
Marvel: Infinite Personalities

MC ends up in the marvel world but with the ability to gain and switch to personality of fictional characters. Each switch of personality will give the MC all of that personality abilties and power levels but at the same time their attitudes. This leads to an confusing and interesting MC that changes the canon. _________ This is not mine, I'm just translating it and editing it. So, sorry for any mistakes. __________ Editing to make it readable and somewhat logical is hard, so please support the book. Thank you. _______ Eventhough the MC has a system, don't expect him to be able to defeat Thanos in the first two chapters.

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 68: Thanksgiving Dinner.

  "This is?" Agent Sitwell asked after taking the folder.

  "It is full of investigation reports about this incident. With this, I believe that with your power, it should not be difficult to find out which agents were involved in this incident."

  Colonel Stryker picked up the knife and fork again and prepared to continue eating, and said: "It would be better if you can give me an answer directly, if it is really inconvenient, at least give me a list, and I will do the rest myself or find ways to."

  "It's not difficult to find someone, but are you sure you want to do this?"

  Agent Sitwell's voice was a little more solemn, "If Fury finds out that you dare to attack the S.H.I.E.L.D. people, he will not care who is standing behind you because of his character, you should think about it clearly. …"

  "What if he finds it out? Just find a scapegoat at that time. For such a trivial matter, does he dare to tear his face with the military?" Colonel Stryker said disapprovingly.

  "You don't know him." Agent Sitwell shook his head.

  "I think you wre scared by him." Colonel Stryker sneered.

  Seeing that Colonel Stryker was so arrogant, Agent Sitwell was too lazy to talk nonsense. As the saying goes, he did not speculate for a long time. He directly stood up with the folder and said:

  "I'll send someone to deliver the list to you... I still have something to do."

  After speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Colonel Stryker to reply.

  All that was left was a whole glass of red wine that had been poured on the table and had not been drunk.

  Looking at the back of him leaving, Colonel Stryker sneered twice, not intending to hold back, but continued to eat slowly.

  After half an hour.

  Agent Sitwell showed up in Alexander Pierce's office.

  "...That's about it." Agent Sitwell asked after reporting the encounter with Colonel Stryker to Pierce. "So, are we going to continue working with him?"

  "Why not?"

  Pierce patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Stryker's conceit destined him to conflict with Fury. As long as we guide him a little, even if we can't drive Fury from his position at one time, wouldn't it be nice to give him no time to worry about other things?"

  "But I'm worried that he will expose us in advance..." Agent Sitwell frowned.

  "Don't worry, Stryker can't be broken." Pierce reassured with a smile, "Also, this incident involves the 'Tahiti Project' that can bring people back from the dead. Stryker will continue to investigate. Maybe he can do us a favor, so, let him lead the charge."


  "By the way, how is the arrangement at the academy?" Pierce asked again.

  "Lord Garrett over there has already arranged things, but I haven't had time to understand the specific situation." Agent Sitwell replied after thinking for a while.

  "Did Garrett arrange it himself? That shouldn't be a big problem. It's just a layman. It's impossible to escape Garrett's palm..." Pierce nodded after hearing this, and stopped asking.

  Although he is nominally John Garrett's boss, in Hydra, they are all equal senior cadres, but each has a division of labor.

  He has no right to interfere in Garrett's affairs, and it is not convenient to ask more.


  "Kerlly, are you sure your brother allows us to go to your house?"

  Under the moonlight, Lorna asked Clarice with some guilty conscience.

  She was indeed a little afraid of Clarice's mysterious brother, and it wasn't just her. From her observation, both John and Sonia were obviously similar to her.

  Although she was very tough when she faced Raymond last time, it was nothing but sternness.

  After all, she is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. In her not rich past life experience, the most ferocious and terrifying thing for her is the Sentinel Services that hunts down mutants for a long time.

  And when she learned that Raymond came from a larger organization than the Sentinel Services, she inevitably had a little fear of Raymond in her heart.

  Especially after hearing about Raymond's bloody slaughter of more than 30 mercenaries from Sonya, she became more and more afraid of Raymond.

  This time Clarice invited the three of them to the house for a Thanksgiving dinner, and of course they would not refuse.

  But when they think of Raymond, it's impossible to say that they're not nervous.

  "Don't worry, I have already told my brother, and he has agreed, it will be alright." Clarice said indifferently.

  Unlike a few friends, although Clarice witnessed Raymond's bloody record with her own eyes, Raymond was her brother after all, and Raymond was the one who killed because he secretly protected her.

  After the initial shock, she quickly adapted.

  The two also reached an agreement that Raymond would not tell Fang Mo and his wife that she had become a mutant for the time being, and she also pretended not to know Raymond's power.

  This Thanksgiving dinner was very special for their family.

  Because Raymond has returned safely.

  In order to celebrate, Fang Mo and his wife decided to make this dinner a little more lively, not only did she invited relatives, she also asked Raymond and Clarice to call their friends too.

  Clarice's first reaction was to call Lorna, John, and Sonia, because she knew that her little friends had not experienced the warmth of home for a long time.

  Some of them were driven out of the house because of their disgust by their family members, and some of them ran away from home in order not to implicate their family members. On the special day of Thanksgiving, it is usually a time for family reunions.

  Clarice also wants to share her own warmth with her friends.

  Of course, she also considered whether Raymond minds the question of whether a few friends come to the door, so she did ask Raymond in advance, and Raymond did say that it didn't matter.

  If not, she wouldn't dare to bring a few friends home.

  Ding dong!

  When the doorbell rang, it was mother Roland who opened the door.

  "Hello Auntie-"

  As soon as they saw Roland, the three greeted restrainedly.

  "So are you?" Roland said to Clarice with a warm smile on his face, "Kelly, don't you plan to introduce me to your new friends?"

  Only then did Clarice react, and hurriedly introduced the three of them.

  After recognizing who the three were, Roland didn't talk too much, just smiled and said to Clarice: "Your brother and his friends have also arrived and are sitting and chatting in the backyard... You young people should be easier to chat, so I won't accompany you and go to prepare dinner first."


  Clarice nodded and walked to the backyard with her three friends.

  When they came to the backyard, they saw that Raymond was chatting with a few people, but because those people were all with their backs to their side, they couldn't see what it looked like for a while.

  Only one of them can be seen with a very tall back, and just sitting there gives a huge sense of oppression.

  "You are here... come and sit."

  Raymond also saw them and waved to them.

  The three also looked back at this time.

  However, it's good that they don't look back. When they look back, Clarice and Lorna's expressions suddenly change!

  Because among these three people, there is one of their 'old acquaintances'.