
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Movies
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88 Chs

Machine Man 83 Abomination Vs Specter

Standing tall, surrounded by wreckage, Abomination tried to swat away the golden orbs circling him, firing energy beams at him. Although the beams hurt, as evidenced by the burn marks on his body, they didn't cause serious damage. He also noticed his healing factor had grown more powerful, slowly recovering the wounds that previously would have remained.

Specter raising both of his arms, as the red circles in his pauldrons began to glow. The metals floating mid-air twisted into spears and hurtled towards Abomination at incredible speed. Abomination, seeing this, smiled and punched the incoming metals. Despite the numerous projectiles, his new strength made it feel effortless. He wanted a more enjoyable fight, something worthy of his newfound power—not mere tricks.

"Stop with the small tricks, Specter! And fight me like a man! You damn coward!" Abomination roared.

Specter appeared a few steps away, standing almost as tall as Abomination in his mechanized form. "As you wish!" he said, the golden orbs merging back into his body. "Let's do this mano a mano." As he knocked his two gigantic fists together, creating a metallic twang.

The two rushed towards each other. Specter, despite his bulky frame, zigzagged with incredible speed, making circles around Abomination. Seeing his opponents incredible speed again, Abomination halted and formed a guard, his military training kicking in. Specter flashed to his side and delivered a devastating body blow. Although Abomination blocked it, he was forced to take a few steps back. He crossed his arms, anticipating Specter's next move.

Specter quickly flew towards him and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to his guard, sending him tumbling to the ground skidding into a building's wall demolishing it in the process. Specter followed with a shoulder tackle, sending Abomination rolling inside, creating a huge dust cloud and scattering debris.

As the smoke cleared, Specter was surprise that Abomination seemingly disappeared, he scanned the area and saw him on the second floor, who was catching his breath and hiding. Using his thrusters, Specter flew up, pretending not to see him. Abomination, thinking it was a chance, rushed towards Specter, trying to punch his head.

Specter knowing about Abominations ploy, dodged and countered with a hook, which Abomination blocked with his arm, using his other arm, Abomination delivered a powerful uppercut to Specter's head, screaming, "Take this, you damn vigilante!" it connected, the force of around 100 tons is no joke even with Specters Adamantium mechanize body, he can feel it. Even with all the cyberware implants like pain editors, they doesn't seem to be of much help. Abomination taking the opportunity while Specters is momentarily stunned, followed up with two more body blows.

Specter annoyed, increase the power of his microrotos cyberware implant, increasing his power and reflexes. Dodging Abominations attacks, despite their size, Specter grabbed Abomination's head and delivered a sleeper slam, sending them crashing through the floor, all the way to the basement. Abomination, trying to stand, laughed. "Ha ha ha! That's more like it, Specter. More!" he screamed, enjoying the fight he had longed dream off, although his opponents is not Hulk, it was someone more fitting to be his opponent, not only is Specter more powerful than the untrained Banner for his perspective, Specter is actually a highly skilled combatant and is able to push him to his limits.

Specter, slowly getting up, chuckled. "Have a taste of this, then." He grabbed Abomination's neck and slammed him into the concrete wall. Abomination tried to wrestle free, squeezing Specter's mechanized arm, quickly asked. "What the hell is this thing made of?" Abomination growled, puzzled by the armor's resilience.

"Adamantium, bitch!" Specter replied, delivering a punch to Abomination's gut sending him buckling. Letting go of his opponent's neck, Specter aimed a punch at his head, but Abomination dodged. The wall behind crumbled from the immense strength of their clash.

"My turn!" Abomination laughed, raising his arm and punching out. The two traded blow after blow, their highly trained instincts giving way to primal ferocity.

"How the hell are you not flinching when you're getting hit in the face? Damn you! Are you some kind of pervert masochist?" Abomination taunted.

"Who are you calling masochist, you damn lunatic!" Specter cursed back.

They continued their brutal exchange, oblivious to their surroundings being reduced to rubble. Each punch and kick sent shockwaves through the building, causing it to collapse. The clash of their titanic strength created sonic booms, each impact like an earthquake.

The place was empty, the people we're luckily evacuated thanks to Overwatch, but the place lay in ruins as the two behemoths fought with unyielding ferocity.

