
Marvel: Infinite Personalities

MC ends up in the marvel world but with the ability to gain and switch to personality of fictional characters. Each switch of personality will give the MC all of that personality abilties and power levels but at the same time their attitudes. This leads to an confusing and interesting MC that changes the canon. _________ This is not mine, I'm just translating it and editing it. So, sorry for any mistakes. __________ Editing to make it readable and somewhat logical is hard, so please support the book. Thank you. _______ Eventhough the MC has a system, don't expect him to be able to defeat Thanos in the first two chapters.

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 67: Hell Blazer, John Constantine!

  John Constantine!

  This name can't be said to be known to everyone in the DC world, but basically all the characters who got the stage have heard of this name, and few people are willing to interact with the owner of it.

  Because whether it is his enemy or his friend, the ending is often not too good, and this is a more euphemism.

  The reason why Jhon is called Hell Blazer is because he is an out-and-out scum!

  Although he is classified as a hero, many of his actions are much worse than villains, and such things as character are something that does not exist for him.

  Eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling, smoking, etc., for him, it was all pediatrics, and it was just a basic operation.

  If only that, he wouldn't be so infamous.

  What really caused him to be criticized was that he never had a bottom line in doing things. He didn't see right and wrong in the eyes of most people.

  This logic is full of contradictions in the eyes of others.

  For example, when his friends are in trouble, he will step up in most cases, even if the trouble is big enough to threaten his life, he will not stand by.

  But in the process of solving this trouble, if necessary, he can directly pit a wave of teammates without hesitation.

  Even if the trouble is resolved in the end, the ending of the friends he helped might not be any better than before, and it might even be more miserable than before.

  In this case, no one would want to have too much intersection with him.

  Even his friends, in most cases, will keep a certain distance from him, because this guy really does not distinguish between enemy and friend, and it can be called a 360-degree indiscriminate sweep.

  There are simply too many people who have been tricked by him.

  Even in the two camps of heaven and hell in the DC world, there are many big people who have been cheated by him. Just mentioning his name will make there teeth itch!

  However, it is certainly not without reason that such a scum who is hated by gods and hated by demons. and who has been pitted in heaven and hell has been able to live in the world all the time.

  As a mage, Hell Blazer's status in the DC world is no less than that of Doctor Strange in the Marvel world.

  Although he doesn't look very good on a daily basis, even the street gangsters are enough for him to drink a pot. From this point of view, Doctor Strange has thrown him more than a hundred streets.

  However, he also has many sturdy records.

  Archimedes once said, give him a fulcrum, and he can move the whole earth.

  If this sentence is put on Jhon's head, it means that as long as he is given a certain amount of time to prepare, it doesn't matter whether you are an angel or a devil, he can still show you your death.

  In terms of record, John is definitely not inferior to Doctor Strange.

  So from this point of view, Jhon can basically be said to be one of the most powerful mages in the DC world, because compared to the record, there are really few who can compete with him.

  This is also the reason why Raymond's heartbeat temporarily stopped for a moment when he saw that [Bronze-Character Card] could actually activate Him.

  Let alone comparing it with other bronze-level sub-personalities, Tao Pai Pai and Akainu, the two silver-level sub-personalities, are all scumbags in front of him.

  But if you refer to his daily strength, any bronze-level sub-personality can crush him.

  Overall, this product is a huge contradiction.

  Whether it is his acting style or his personal strength, it is full of contradictions.

  But no matter what you say, John is Hell Blazer!

  Whether it's someone who likes him or someone who hates him, he can't deny his ability.

  If Raymond now encounters an enemy that is completely invincible at this stage, even if he switches to Tao Pai Pai and Akainu, the two silver-level sub-personalities, they will be easily crushed by the opponent's finger, then he will be replaced by Jhon at this time. On the field, the situation may be different.

  Because of this, Raymond actually didn't understand why the system put John in the column of bronze-level sub-personalities.

  If he were to calculate it, he should at least be at the gold level.

  "Could it be that the system's rank judgments for such a character whose strength fluctuates greatly is based on the lowest value?" Raymond thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way to explain it.

  Otherwise, his situation should not have been classified as Bronze anyway.

  "So... I've missed it?"

  Looking at the extra character of John Constantine in the information column, Raymond must be overjoyed.

  This time, although he didn't use the bronze-level character card to activate the silver-level personality like last time, but a strange creature like Hell Blazer can no longer be simply measured by level.

  His greatest power was never his magic, but his deception and stratagem.

  After observing this period of time, Raymond found that, the ingenuity of Kuro sub-personality is basically reflected in some small cleverness, but it is extremely lacking in the great wisdom at the strategic level.

  When asking him to help solve some small troubles, he may have some ideas that are different from Raymond and are very useful. For example, he thinks that the way to solve the troubles of the Hellfire Club is to break into it.

  But this kind of cleverness is ultimately too limited, and is not always the best choice.

  Jhon sub-personality is exactly the opposite of Kuro sub-personality, and his appearance can be regarded as making up for this lack.

  It's just that he also has a lot of concerns about his sub-personality.

  Just as he wasn't sure if he could hold Akainu's sub-personality, so was Hell Blazer's sub-personality.

  If there is trouble and let Jhon's sub-personality take action, Raymond must confirm in advance whether people close to him will be involved in this matter.

  A little negligence can lead to big mistakes.

  "Another big thorn..." Raymond rubbed his temples, thinking with a headache.


  In a Thai restaurant not far from the [Tri-Wing Building].

  Colonel Stryker was sitting alone in a private room eating, looking like he was waiting for someone.

  After a while, a Latino man in a suit and silver-rimmed glasses walked in from the door, sitting opposite Colonel Stryker, and poured himself a glass of wine.

  His name is Sitwell, and he is a level six agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  But more importantly, he was also one of Hydra's men lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.

  "Eating uncomfortable? Is it because Chief Fury?" Agent Sitwell asked with a smile, looking at Colonel Stryker who was struggling with food.

  "Are you here to laugh at me?" Colonel Stryker put down his knife and fork and looked at him coldly.

  "You are too sensitive, Colonel, we are allies." Agent Sitwell continued to laugh.


  Colonel Stryker snorted coldly, still looking a little dissatisfied, but it didn't affect him taking out a folder from behind and threw it to the opposite Sitwell agent.