
Marvel: Infinite Personalities

MC ends up in the marvel world but with the ability to gain and switch to personality of fictional characters. Each switch of personality will give the MC all of that personality abilties and power levels but at the same time their attitudes. This leads to an confusing and interesting MC that changes the canon. _________ This is not mine, I'm just translating it and editing it. So, sorry for any mistakes. __________ Editing to make it readable and somewhat logical is hard, so please support the book. Thank you. _______ Eventhough the MC has a system, don't expect him to be able to defeat Thanos in the first two chapters.

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 64: Ecstasy!

  "Is that so..."

  Carl said this for the sake of him. If Raymond couldn't understand it again, there must be a problem with his brain.

  If the Hellfire Club's situation is really what Carl said, then his concerns can indeed be said to be a false.

  Everyone has selfishness, and there is no need to worry about whether new members have selfishness.

  However, this is the only way to explain why the core members of the Hellfire Club have various identities, but they still have little influence.

  "The general situation is like this. If you want to join, doctor, it is impossible for us to refuse you with your strength, but I still have to say some things up front to avoid unpleasant troubles in the future..." Juggernaut took Carl's words, and explained a few words to Raymond succinctly.

  That is, the "ugly words in the front" link in the saying.

  The content is also very simple. It is nothing more than that after joining the club, you must not deliberately harm other core members. Once discovered, you will be hunted and killed by all members, and you will surely die!

  In addition, although there is no necessary binding force between the core members, there is no rule that whoever is in trouble, others must help, but some things are mutual.

  If you don't help other people in trouble, they won't help you in the future.

  Of course, this kind of help is usually not free. Generally speaking, the recipients need to be careful. To put it bluntly, they need to pay something.

  In general, the rules of the Hellfire Club are still very loose.

  Even the Juggernaut, the black king, the nominal leader of the club, is not an absolute superior to the other core members.

  Other core members have the right to ignore the orders he issued.

  But most of the time, no one will not give him this face, after all, respect is mutual.

  After hearing this, Raymond suddenly felt that joining the club was not a bad thing.

  Because, the advantages of joining the Hellfire Club definitely outweigh the disadvantages, or for every member who joins the Hellfire Club.

  As long as this layer of identity is used reasonably, it will undoubtedly bring great help.

  Of course, the risk cannot be said to be zero, but it depends on personal fortune.

  Anyway, it seems that even the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy has more rules than the Hellfire Club. His decision to join the club is definitely not a big problem.

  When Raymond once again confirmed that there was no problem, Juggernaut gladly accepted his membership and gave him a special identity plate representing the title of 'Black Bishop'——

  "Don't worry too much about this, it's just used to identify your identity for those who don't know all the core members. I'll inform them of your participation one by one for the other core members, and you will get to know each other at the end of the year gathering." After handing the nameplate to Raymond, Juggernaut laughed.

  Raymond took the nameplate, nodded and asked again, "I heard that the club seems to have a total of 16 positions for core members. How many positions are still vacant if you add me?"

  "Before you joined, there were still four vacancies, and now there are only three left." The big tank replied with a smile, but did not further explain which positions were vacant.

  Raymond didn't ask any more questions after seeing this. Anyway, according to the words of Juggernaut, the club should have a gathering at the end of the year. At that time, he will naturally know which positions are vacant.

  "Then, on behalf of the club, I welcome you, Doctor!" Seeing that Raymond had no questions for the time being, the Juggernaut made a final decision and welcomed Raymond as the Black King.


  "Ding dong—"

  "You successfully joined the 'Hellfire Club' and became the new 'Black Bishop', development value +300"

  "You can convert the development value into system points, and the exchange ratio is one to five"

  "When you get the development value for the first time, the system will activate some new functions. You can meditate on the 'newbie guide' function in your mind to explore the specific situation!"


  "Development value? One to five?"

  Seeing the sudden prompt in his mind, Raymond was ecstatic!

  Although he tried his best to control himself and prevent himself from laughing, the surprise came so suddenly that he almost couldn't control himself.

  This change made his expression suddenly look a little distorted!

  This reaction of his fell in the eyes of the three in front of him, especially in the eyes of both Psylock and Carl, who had witnessed his sudden 'sickness' not long ago. It was undoubtedly a very familiar feeling.

  "No, he's sick again!"

  The two of them made this judgment in unison, and at the same time retreated backwards!

  A pair of translucent and energetic wings suddenly grew from the back of Psylock, driving her to float backwards, while Carl directly transformed into a crystal sculpture.

He fell directly to the ground and turned into a wheel, rolling backwards——

  In the blink of an eye, the two had already retreated dozens of meters, watching from a distance, wanting to see if Raymond had done anything drastic, so that they could decide whether to continue retreating.

  Only the red tank was left standing alone in front of Raymond, not knowing what to do...


  After sending the three away, Raymond still couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, and soon returned home, ready to figure out what the new development value was.

  It has to be said that the previous reactions of Psylock and Carl really made him a little embarrassed.

  Because it was obvious that both of them felt that his situation became abnormal again.

  However, he didn't explain anything deliberately. This kind of thing itself is getting worse and worse. Even if he bluntly said that he was not mentally ill, they would not believe it.

  Furthermore, this is itself a cover for his abilities.

  There is no need to solve this kind of misunderstanding, just let them go.

  What he cares more about now is the sudden development value!

  If this development value is just like the exploration value, them the system points are exchanged on one-to-one ratio, he will be very happy to get 300 points at one time, but he will definitely not lose his composure like before.

  But the problem is, the exchange ratio is actually one to five!

  What is the concept of one to five?

  These 300 development points can be directly exchanged for 1500 general points!

  He has met so many plot characters before, even with the unexpected surprise of Director Fury, the exploration value of the total harvest is only half of the harvest this time!

  With this harvest, no matter how unlucky he is, he can get another sub-personality on the same level as Tao Pai Pai!

  Moreover, in addition to the 1500 general points that he can exchange for a [Silver-Character Card], he can also save 500 points, plus the remaining general points, which is enough for him to spend in something else.