Specter and Abomination, locked in combat, were surrounded by the fallen debris of the once-towering structure. Dust and smoke filled the air, mingling with the sounds of their clashes, each hit reverberating like thunder through the empty streets. The ground beneath them shook, cracked, and crumbled, but neither showed any sign of backing down.

"You think you can take me down with that toy armor of yours?" Abomination sneered, swinging a fist that Specter narrowly dodged.

"It's not just a toy, it's your worst nightmare," Specter retorted, landing a solid punch to Abomination's jaw that sent him staggering.

Specter's sensors alerted him to structural instabilities in the surrounding buildings. He knew they had to end this fight quickly, or the entire block might collapse. Focusing his cosmic energy, he upgraded his Cyber Skeleton to new limits, golden energy lines of cosmic energy, slowly lined across his armored body, the armored frames power increase, even surpassing its full capabilities, it morphs into something more menacing. The red circles on his pauldrons glowed brighter, and his fists crackled with energy.

Abomination, seeing the surge of power, grinned. "That's more like it! Bring it on!"

With a roar, Specter launched himself at Abomination, the ground cracking under the force of his leap. The two collided mid-air, creating a shockwave that shattered nearby windows. Specter's fists moved like pistons, each strike a blur as they pummeled Abomination. Despite his formidable strength, Abomination struggled to keep up with the relentless assault, jumping from one place to another while simultaneously hitting someone mid-air is a new experience to him and he just can't keep up.

The people seeing the fight were scared out of their wits, its like two titans battling in the air. Their battle creates sounds like thunder clap as they saw the air ripple in their clash. Spiderman seeing this, gulp "Well glad I'm not the one fighting there." He said, still finding it unbelievable that a human can reach that level of power, as he tried to help those in need. The same goes for the rest of the Ninja Turtles and Sandman who saw the fight, they are glad that Specter was powerful enough to handle someone as strong as Abomination, although they felt helpless inside, they felt and wish that they could do more to help.

The battle rage on as two huge figure clash, although Specter could see he was overpowering Abomination, their fight was taking longer than he expected. Glancing at Skynet's report, he noted that the military and SHIELD seemed to be planning an intervention.

"Sorry, Blonsky," Specter said, his voice echoing through the battle-ravaged street. "I'd love to continue the fight, but I don't want the army and SHIELD rushing here during our clash. Besides, we've destroyed enough private property." While, mumbling to himself about having to deal with property damage, he just needs to control the T-X Edgerunner disguise as him, to come here and make a donation and help out, It should be good publicity for his image which would be critical for his future plans.

Specter then increased the gravity around Abomination, who was in the midst of punching. Abomination's arm suddenly felt immensely heavy to the point where his arm hit the ground and he buckled down to his knees. "What the hell is happening?" he growled, glaring at Specter. "You damn cheater! What about your pride as a man?"

Specter, utilizing his ability to control gravity and magnetism, took advantage of the situation. He slowed Abomination down by increasing his weight through gravity manipulation. Additionally, he controlled the metal debris from the nearby surroundings, using magnetism to entangle Abomination's feet and hands, disorienting him further.

Ignoring Abomination's protests, Specter seized the opportunity quickly shifting the gravity to zero and delivered a powerful uppercut, sending Abomination flying through the air. The already battered buildings around them shattered further as Abomination hurtled skyward.

Activating his Sandevistan, Specter's speed increased dramatically, red lightning crackling around his massive frame. He soared through the air leaving after images, following Abomination as he hit him, sending him from one location to another mid-air. By lightening the gravity around himself and increasing it for his opponent, Specter launched a series of rapid blows. His punches broke the sound barrier, creating sonic booms with each strike.

After ten seconds, Specter's speed returned to normal, while Abomination, still conscious but badly injured to the point he can't move, screamed, "Damn you, Specter! I said no tricks!" His body, riddled with wounds and bruises, was a testament to the brutal onslaught.

Desperation fueled Abomination, but Specter's cosmic powers and strength proved too overwhelming for him. With a final, earth-shattering blow, Specter sent Abomination crashing down into the streets of Harlem.

