-level card -- IP Man]

[Skill: Wing Chun]

[Background: A martial artist who loves martial arts and a grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun. He enjoys sparring with other masters of various schools of martial arts. After defeating a boxer, he became even more beloved by the people of Foshan and was called the number one martial artist in Foshan.]

[Remarks: I'll fight ten people!]

Looking at the results that came out of the system's chest, Ryan subconsciously raised an eyebrow.

He didn't expect to draw a character card like [Ip Man], which clearly had martial arts as its main theme, at a time like this.

Well, the truth was, no matter what kind of card was drawn, Ryan didn't have a clue what he would get.

Although it's the same martial artist type of card, it's clear that there were some differences between [Ip Man] and the [Ah Xing] Ryan drew earlier. It's not only the difference in style of martial arts, but the boldness of Mighty Steel Leg and the techniques in Wing Chun coincidentally made it clear that these were two vastly different martial arts disciplines.

On the contrary, it was enough to make an appearance as a follow-up to Peng Lai's figures.

With a background as big as Peng Lai thrown in, it still seemed a little too flimsy to keep running back and forth with the [Ah Xing] character on, and the presence of the [Ip Man] card would do a good job of complementing it.

'It's just that...' He wondered, 'How do I make [Ip Man]'s character reasonably show up?'

After a moment of vexation, Ryan redirected his attention to another item that had been revealed by the system's treasure chest.

[C-level card fragments ×2]

Looking at the description of the C-level card fragment underneath the item, Ryan then took out the [C-level card fragment] from the system that he had gotten from opening previous chests. One of these [C-level card fragments] was obtained from the [Black Iron Treasure Chest] initially drawn together with [Phantom Thief Kid], while the other two were obtained from drawing [Ah Xing] outside the factory back then.

In the system's data panel, with Ryan's actions, the [C-level card fragment x2] that had been grey turned into a shiny [C-level card fragment x5]. The word [Synthesize], which had never existed before, also appeared at the bottom of the introduction data.



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