
Marvel: Infinite Personalities

MC ends up in the marvel world but with the ability to gain and switch to personality of fictional characters. Each switch of personality will give the MC all of that personality abilties and power levels but at the same time their attitudes. This leads to an confusing and interesting MC that changes the canon. _________ This is not mine, I'm just translating it and editing it. So, sorry for any mistakes. __________ Editing to make it readable and somewhat logical is hard, so please support the book. Thank you. _______ Eventhough the MC has a system, don't expect him to be able to defeat Thanos in the first two chapters.

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 65: The 2nd Silver Sub-personality.

  "Sure enough, it's just as I initially guessed."

  "Since even encountering the so-called 'plot characters' system will give rewards, there is no reason that interacting with them wouldn't give rewards."

  "It seems that the reason why there's no response is because the previous level of interaction has not yet reached the standard determined by the system."

  "This time, I joined the Hellfire Club directly, and I also became the 'Black Bishop', one of the core members of the club. Compared with the previous interactions, the impact is indeed much greater..."

  In the bedroom, Raymond sat cross-legged, silently recalling the experience of the past few days.

  Since the first time he obtained the exploration value, he had guessed in this regard, thinking that the reward of the system could not be just for encountering a certain plot character so one-sidedly.

  If this is the case, why bother to create an operation to exchange exploration values ​​for general points?

  Why not directly reward system points?

  Although the development value that suddenly appeared this time was unexpected, it was also reasonable.

  From the very beginning, he wanted to test whether there were other ways to harvest system rewards, but when he was in the hospital, the only one he could test on was David, and he didn't want to die, so he delayed it.

  After leaving the hospital, in fact, to a certain extent, he has been interacting with the so-called plot characters, including officially joining the S.H.IE.L.D. Academy and so on.

  But it is a pity that these actions obviously did not meet the standard of the system.

  After a long time, Raymond wondered if he was thinking too much.

  Maybe the system really only has a reward method for encountering plot characters, and there is no reason to exchange exploration points for system points. It just happened to be set like this?

  Until the concept of development value suddenly appeared this time, he finally did not doubt.

  There is a one-to-one exchange ratio of exploration value, and naturally there should be other exchange ratios of one-to-something else value, otherwise, this setting of the system is really not reasonable.

  However, the way to obtain exploration value is not mentioned in 'newbie guide', although after the appearance of development value, there is a part of introduction in it, but it also does not include how to obtain development value. This situation should belong to Raymond himself to explore.

  "In other words, my thinking is not wrong."

  Raymond touched his chin and pondered to himself: "If I want to get rewards from the system, in addition to encountering different new plot characters, I do have to interact with them more, but the system determines if the interaction method for obtaining development points is enough. It's that simple, it has to reach a certain level..."

  "So, according to this example, if I can become a high-level executive of S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy or even its principal, can I also get development points?"

  "Or... destroying a certain organization, will the reward be higher?" Raymond's thoughts diverged, and there were already many feasible routes for getting wool in his mind.

  Of course, whether it works or not, this still needs to be tried.

  But at least one more option.

  But that's all for later, he doesn't have much sense of crisis now, he can slow down and take his time, there is no need to put pressure on himself.

  "Let's see how to exchange it is more appropriate, the system, display my information-"

  The next moment, his data panel appeared in his mind:

  [ Host: Raymond ]

  [ Strength: 2.4, Agility: 3.2, Constitution: 2.1, Spirit: 1.8 ]

  [ Abilities: Kuro's Fighting Skills ]

  [ Exploration value: 390, Development value: 300 ]

  [ Sub-personality: 'Hundred Plans Kuro, 'Deathshot' Floyd, 'The World's No. 1 Killer' Tao Pai Pai ]


  Seeing that the exploration value in the data column has become 390, and there is an additional column of development value, in order to facilitate memory, Raymond directly converted all the exploration value and development value into system points.

  This leaves him with 1890 system points.

  This is called a sudden wealth!

  For him, who used to feel distressed when using 10 system points not long ago, but now he suddenly has nearly 2,000 general points, which has definitely reached the standard of sudden wealth!

    At this moment, Raymond deeply felt that his life has reached its peak.

  However, with emotion, it is still important to get down to business.

  "System, exchange for a [Silver-Character Card]—"

  After thinking for a while, he decided to exchange only one silver-level character card for the time being, and then decide whether to continue to exchange a few bronze-level character cards to try his luck after seeing the situation.

  Although there are still 890 system points left, enough for him to exchange eight bronze-level character cards at one time.

  But the ordinary bronze-level sub-personality really doesn't mean much to him now.

  Unless exchanging for some abilities that don't overlap with the previous sub-personalities, or hitting the jackpot like when he got the Tao Pai Pai sub-personality before, otherwise, it's basically a waste.

  So just wait and see.

  [ Do you want to activate a [Silver-Character Card] immediately? ]

  [ Yes / No ]


  [ [Silver-Character Card] is being activated... ]

  [ Silver sub-personality - 'Akainu' Sakazuki, successfully activated! ]

  [ Prototype background: 'Akainu' Sakazuki, from the world of One Piece, the current fleet admiral! ]


  "Red dog?" (PS: Akaino is letirally red dog)

  Seeing that the sub-personality exchanged this time was actually Akainu, Raymond frowned subconsciously, but he didn't react as much as when he saw Tao Pai Pai's sub-personality last time.

  He really didn't like Tao pai Pai, it was purely a personal feeling, while for Akainu, his feelings were a little fluctuating.

  When watching One Piece, he really didn't like Akainu because he was in the perspective of the protagonist. At least among the three generals of the Marines, Akainu is definitely the most annoying one.

  Whether it is the lazy Aokiji or Kizaru, they are far more pleasing than an inhumane guy like Akainu.

  But from the perspective of the Marines, Akainu seems to be the only one among the three generals who has always been doing things in a down-to-earth manner.

  On the other hand, the blue pheasant (Aokiji) and the yellow monkey (Kizaru), they are is ambiguous with the pirates, the one who is slippery all day long, and who can be lazy, all of which can be used as a negative typical.

  Anyway, Raymond is not so disgusted with Akainu now, and he has already turned around.

  Being able to exchange for Akainu is also quite satisfactory to him.

  Because Akainu is strong enough!

  The introduction is just a short sentence - the current fleet admiral!

  There is no redundant description, because this identity is enough to explain everything!