Abomination tried to move his arms but found it difficult; his body was too injured. Despite his newfound strength, similar to the Hulk's, he lay defeated. While Specter, was hovering with the help of his boosters, remarked with a mocking tone, "It seems you're tougher than I thought."

Specter's left arm began to morph, becoming more sophisticated and transforming into a melee weapon. It took the shape of a pile bunker. With precision and speed, Specter moved towards Abomination and unleashed the pile bunker arm, hitting him squarely in the stomach. The firing hammer clicked, generating a harsh whooshing sound that was almost painful to hear.

With a massive explosion of sound, the Adamantium pile bunker smashed into Abomination with tremendous sheer physical force. Abomination's stomach was destroyed, revealing internal organs. Although still alive, he was unconscious, his body struggling to recover at a snail phase rate than usual.

Panting, Specter stood amidst the destruction, his armored body sparking and dented but still operational as the nanomachines quickly work its way replacing the damage parts and adamantium shell. He scanned the area, ensuring Abomination was truly knockout this time.

The surroundings were a stark contrast to the ferocity of their battle. The once a bustling area, was now a desolate wasteland of twisted metal and crumbling concrete. Buildings lay in ruins, their skeletal remains casting long shadows in the fading light. The ground was cracked and littered with debris, creating an eerie silence that was occasionally broken by the distant sounds of emergency sirens.

The fight was over, but the devastation left behind was a grim reminder of their clash. Specter activated his comms. "Overwatch, this is Specter. Abomination is down, but the area is heavily damaged. Continue the evacuation of any remaining civilians and secure the perimeter."

As he awaited a response, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was only a temporary victory. The real battle, he knew, was far from over.

Acknowledgments came through his earpiece, and Specter allowed himself a moment of relief. The battle was over, but the war was far from won.

Meanwhile at General Ross side.

The rhythmic thrum of rotor blades filled the interior of the military helicopter as it soared over the devastated cityscape. General Thaddeus Ross, a man of stern demeanor and unyielding determination, stood amidst his soldiers, his weathered face a mask of contemplation. Beside him, his daughter Betty Ross looked out the window, her eyes widening with every passing moment.

"General Ross," one of the soldiers called out, holding a tablet displaying a live feed from the battle below. "You need to see this."

Ross took the tablet, his brows furrowing as he watched the footage. The scene showed a massive figure, clad in a 12-foot-tall armored suit, controlling metal debris and manipulating what seems to be gravity with ease. The figure was engaged in a fierce battle with the Abomination, the same monstrous figure like Hulk that have wreak havoc in Harlem in an uncontrolled rampage. He later found out from a Soldiers report that Abomination was actually Emil Blonsky a soldier which he personally brought to his team.

"Unbelievable," Ross muttered, his voice barely audible over the helicopter's noise.

Betty, catching the look on her father's face, turned to him. "What is it, Dad? What's happening down there?"

Ross handed her the tablet, his jaw tightening. "See for yourself."

Betty's eyes widened as she watched the armored figure deftly dodge Abomination's attacks, then retaliate with a barrage of metal projectiles and gravity-manipulated strikes. "Who is that?" she asked, awe and curiosity mingling in her voice.

One of the soldiers, gripping his rifle tightly, shook his head in disbelief. "That's Specter, ma'am. We've heard rumors about a vigilante with a high-tech suit, but nothing like this. He took on Abomination and... won."

Ross turned to his soldiers, his voice commanding despite the helicopter's roar. "Prepare for a landing. We need to secure the area and take control of the situation. We can't let this... Specter operate unchecked, regardless of his intentions."

The helicopter descended, its shadow passing over the ruined buildings and scorched earth below. As they neared their landing zone, the full extent of the destruction became clear. The cityscape was a twisted mass of metal and rubble, evidence of the titanic clash that had taken place.

"General, incoming message from the ground team," a soldier reported, holding a radio to his ear. "They confirm Abomination is down. Specter is still in the vicinity."

Ross nodded. "Good. Let's make sure it stays that way."

The helicopter landed with a jolt, and the doors were flung open. Soldiers poured out, fanning into defensive positions. Ross and Betty followed, their boots crunching on the debris-strewn ground. The air was thick with dust, and the acrid smell of smoke lingered.

In the midst of the devastation stood Specter, his armored suit gleaming despite the damage it had sustained. He was watching over the unconscious form of Abomination, who lay battered and broken amidst the wreckage.

"Specter!" Ross called out, his voice carrying over the din. "This is General Ross of the United States Army. Stand down and identify yourself."

Specter turned towards them, while the red circles on his pauldrons is glowing ominously. His eyes, a ghostly blue hue, shimmered with an otherworldly intensity. The soldiers braced themselves, their weapons trained on the armored figure. "Or you'll do what?" Specter's voice rang out, mocking the general's authority.

In an instant, Specter's magnetic powers came into play, disarming the soldiers with a flick of his wrist. Their guns floated in the air, pointing towards their own users. Fear rippled through their ranks, their bravado crumbling in the face of Specter's power.

Betty stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and fascination. "You... you fought Abomination and you defeated him. How?"

Specter's visor tilted slightly, focusing on Betty. "I am Specter, Miss Ross. Abomination is a threat and he needed to be neutralized." as he slowly walks towards Abomination pointing his hands toward him.

Ross, sensing the situation slipping out of his control, stepped forward. "Stop right there, Specter. You are not to harm Blonsky. He's military property." Fearing that Specter might kill Blonsky and or worse destroy his body rendering it useless to him.

The Guns then release their safety and click, pointing toward the Soldiers and their General, putting them to a stop. They can feel that Specter is not threatening them, they can actually feel that if they ever overstep, he will surely end them, then and there.

From Specter's hand, a cloud of silver dust flew out - nanomachines. The silver cloud quickly enveloped Blonsky's body, the nanomachines working swiftly to remove all the gamma radiation cells and energy from Abomination. Specter even extracted some of the super soldier serum that was in his body. Although he can take all of the super soldier serum, Blonsky's body wouldn't be able to handle it and he would die, so he made sure to leave some.

He made sure, Blonsky will live, as he has big plans for someone of his caliber, in the near future Blonsky will surely be a big help when he enacts his plans. As for the gamma cells and energy, instead of absorbing them for himself, Specter placed them in a container to be studied later, securing it inside his armored suit.

Betty and the Soldiers gasp at what are they seeing, they could see Emil Blonsky slowly shifting back to his human forms. The bones in his body are settling back in place, his skin returning back to its normal color, his size and form turning into a human again. It was miraculous sight, not only have Specter reverted Blonsky back to his original state, he even healed his major injuries, while still leaving him unconscious.

"What did you do?" Ross demanded, his gaze flickering between Specter and the unconscious Blonsky.

Specter then turned towards Ross, "None of your concern," using his magnetism powers he use the metal in the surrounding making a makeshift stretcher and thew Blonsky to them, "Take your soldiers and leave, if you don't want to be lynch by a mob." It was at this moment that the Soldiers, found out that the people are slowly converging at them.

They can hear words from the people, saying that the Overwatch was right, it was the military that had cost all this, that they we're the ones responsible with the destruction of Harlem, they can specially feel the angers thrown at General Ross, especially when he said that Blonsky was militaries property, the soldiers felt that their General had just dug themselves a pit.

General Ross, not hearing what Specter just said, replied in anger "Answer me! what did you do!" while looking at Emil Blonsky's human form while simultaneously pointing his anger at Specter, he feared that Specter have removed the thing that have given Blonsky that God like strength. Betty seeing the mob closing in, try to get his fathers attention asking them to leave this place, completely forgetting about Banner.

Specter's eyes glowed more intensely as he spoke, "This is not a warning, Ross. Take your men and get out of here before I personally make you." The red circles on his pauldrons then glowed red, and the gravity around them shifted, becoming heavier. From the soldiers to Ross and Betty, quickly found themselves having a hard time to move and struggling to breathe. Specter then raised his left arm and commanded, "Leave," his mechanized voice as threatening as ever. As he showed his power by crushing the debris around them, ensuring not to target the helicopter with Ross and his company. Afterwards, he released his hold over gravity, returning it to normal. The soldiers quickly took Blonsky, while Betty grabbed her father, rushing them off to the helicopter.


last chapter for the week, as always thank you for liking this halfarse fanfic. cheers~

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